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What's in your CD/MP3/iPod/8-Track/Cassette player?


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Christine Wall said:

Right at this moment, what's in your CD player/MP3/iPod/8-Track/Cassette?

Barry Manilow's Ultimate CD

At this very moment, my eight-track has... oops, wrong decade!!! oops.gif

My CD player has the KJV book of Revelation in it right now. I listen to it every night when retiring to bed. I've been alternating it with Genesis.

Over... and over... and over... I listen to it night after night. It is richly rewarding. smile.gif

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Lifescapes: Praise and Worship

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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The car's CD player has Songs for Worship for Kids.

The house one has "Glad" and two "Cathedrals." We're sort of conservative.

Right now, the DVD is playing "Gabriel's Christmas Story," a production of the local Assembly of God, which is put on every Christmas for the community. Very impressive! angel1.gif

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Ok, I'll probably get ribbed for this one but, in the car player is ABBA's greatest hits. I have found this one to be particularly good at keeping me awake when Im driving at 4am.

<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-style:italic;">"Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you."</span></span> Eph 4:29</span><br><br><img src="http://banners.wunderground.com/weathersticker/gizmotimetemp_both/US/OR/Fairview.gif" alt="Fairview.gif"> Fairview Or</p>

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The soundtrack from Amadeus, Monsters of Rock, Rosemary Clooney's Greatest Hits, The Gospel According to Jazz and Creedence Clearwater Revival's Chronicle.

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I think its rubbing off on the kids. Tonight as we were driving my seven year old son pointed to the the moon, which was hanging red over the horizon, and said, "Look dad, there's a bad moon risin'" (Creedence Clearwater Revival) I'm still chuckling over that.

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Right now I am listening to "I Think about Grace" & "Makin' Memories"by Linda Shelton. Her ex-husband sings on two of them with her. Sort of sad, the song they sing about each other. Linda's music is inspiring! I feel so close to the Lord as I hear her sing the words God has given for her to write just for me.

"I Will Not Let You Go." I have been where Jacob was as she sings I can't let God go because there is no place to go except to Jesus.

Years ago I prayed, as a non-Christian, that God would not come until I had lived all of my sinful desires. He answered me and let me go on my delightful way.

Today I look back and remember, and laugh at how stupid I was. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I was living it up in style! I was the manager of the AAFES BX, (Army and Air Forces Exchange Service, Base Exchange) therefore I knew everybody and went to every party. Everyone knew me. I was fun and the life of the party. I had fun. I also got the best write up for my store being the top AAFES in the Pacific. I got to cut ribbons and even smashed champagne bottles on ships. I had the top in sales of all the stores in the Pacific.

I was a workaholic. I didn’t need sick or vacation days. There were months I never took a day off. When I did, my best friend and I would go to the top of the radar site and get where no one could see us and sun bathe. Or we traveled around, especially in Japan.

Then the day came when God gave me a wakeup call. I didn’t listen so He waited for me. The fun was only temporary. It was just for that moment. All of the sudden, there was nothing meaningful anymore. I was married; had 2 of the most beautiful children in the world; they were well mannered and obedient; I had a husband and he tired of the fast life too. Where do you turn? No not yet. It took me longer than it did my husband.

My best friend landed in San Antonio and was waiting for my return to stand up at her second marriage. She promptly dumped her 1st husband the minute they returned to the US. So I went. My husband stayed behind. This was my first introduction to Satanism out of New Orleans.

I won’t talk about that.

Time passed. While I was in San Antonio, my H was listening to an evangelistic series at my sister’s house! My brother-in-law had become SDA while we were out of the country. We both warned them not to even try to cram it down our throats or we would leave. Here was my husband looking to Christ and I was getting tied up with Satan. I spent 6 weeks with Debbie. I should never have gone.

I came home to a person who wanted to attend church and I am serving Satan and had no intention of changing.

I smoked like a smoke stack, and my language was rough at times, yet I was very refined, and only swore in swearing company. My h was a big smoker too. I was not ready for a change, but God is so good. He brought me a miracle.

Luckily, we arrived at Blytheville, AFB and there was no church! Yes!

One day my h said we were all going to church. He had gotten the address of the SDA church 65-70 miles away. So I grumbled and said OK. We were all ready to go when the phone call came for my h to report for duty. A surprise inspection! Well here I was with the address and no phone number. The kids were excited, so I decided to go find the church and then paint the town with the kids. We would have a blast.

I got to town and decided to not stop and get directions so then we wouldn’t have to go, right? So I told the kids I couldn’t find it and my daughter, almost 8 yrs old, said she knew the way. I told her, “Oh, yeah? Well tell me”! I decided to have some fun.

