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Opinions on the ratio of 'traditiona' vs 'evangelical' Adventists?


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That is not speaking different truths. It is proceeding step by step but not in the same order. Sooner or later I would face my use of tobacco and you would face the Sabbath.

But it would be all in God's time and in accord for what God wanted for us.

Excellent logic, however it does not address these two characteristics involved in humankind.

"You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

John 8:44 NASB

"“Then, at the place where they were told,

‘You are not my people,’

there they will be called

‘children of the living God.’”

And concerning Israel, Isaiah the prophet cried out,

“Though the people of Israel are as numerous as the sand of the seashore,

only a remnant will be saved.

For the Lord will carry out his sentence upon the earth

quickly and with finality.”"Romans 9:26-28 NLT

"“Make this announcement to Israel,

and say this to Judah:

Listen, you foolish and senseless people,

with eyes that do not see

and ears that do not hear.

Have you no respect for me?

Why don’t you tremble in my presence?"Jeremiah 5:20-22 NLT

God cares! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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The more we'd involved into this comparative study, the more is the obligation for us to be aware of His warning: "I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth." (Rev.3:16)

Among those three groups: COLD and HOT, the middle ground LUKEWARM is the bitterest enemy, according to what our Living God says

In God's perspective...It's STILL much better the lost ones, terrorists, adulterers or etc...that openly say NO and totally don't believe to Adventism, rather than the LIBERAL Adventists (pick and choose whichever doctrine they like) which having open rebellion (misapplying the word "Progressive") but still stay in the church.

Who knows the end of the "COLD" ones lives.... Probably some of the "COLD" would say in the last minutes of their lives: "Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom."

"Indifference and neutrality in a religious crisis is regarded of God as a grievous crime and equal to the very worst type of hostility against God." (3T281)

Welcome to the modern liberal Adventism which consider the wrong is right and the right as "FANATICS". Yet I believe God won't stay neutral; He will do something. What do you say?


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Mel, there are people who are hot, cold and lukewarm in all the different branches. So are we to reject what Mrs. White wrote to Elder Washburn because we are finding those who reflect his views as on fire for the Lord, and see people as Mrs. White, Willie, A. G. Daniels etc. as cold for the Lord? Do we have to choose between Mark and Luke, one of them being on fire for Jesus and the other being cold?

We are all growing and learning, you are saying that I am not allowed to follow the dictates of my conscience and my honest understanding of the Bible and Mrs. White because I do not belong to the sub group that you see as the "Hot" group?

Or are you telling me that you don't belong to the hot group and thus while I may be ok, you have to give up your honest understanding of the Bible and Mrs. White to fit in with my group? Are we not free to evaluate the evidence and follow the dictates of our conscious?

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??????Care to explain how your post is related to topic????????

Or for that matter, even your quote. Are we on the same page?????

Lift Jesus up!!

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Kevin, thanks...but please stay focus on the topic...I am NOT talking about the BIble for any Theological philosophy. Rather, I am simply use the Word of God as a GUIDELINE.

Everybody has right and free to make their own long name-lists of who are cold or hot or who are lukewarm according to their own opinions.

However, this challenge is totally a whole different subject.

Who cares about Ellen White? Who cares about Daniel, Moses, Marthin Luther, Calvin, GC president, etc, etc....???

Yet somehow, stay simple in our Bible study. As if we go to our schools/works, while driving or playing sports...they all having their own rules, standards and guidelines--by its defaults.

How much more that the Lord should certainly tell us His standard and principals in His Word. To be specific, God already told us which one among those three (Cold, Hot and Lukewarm) that He will vomit them out, and why.

You can do whatever you want... and whatever you believe.

But again. God doesn't say about any individual here. NOT AT ALL; Yet He explains the guideline about His pre-warned action along with the reason behind His reaction.

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I like your last post Mel, but the one before was sounding like you were saying that one of these subgroups was who Revelation described as "Hot" the other was the one Revelation was describing as "Cold" and that the other subgroups were the "Lukewarm" and this was what was bothering me. We are all growing. And more "moderate" groups do not mean that they are lukewarm.

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three things Jesus said the spirit would do, one is convince or reprove the world of sin, and there we have highly individual messages from God, how we identify and experience and recognize our sin.

this is highly individual.

and second revealing the God's righteousness, and this is revealed in a way we can comprehend it, relate to it and worship God through our humanity and in our humanity,

this is very individual.

and of Judgement become the ruiler of this world is condemned, judged, and cast down,

it is as we experience and understand ourselves, God, and the kingdom of this world being temporary, and how we respond to that, is how we relate this to others......

God uses us and is willing to use any willing heart,

and some may fall in one category or another at different times,

but i do believe God is leading His Children, and he has no problems sorting it all out.

we all come from one perspective or another and are moving towards Christ, heaven begins here on earth, and is a ceaseless approaching God through Christ.

be careful you never know just where a person is approaching God from. this does not mean they are not approaching God, and it could be from any persuasion, any camp, any direction.

some may see others as evangelical, or others traditional, some all kinds of labels, but God does not see it as we see it. he sees people as responding to him or not from every direction.


Love awakens love.

Let God be true and every man a liar.

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