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Teaching Hate in Gaza


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Jews don’t exist. The Western Wall is Islamic property. The Torah and Talmud are fabricated.

These are not the ravings from a lunatic; as of this year, they’re “facts” taken from new textbooks in use throughout Gaza.



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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This is exactly what the first prime minister of Israel said some 60 years ago and its still true today.


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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I hate to say it, but technically they are right. The 12 tribes of Israel do not exist. If they do, there is no way of proving it. Dr. Walter Veith did a wonderful job describing this reality in his "King of the North" lectures, which mind you got Germany in an uproar. Its not a very PC thing to be saying this.

Most people in Israel are Ashkenasi which means they were converts to Judism around 700 years ago from Hungry or there abouts. This is a provable fact. Ever wonder why most Jews look Caucasian and not Middle Eastern?

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