She said, “Well we have to go straight until it rains”. I looked; there was not a cloud in the sky! She told me to keep going “it would rain”. So I drove a ways and she said, "It will rain really soon, Mom". I looked up and saw the street name Raines! She shouted “Turn right here Mom!”

I was in the right lane so I turned right and she said, “All we need now is steel!” I slowed down and we started looking for steel. I had forgotten all about the address of the church and we were having great fun looking for steel. I stopped at the stop sign at the corner at Steele Avenue! Beverly was almost ecstatic.

“Look, Mom!” The church was a jag to the left at 302 Steele Ave.! She had led us right to the church! We went in and stayed.

My smoking got me in trouble. I needed a smoke! I was shaken by what had just happened. I snuck out to the front entrance to go out to the street to smoke and was met by one armed, Brother Matthews. He asked me is he could help me, I told him I needed to go to the street or the car to have a smoke. He looked at me and said, “Why don’t you light up and we can talk right here?”

I did. Right there in the entry steps to the church! We had a divine conversation. Three cigarettes later I went back in and felt like a new person. {No I did not leave butts at the entry. I disposed of them in the trash can in the foyer! seenoevil.gif)

We stayed for fellowship luncheon. I had no more needs to smoke. I looked like Jezebel with my jewelry and make up and cigarettes. I am sure no one missed the smell of our smoke filled clothes.

We were accepted with open arms and invited to a couples house the next Sabbath. I accepted. If they could accept me, the least I can do was accept them.

That day God brought me a miracle through my daughter. How could she have known? God told her. It wasn’t easy from there in fact it was very difficult and all I could pray was, “Don’t You let me go! I will not let You go, but if I do, please hold on to me tightly!”

That was a beginning. This song reminds me of this small but significant miracle and my prayer. One day I would like to ask Linda about this song. God truly must have given it to her for me!

"I Think about Grace." This song shows me the love of God in my life and how everyone can have this same Grace. To me, this is a wonderful encouraging message.


“The love of my Saviour for me; was blind but now I can see. I have a new destiny. Now I just have to stop and think about Grace; the love of my Father; my debt of sin is forgiven; I have a reason for living; Marvelous, Amazing grace. I think about Grace. His Grace reaches out to each generation; to every kindred, tongue and nation; God will provide a vast supply to all who ask; High as the sky; deep as the ocean is the Grace of God in motion; come to the place, feel His embrace; just think about Grace. I think about Grace; the love of my Saviour for me; was blind, but now I can see. I have a new destiny. Now I just have to stop and think about Grace; the love of my Father; my debt of sin is forgiven, I have a reason for living; Marvelous, Amazing grace! I think about Grace, Grace, God’s Grace that can pardon and cleanse within; Marvelous, Amazing grace; Wonderful life changing Grace. Think about Grace. I think about Grace.”

This is also my understanding of grace. I could not say it better!

"I Know Jesus" is indeed how I feel. It cannot be explained to others. It is an experience we each must find. When we can all say, "I know Jesus," we may see his face sooner than we think. It is the answer to all our needs indeed.

"We have come to Worship, but I have to Serve you"

How many are the times I have gone to church and left the same as I came in because I did not listen to what the message was for me? In fact, the Godliest man I have ever met was preaching his 1st sermon in our church. His sermon was on Love. It made me so angry, I went and sat in the car and refused to go back in! Satan did not want me to hear the Word of God.

I did not listen and allow for God to serve me and serve others through me. Finally, after years of giving up my way for His, things changed. I was able to be served and serve others again. There is no greater blessing. I had the privilege of working 6 years side by side with the preacher I spoke of. He remains the Godliest man I have ever met. So is his wife by the way. We are still best friends after all these years. He spoke at our daughter’s funeral. He knew her up close and personal and it was the most moving words he has ever spoken in my hearing.

He and his wife were by our sides as the Medical Examiner came to pronounce her dead. They sat with us in my office for hours while they did what they had to do. They took pictures of everything. It was like a crime scene. Hours later when they finally said they were about to take her, I went to her where we had given her CPR and begged for God to give her life and me death. I talked to Barbara there on the floor by my side. I looked at him and said, “I know she can’t here me.” He said, “I know. Talk to her.” I did. It is so hard to have love taken away so suddenly. Just boom and she was gone. I know where her breathe is. It is safe and will be returned to her one day soon. If I should die before the 2nd coming, we will rise together side by side, my mother will be there and any others in the family that should be there too.

