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TV Preachers ( Adventist )


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Keep on hearing Adventist Preachers always preaching about how bad everyone is, how this and that..

They really need to study the life of Christ and how he presented material.

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But, who are you listening to???

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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I now what you mean and I have a few of possibilities as to who you might be listening to so I would have trouble narrowing it down.

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It could be that is a continuing style for a couple of reasons...old style teachers(doom and gloom), scare people into change,( has never worked long term), or fear of being undifferentiated from other style TV preachers(preaching love and happiness).

Hard to change old habits!!

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What is the Bible's message? "I'm ok, you're ok?" Is it not, "There is none righteous, no not one. For ALL have sinned....?" And then points us to One who alone can transform us into a "new creation?"
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First I will start by saying that I don't have the first idea about what speaker you are going after. And I myself do not endorse every SDA preacher that one can find on the internet.

Keep on hearing Adventist Preachers always preaching about how bad everyone is, how this and that..

They really need to study the life of Christ and how he presented material.

But in this case you do identify Christ as a preacher - a source that is to be followed -- so let's try and figure out which of Christ's sermons you are promoting.

Then there is the "brood of vipers" sermon that Christ gave to the church leadership of his day - is that the one?

Or is it the "you make your converts twice the sons of hell as yourselves" sermon that He gave to his church leadership in Matt 23?

Or is it his sermon telling the laity that their righteousness must exceed the righteousness of church leadership in Matt 6?

Or is it the Mark 7 teaching of Christ - that the church leaders of his day were "making stuff up" and using that made-up doctrine to replace the actual commandments of God as found in Inspired Writing.

Or maybe it is the Matt 16 - "beware of the teaching of church leadership" sermon that he gave to the disciples?

Or is it the Matt 6 sermon about not deleting even one tiny fraction of the Law of God as if God told you to do it?

Or is it the Matt 7 sermon about church leaders coming in as sheep in wolves clothing that must be judged by their fruits?

Or is it the message about church leaders ignoring the prophets of God - when in fact those prophets of are the ones giving testimony about the coming of the Christ?

Christ was addressing a church on its last leg - its last 7 years of probation to be followed by the horrible death of almost everyone in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. His message to them was "oh how I WANTED to spare your children...but YOU would not" Matt 23.

His message to them was "upon YOU will come the guilt of all the innocent blood shed from Abel to this day" -- upon that every generation.

I am amazed that people who don't like these sorts of messages would point to the teaching of Christ - where we find these messages - as if that will get rid of that kind of preaching.

How in the world does that happen?

in Christ,


John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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  • 1 month later...

Excellent post, Bob!

That's the thing, we have to pay attention to ALL of Jesus' teaches -- even the "hard to hear" sermons!

I sometimes think that Adventists just don't realize that we are on the verge of the End of Time and the "Time of Trouble" (the word "trouble" doesn't denote fun things happening, folks) -- and the reality is the 2nd Coming is just around the corner and the Son of God will be coming "in power and great glory" and around 7 billion people on this planet are going to DIE....

Very few are going to respond to the Loud Cry -- and lots of our own SDA people are going to fall away -- BILLIONS of people around the world are going to be lost....**BILLIONS**!!!!

Yes, how do we wake them up?....

By listening to "hard sermons" by Adventist preachers and reading God's Word "to show yourself approved of God" with... uh... "fear and trembling"...!

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I was talking about TV Preachers, including Adventist (not all) who take an isolated evil unique event and act like "all the kids are doing this" and the see Jesus is coming soon.

ie Do you know what all these kids are doing now? They are delivering their babies at home and just dumping them in the nearest dumpster, see Jesus must be coming soon.

IMHO they need to be normal, talk about normals struggles and pain and not try to manipulate audiences by making something that is NOT normal and act like it is normal.

They are just lazy, and need to do home work.

How many babies were born this year? How many were put into dumpsters this year?

It is one reason why people who use that muscle between our eyes turn off on religion.

Just my opinion, am sure some will not agree.

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Administrator of a few websites like https://adventistdating.com


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There is a certain "shock value" of certain evil events that take place in the world around us, and preachers will occasionally use them as examples of the deterioration of humanity -- and we must get adapted to being able to hear these things and understand the overall view of the battle taking place between Good and Evil in the world -- yes, babies are dumped in dumpsters -- and I recall the Bible telling of people starving in Jerusalem and mothers actually eating their babies, that one actually shocked me more than the dumpster story.

While not every teenager is dumping their newborns in dumpsters, ALL teenagers have fallen natures that are doing the equivalent to separate them from God's Will. And all adults, if they are unconverted. Teenage behavior has been chronically out-of-control for decades, and when the Holy Spirit is to be withdrawn from mankind ALL the unconverted will be going hog-wild crazy!

I'm still waiting to hear Adventist preachers preach that every single person who habitually tailgates while driving is going to be lost -- such a silly little thing, one might think that it's "not really a big deal" -- but those drivers show a great disrespect and disregard for others, and unless they realize that their behavior is WRONG, they're lost! Just because they are aggressive/evil drivers! (A kind and converted driver would not be threatening others with a 2-ton "weapon"...)

Preachers need to present the Truth that needs to be heard, both the Good and the Bad, including the very important fact that God can turn around our behavior if we love and trust Him.

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That might depend on who your with. I have several hard core "right wing nut" friends that just eat up over the top, radical, going to hadees in a hand basket,,, (wait, need to reload and put one in the chamber...) talk. :) Not Adventists, but claim to be Christians. Truly frigntening folks!

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Teenage behavior has been chronically out-of-control for decades,

Teenage behaviour has been out-of-control for millenia. The current generation of teenagers (in North America) tend to be better behaved than the teenagers of the 1960s and 70s, but mankind, including teenagers, adults and seniors, has been fallen for thousands of years. This is nothing new under the sun.

God never said "Thou shalt not think".

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