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Rules, the essence of the G.C.


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That would be, the Great Controversy, not the other G.C. :)

Rules are at the very heart of the great controversy, this is where it all started. Satan didn't like them, said they were unfair, keeping the angels from coming to a higher level of understanding. He repeated the lie to Eve, that she would be like God, knowing good and evil.

Rules, the very essence of the great controversy! The evil doer is well skilled in his deceptions. He STILL tells people, those aren't Gods rules, those are mans rules, ignore them, pay them no heed.

And just like he drew a third of the angels with him, so he will draw a vast host of those who profess to know and follow God. All those who make a deliberate choice to ignore the rules. History repeats itself...

"Here are they that keep the commandments of God..." Not just the fourth one, not just the "ten". Here are they that understand in the deepest sense what it means to follow and keep Gods rules. THIS will be the final test of mankind, will you keep His law, or not? I hope you will friend.

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