"Time out" Take time out to look and listen to find out a better way. Look at nature and find God's Love. In essence, time is all that we can give to God. Our tithes and offerings are already His. Yet, when we take time out to look and listen, we will find a better way. Take time out to See, Hear, and Feel God's Love today!

"Take the Higher Road" With this song I can relate to Linda and God. I too, am a mother pleading to my children. I have shared this song with them. Do they feel what I feel? Only the ones with children understand it.

The Love of God is closely related to the parent/child relationship.

I grew up without a father and did not understand what a father was until I found God our Father. I did not know what a marriage was about until I met Jesus Christ. I had no earthly father to show me what a husband was. Not until I had children did I more fully understand what true love really was. It drew me even closer to my Creator and Saviour with greater understanding.

"Your Way is Better than My Way". Amen. I have danced on table tops (No, not as a stripper! I was always fully clothed in a floor length dress! OK, so it was slit up the thigh a little bit!) as my husband acted funny and loudly acted crazy and hid under several tables!

I had my 1st drink at age 21. I drank the whole bottle and made them play Tom Jones, “Delilah”, over and over again crying and making a fool of myself. Everyone there thought I was great entertainment. Going to the club every week end became our habit. Yes, I slept in on Sundays. I would get up and get the kids dressed and allowed a Baptist bus come by to pick up my kids and baby sit them until 12:30!

This continued until my daughter asked me a God question that I could not answer. I usually only drank coke, but I have drank, but not frequently; now not at all. I did not need booze to have a good time or loosen up. I am very much a WYSIWYG person. I liked remembering everything. I was the one who always drove home, except the night I celebrated my 21st.

I praise God my husband or I were not alcoholics. We should have been. My father was an alcoholic. All of my husband’s family is filled with alcoholics. Some have moved to recovering alcoholics. But, God came through my child saying to me, "My way is better...” And it was and is. But it was not for me right then. More had to happen before my heart was prepared!

"Makin' Memories" Memories with God are the best ever. Those times prayer is answered or God intervenes for me. Those memories are so vital to my relationship with the Father and Son and Holy Sprit.

During these moments I feel God's presence right beside me through the Holy Spirit; I take a picture so I will remember that closeness. No, I can't see the Holy Spirit, Father or Jesus beside me in the picture, but I can remember the thoughts and feelings of our relationship. These memories are worth a million dollars. Capturing those moments in time is so precious to me.

When discouraged, I can see pictures and see how the Lord led before and increase my faith through how He has led me in the past.

When things get overpowering, I am reminded that other things are so unimportant. With Him by my side all things are possible.

"Jesus, I really need you!" Yes, more than ever! The heartaches do still come, but I realize I can't face tomorrow without the Holy Spirit, Father or Jesus. I need Them when the rain falls. I need Them to live or die. Yes, I need Jesus more than ever.

“It's all about God" These stories are thrilling!


“It is not about me; it's not about you; not about what we say and do... It's all about strength; it's all about power; all about what we need this hour; all about Jesus; it’s all about God.

We have it all just for the asking. Why? Because everything is about Jesus and about God!

"Only Jesus" This has such meaning to me. I know I am not alone and I know He’d rather be right here comforting me with my needs. He always knows just what I need.

"You are the one" breaks my heart. However, it is one of my favorite! Linda knows what love is! As I listen to it, I think about the love of God is a gift from heaven. I am sorry to say I do not have a love like this with my h where we both share the same oneness with God. This is not to say I don’t love my h. It just means that we will never have the God love because he no longer believes. I am not able to share as I would like. He is so bitter and angry, he curses God.

I spend my Sabbaths alone. He spends his with the TV. This breaks my heart. How did this happen? We have come full circle it seems. I talk to God about it and He has not given me the assurance of his soul being saved at a later time. I just keep praying for him and my children. I cry and ask God what happened? Why did you allow this to happen? I know in my heart it was not God, it is the person letting go of God. So I pray now, "I will not let you go. Don’t let me, my h, my children or my families go. Hold us even tighter should any of us let go!"

I pray that I will soon have the perfect love to take and give.


I praise God Linda is now free and has Jesus Christ with her, through the Holy Spirit and the Father, every minute of the day just as He is here for me. Satan has had a hay day. I praise God he knows her heart. God knows that lies are only that, lies. I rejoice she has been and will continue to be a child of God more than ever.

"The Wonder of God" I too, am reaching still higher and higher to know the ultimate wonder of God. I can feel His presence. I can see him in nature. As the wind blows I can feel the power of God.

