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Is Seventh-day Adventism headed for a schism?


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What did Jerusalem look like when the Babylonians came and took them into capitivity and removed them to foreign land? How the enemines of God must have rejoiced! How all those who denied the authority of the Jewish leaders, Gods appointed leaders for His Church, must have been convinced the "Church" had fallen. As they justified themselves for leaving it. Yet, it was still Gods Church on earth, still His chosen people. Still given more time to repent, to do His will. And so it will be with this Church, no matter how dark it may seem, God will have 7,000 that will not bow the knee to Baal. There will be Daniels, His Church will survive.

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It was predicted 15 years ago that the NAD would split off of the Seventh-day Adventist church. By a Review editor in private conversation.

I'm not doubting at all that it could happen, but I'm wondering where would that leave the people who are not in favor of the rebellion that is going on?

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I rather doubt it will come to that myself. But it is likley that at some point there will be a mass exit by a large majority of folks within one or more of conferences that will require substantial reorganization. At the Union or Division level that would largely mean mass firings and a business reorganization. Property and assets will still be held by the Seventh-day Adventist coporation, as I understand it. Tom would know more about those kind of details.

We are told whole Churches will go out. I believe the MAJORITY of Adventists will eventually join the ranks of the enemy. Those empty pews will be filled by those "coming out of her my people".

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We are told whole Churches will go out. I believe the MAJORITY of Adventists will eventually join the ranks of the enemy.

Could you clarify a bit more on just who/what will cause people to join the 'enemy' and who the 'enemy' is?

The subject of the thread is about division over WO, so...........

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In the end there will only be two groups, those who keep the commandments, specifically the fourth one, and those who don't. These two groups are ever forming, binding themselves into bundles. Some for harvest, some for burning. That is ongoing, it's always been with us.

But along the way, the divisons and splits we have been seeing for a hundred years will intensify. W.O. WILL cause some to leave the Church, no matter which way the decision goes. Some PASTORS will question whether they can be directly employed by the Church for instance. They may not withdraw their membership, but they may quit their job. Others will withdraw their membership, they may or may not quit coming to Church. Others will simply stop coming to Church.

I don't believe we are at the "official shaking" the SOP refers to, it's more like a general and ongoing "settling into or out of the truth".

Many different issues have led to this in the past and even recently over other doctrinal issues. W.O. is just another "good reason" for some people to leave. Some to settle more decidely into the truth. I see this issue not so much as for or against W.O., but how will you relate to the Church if you don't get your way.

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"The church" is not some titular head sitting in an office over there in Silver Spring. "The church" is the PEOPLE. WE are the church! We cannot feel impotent against a president who seems to be autocratic; we can only continue to worship God in our own sphere and under the direction of the Holy Spirit in our own prayer and Bible study.

No organization contains members where everybody thinks alike. We're all a group of independent thinkers, but who are joined in the belief in a loving God, a God who wants nothing more than our salvation. No two of us think alike. That's not a schism. I don't fear an edict coming down from the GC Headquarters on the subject of WO or anything else. I'll continue to worship God and believe Him as I've done in the past. Fortunately, my livelihood is not dependent on the denomination. If it were, I might choose to go on preaching and collecting my salary without "rocking the boat."

In other words, if this is the Shaking Time, so be it. I don't think it is; however, I'm so eager for Christ to return in the clouds that I'll be glad when each of the remaining signs is fulfilled before my eyes. "Soon and very soon, we shall see the King."

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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God is leading His people, inside the sda church and outside the sda church. Not those who say Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of Heaven but those who do the will of God.

God loves people and suffers with the suffering that has resulted from sin. He sent Jesus and Jesus came with healing in His wings, to bring life back to perishing humanity. Jesus said, "I delight to do thy will oh God, Yea thy law is within my heart."

those who labor to lift up the down trodden, and meet the needs of humanity for the Glory of God are doing His will.


Love awakens love.

Let God be true and every man a liar.

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"The church" is not some titular head sitting in an office over there in Silver Spring. "The church" is the PEOPLE. WE are the church! We cannot feel impotent against a president who seems to be autocratic; we can only continue to worship God in our own sphere and under the direction of the Holy Spirit in our own prayer and Bible study.

No organization contains members where everybody thinks alike. We're all a group of independent thinkers, but who are joined in the belief in a loving God, a God who wants nothing more than our salvation. No two of us think alike. That's not a schism. I don't fear an edict coming down from the GC Headquarters on the subject of WO or anything else. I'll continue to worship God and believe Him as I've done in the past.

Referring to the current president of the GC as an autocrat, is likely due to the milquetoast tendencies of his predecessor. Yes indeed, and God bless.


"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Originally Posted By: Jeannieb43
"The church" is not some titular head sitting in an office over there in Silver Spring. "The church" is the PEOPLE. WE are the church! We cannot feel impotent against a president who seems to be autocratic; we can only continue to worship God in our own sphere and under the direction of the Holy Spirit in our own prayer and Bible study.

No organization contains members where everybody thinks alike. We're all a group of independent thinkers, but who are joined in the belief in a loving God, a God who wants nothing more than our salvation. No two of us think alike. That's not a schism. I don't fear an edict coming down from the GC Headquarters on the subject of WO or anything else. I'll continue to worship God and believe Him as I've done in the past.

Referring to the current president of the GC as an autocrat, is likely due to the milquetoast tendencies of his predecessor. Yes indeed, and God bless.


Are you calling him a sissy? He managed to prevent the ordination of women in his days, something Ted Wilson has not managed.

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