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Is it possible to ALWAYS be on fire for Jesus?


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I have always been taught that Christians experience peaks and troughs in our faith and/or fire for Jesus throughout our life, (like a sigma wave ~~~). Sometimes you have high-points, and other times you have emptiness.

I was speaking to my boss the other day (a methodist), and he proposed that it is possible to reach the peak where you are on fire and excited and passionate, and then hold it there. You just have to keep throwing new wood on the fire every time you start to feel it dwindle.

He was really on fire at the time, after receiving a new spiritual gift for prayer/healing; but I was on a bit of a downstreak and feeling the emptiness of that.

Since then I have started to feel on fire again and I want to keep it there.

- Do you think this is possible?

- How do you think we can achieve this?

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I am reminded of how Jesus labored, quietly, for thirty years before He began His ministry. Was He "on fire"? I doubt it, His concern was not based on how He felt at any given moment, His fire was based on what needed to be done. In the house, in the shop, for the neighbor, the community. His was a life of service to others and then quietly going His way. Service to others is not seeking some worldly gain, like the accolades of man. He was helping because He really loved the ones who needed help. He was helping so it would bring glory to God and a smile to the face of the angels.

The fabric of life and happiness therein is made up of a 1,000 little acts of kindness. Picking up a pencil someone has dropped and giving it to them, or setting it on their desk and they never saw you do it. Rinsing your dishes or lending a hand washing them. Doing something very discreet to enhance anothers day without bringing attention to yourself. Folding your grave clothes before exiting the tomb so who ever had to deal with them next wouldn't have to. Putting the shopping cart back in a way so it won't block the next person in the parking lot. Doing all these little things is being on fire for God in that it brings glory to Him, hides a multitude of sin and makes the angels smile.

Living for others chases away the shadows of our own life.

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Im not saying that we shouldnt serve, be polite/considerate, and do the little things...

or that we should always be doing big things beyond that instead.

I just mean is it even possible to always have 'that feeling', so that even when we're doing the small stuff like you mentioned, we still feel as high on faith as we did the moment we came out of the baptismal water? To always have that buzz because we know He is Lord and that we are saved.

To never get depressed, have doubts or feel low.

I once went to work with an ex-Christian who had converted to atheism. Everyday he would debate evolution to me until I got sick of hearing his voice.

Every argument I gave him, he had a 'scientific' answer for. And it took a very long time to recover from the low in my faith that his damage did.

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To never get depressed, have doubts or feel low.

I once went to work with an ex-Christian who had converted to atheism. Everyday he would debate evolution to me until I got sick of hearing his voice.

Every argument I gave him, he had a 'scientific' answer for. And it took a very long time to recover from the low in my faith that his damage did.

Because I'm a fallen and imperfect human being and sometimes succumb to "feelings" of doubt and incompetency, the answer for me is to ever remember Jesus died to give life to such as myself, reading the Word on a regular basis and praying (talking)

to God, as to the Friend that He is, making note of the promises that He will never deny but bring them all to fulfillment in my life.

Such as these.

""Oh, the joys of those who do not

follow the advice of the wicked,

or stand around with sinners,

or join in with mockers.

2 But they delight in the law of the Lord,

meditating on it day and night.

3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank,

bearing fruit each season.

Their leaves never wither,

and they prosper in all they do."Psalm 1:1-3 NLT

God cares! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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The fabric of life and happiness therein is made up of a 1,000 little acts of kindness. Picking up a pencil someone has dropped and giving it to them, or setting it on their desk and they never saw you do it. Rinsing your dishes or lending a hand washing them. Doing something very discreet to enhance anothers day without bringing attention to yourself. Folding your grave clothes before exiting the tomb so who ever had to deal with them next wouldn't have to. Putting the shopping cart back in a way so it won't block the next person in the parking lot. Doing all these little things is being on fire for God in that it brings glory to Him, hides a multitude of sin and makes the angels smile.

Living for others chases away the shadows of our own life.

:like:rollingsmile God cares! Hope you have a happysabbath

Lift Jesus up!!

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I have always been taught that Christians experience peaks and troughs in our faith and/or fire for Jesus throughout our life, (like a sigma wave ~~~). Sometimes you have high-points, and other times you have emptiness.

I was speaking to my boss the other day (a methodist), and he proposed that it is possible to reach the peak where you are on fire and excited and passionate, and then hold it there. You just have to keep throwing new wood on the fire every time you start to feel it dwindle.

He was really on fire at the time, after receiving a new spiritual gift for prayer/healing; but I was on a bit of a downstreak and feeling the emptiness of that.

Since then I have started to feel on fire again and I want to keep it there.

- Do you think this is possible?

No, not from within ourselves.