In my photographs I have many nature shots of God's creation. I can no longer go and see these places, but I can remember how close I was with Jesus, through the Holy Spirit. In my box, He is still here; in the quiet of the night; in the early sunrise; in the flowers out the window; in the love of my 3 lb. Chihuahua; in music; in the books I read. I am mostly alone, but God is here by my side and I am complete. Yes, I am reaching higher and higher for the ultimate wonder of God.

"Make My Life Yours Today" This is my desire. I want to give myself to Him everyday I have been given. I REALLY love Him and want to serve Him the rest of my days.

After all this I have listen to these messages for hours now. I wanted to share with you the important place music is in the Christian life.

I give Glory to God for all he has done and is doing in my life. Music has always moved my spirit, but now only Godly music can make my heart break and can make me soar. The messages are so clear. My goal is to follow Jesus so closely that I will never again desire the world. I meant all the vows and I am a Seventh-day Adventist. I believe in the Spirit of Prophecy. I’ve read those red and black books and still read them. I love my bible. I know have to read from the computer so I can read in larger letters, but the blessing is the same. Try it, you will be amazed.

Today I went to the piano and tried to play again and couldn't. The sorrow hit me hard. Yet Linda has lifted me to where all is well with me and the Lord. I trust Him with my life.

These song, in particular, lift me higher and higher. Thank you Linda for following God’s leading and ministering to my heart and soul in so many ways; particularly tonight as I have shared more than I should have.

The greatest want of the world is the want of men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true & honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty..., men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.{Ed 57.3}

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I purchased my Linda Shelton CDs from her Website, http://www.lindashelton.org

At this minute, I have the manila mailing envelope (the envelope the CDs came in) sitting on a marble table in the living room with a "Delivery Confirmation" sticker on it. It's been sitting there for a long time and it reminds me every time I see it to say a little prayer for Linda. I will also include you, Fran, in my prayers. In fact, over the months (maybe more than a year) I have included you, already.

I have the following Linda Shelton CDs:

Makin' Memories


I Think About Grace

A Picture of His Love

My niece, Renae, age 18, absolutely adores Linda Shelton. And whenever a family member mentions Linda's name, Renae's face lights up. Linda is one of the very few people to whom Renae will listen. We have a 3ABN TV downlink and Renae used to watch Linda almost every day.

My favorite tune on the album, "I Think about Grace" is "Your Way is Better." During some really trying times in my life, that is the song that has come to mind.

His way is better.


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Thanks for your prayers! I must include you in mine. It is good to hear others are as inspired as I am. I still pray for Linda daily too.

I do draw closer to God through her delivery of God's messages for me. I am glad they are the same for you and your niece.

3ABN still has not filled the hole that was created when Linda was removed.

You are ABSOLUTELY right, " His ways are better..."

The greatest want of the world is the want of men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true & honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty..., men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.{Ed 57.3}

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Fran your testimony has blessed me greatly

there is a poem called 'the hound of heaven'.

God doesnt let go!

What tenacious LOVE!

i have GODSPELL by my record player

ooo i love that music

day by day, day by day

o dear Lord

three things i pray

to see Thee more clearly

love Thee more dearly

Follow Thee more nearly

day by day

All progress in the Spiritual Life is knowing and Loving GOD

"there is non upon earth that I desire besides YOU" PS 73:25

That perspective changes EVERYTHING-suffering and adversity are the means that makes us hungry for GOD. Disapointments will wean us away wordly occupations. Even sin(when repented of) becomes a mechanism to push us closer to HIM as we experience His Love and Forgiveness.

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I also love that song. Thank you for bringing it to my mind!

The greatest want of the world is the want of men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true & honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty..., men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.{Ed 57.3}

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praise GOD!

All progress in the Spiritual Life is knowing and Loving GOD

"there is non upon earth that I desire besides YOU" PS 73:25

That perspective changes EVERYTHING-suffering and adversity are the means that makes us hungry for GOD. Disapointments will wean us away wordly occupations. Even sin(when repented of) becomes a mechanism to push us closer to HIM as we experience His Love and Forgiveness.

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Reading Fran's testimony, so many scenes from Linda's music videos came to mind. "Time Out", and "I Will Not Let You Go" are my favourites. I am blessed by the CDs, but for whatever reasons, the videos have a much stronger impact on on me. I have the DVD of all her music videos and enjoy it regularly.

I know this is about audio, but many of Linda's songs have been made into music videos that tell a powerful story. They used to be distributed by 3ABN, but aren't any longer. A variety of other television networks and stations around the world now carry them. Linda owns the distribution rights to those videos but hasn't chosen to release them... yet. I find it sad to see something like that locked away on the masters when they could bless and minister to so many people if they were made available. I just hope that enogh people who are aware of those videos will go to her website and encourage her to release them.

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