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We do not have to have a Biblical basis for everything that we do.

There are principles that remain in place everywhere and at all times. There are applications of those principles that change with time and place.

At one time in the U.S. SDA Clergy were expected to be dressed in black and white when they were on the platform. Not now.

At one time a local Conference, not located in North America, threatened to disfellowship people who wore blue jeans in public. Does that Conference still do such? I do not know.


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Why not, Deb?

In the early church, wouldn't you say that gentiles coming into the church, was a new thing? After all, the church at that time was pretty much Jewish?

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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  • 3 months later...

Actually it depends more than a little on one's perspective. It was less a matter of this being a new revelation than it was a matter of eliminating a tradition of men that had arisen in place of God's law.

The law of Moses had numerous ways for foreigners to be come citizens of the nation (convert to their religion). It generally took generations, but it did happen. Furthermore, the law required that the foreigners living among them be treated as citizens in the sight of the law. There were not to be separate conditions of law for them.

When Solomon dedicated the temple he said [that it was to be a place of prayer for all people.]

The middle wall of partition was something the people added as their tradition in the rebuilt temple. In Solomon's Temple all people from all nations were welcome to come worship and call on the name of God with the idea that they would become worshipers of the God of Heaven.

By the time of Isaiah this ideal had been lost, but God prophesied [that the temple would again become a place of prayer again for all the nations.]

I see no new revelation, just the casting out of the traditions of men and the reestablishment of the order God intended.

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in a superficial way something may seem to be new.

but there is nothing new under the sun.

the principles of the kingdom of God were established in Eden.

to have gentiles join with the family of God on earth was not new. all through the old testament we have individuals who were not Jews join themselves to the people of God. they had baptism before John ever baptized.

what was new was really something old but in a new day, and in a new time, and under new conditions. Jesus had finally come, and there was a new day. a new outpouring of the Spirit. but it was not something that had never happened before.

[see] Isaiah 43

God had made a way in the wilderness before, and he had made streams in the wasteland before.

but it was new for them, for that generation.

before Jesus comes we will see what is new to us, a new outpouring of the Spirit and new revival of Godliness, and evangelism.

like having women's shelters for the abused was new, but something that had been done before, but in a new day in a new form under current conditions it could be viewed as new.

opening a new orphanage, a new school, a new department at the conference office to bring a new kind of evangelism... staying abreast of technology it all may be viewed as new, but it has been done before just in another time, with different technology. change is not a new thing to happen.

Jesus makes us new, and we do things we have never done before, but this in a way is not new. but to our senses it is new. I would not want to diminish the joy of newness, by defining it this way, but there is something to be said for the unchanging nature of God, redemption and when Jesus comes it will be a new day, and the church, the entire body of Christ will do something new, we will leave this planet.


Love awakens love.

Let God be true and every man a liar.

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i believe we express and apply the same principles in new times and new circumstances, but the truth does not change.

whatever seems new if it is not connected and in harmony with what was true in the past, it is dubious.

this is a good question because some cannot recognize truth in principle when it is expressed by the style and shape of a new generation. and every generation takes what is true and brings it to their day.

so this kind of filters out those things that are timeless from those that are timely, namely our culture. Culture is not timeless, the Sabbath is timeless.


Love awakens love.

Let God be true and every man a liar.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would suggest newly discovered leading to authoritatively installing, however agree with debbym in quoting the Word, there is nothing new under the sun. However anything deemed "new" that is Truth will always be consistent with past Truth.

God cares! Jesus saves! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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I would suggest newly discovered leading to authoritatively installing, however agree with debbym in quoting the Word, there is nothing new under the sun. However anything deemed "new" that is Truth will always be consistent with past Truth.

God cares! Jesus saves! peace

Edited by Tom Wetmore (Today at 10:39)

Edit Reason: No quote zone...

Not sure what I'm required to quote so I'm putting this in.

"History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new."

Ecclesiastes 1:9 NLT

God/Jesus cares! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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