Originally Posted By: JamesNashville
- How do you think we can achieve this?
To be in a personal relationship with Jesus.


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Oh I understand James!!! I like some of the thoughts in the "depression" thread because it offers some good advice on why I don't always have that "heavenly feeling". And you know, I think that is normal. And yes, some of the advice there is geared toward the profoundly depressed, may God bless them.

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We need to know and respect our limits, I believe. People can have a serious breakdown when they force themselves to "keep the fire burning". I do work on a large commercial copy machine and a DVD burner in mass mailing work for the Three Angels' Message, and can get so burned out I can't do another piece of paper or DVD for a week. I don't think God requires that.

Recall how James White worked himself to an early death and God was not requiring of that, even though he did an important work for God. I feel for James and his conflict to do more, more, more, and yet have the body and spirit fall behind. I think every person needs to know himself and where his limits are in order to do good consistent deeds for the Lord. Also, I can feel guilty I don't do more when I'm really trying to work my way into favor with God. I need always to remember I'm saved by Grace, by Jesus, not the volume of my papers and DVD's.

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We have different personalities. Some would say that there are some 16 different types and some would give different numbers.

In any case, we are different. We should not measure ourselves by others.

We are not required to have the "on fire" experience that others may have. God does not require this of us. Neither should we.


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  • 2 weeks later...

For JamesNashville a few posts back, about the evolutionist that discouraged you: I'm guessing you've recovered from it by now, but I just want to say the most encouraging book I ever read on Creation vs. evolution is "The Evolution Cruncher" by Vance Ferrell. Especially the section on DNA.

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Restin I read up to pg 68, this is a very interesting book. Thanks for the link.


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Well, whatever side of the bed you wake up on, bring it to Jesus. God gave me a spirit of praise when I was in the middle of dark times.

It is when we are self-sufficient that that blessing stops.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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I am reminded of how Jesus labored, quietly, for thirty years before He began His ministry. Was He "on fire"? I doubt it, His concern was not based on how He felt at any given moment, His fire was based on what needed to be done. In the house, in the shop, for the neighbor, the community. His was a life of service to others and then quietly going His way. Service to others is not seeking some worldly gain, like the accolades of man. He was helping because He really loved the ones who needed help. He was helping so it would bring glory to God and a smile to the face of the angels.

The fabric of life and happiness therein is made up of a 1,000 little acts of kindness. Picking up a pencil someone has dropped and giving it to them, or setting it on their desk and they never saw you do it. Rinsing your dishes or lending a hand washing them. Doing something very discreet to enhance anothers day without bringing attention to yourself. Folding your grave clothes before exiting the tomb so who ever had to deal with them next wouldn't have to. Putting the shopping cart back in a way so it won't block the next person in the parking lot. Doing all these little things is being on fire for God in that it brings glory to Him, hides a multitude of sin and makes the angels smile.

Living for others chases away the shadows of our own life.


It only takes one Moses, chosen by God, to lead many people where they need to go. It takes the Spirit of God in the hearts of each of those submitting to that Spirit, to fulfill what God wishes.

Do you suppose the fact that only two, submitting to the "fire" of the Holy Spirit, completing Gods' wishes, is a portent of what will happen just before Jesus reveals Himself in the clouds of glory at His return? Taking into account of course, that many more people are living in our world today, as compared to Noah's day.

I read some many years ago, that of all the people who were ever born, nine were still alive at that time, in which I was a middle aged adult then.

"For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah."Matthew 24:36 NASB

God cares! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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I am reminded of how Jesus labored, quietly, for thirty years before He began His ministry. Was He "on fire"? I doubt it, His concern was not based on how He felt at any given moment, His fire was based on what needed to be done. In the house, in the shop, for the neighbor, the community. His was a life of service to others and then quietly going His way. Service to others is not seeking some worldly gain, like the accolades of man. He was helping because He really loved the ones who needed help. He was helping so it would bring glory to God and a smile to the face of the angels.

The fabric of life and happiness therein is made up of a 1,000 little acts of kindness. Picking up a pencil someone has dropped and giving it to them, or setting it on their desk and they never saw you do it. Rinsing your dishes or lending a hand washing them. Doing something very discreet to enhance anothers day without bringing attention to yourself. Folding your grave clothes before exiting the tomb so who ever had to deal with them next wouldn't have to. Putting the shopping cart back in a way so it won't block the next person in the parking lot. Doing all these little things is being on fire for God in that it brings glory to Him, hides a multitude of sin and makes the angels smile.

Living for others chases away the shadows of our own life.

I :like: that Club


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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People can have a serious breakdown when they force themselves to "keep the fire burning

"“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”"Matthew 11:28-30 NASB

God cares! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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