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Is God Proclaiming Final Warning From the Sky?


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MT, How are you, bud!

I never said I wasn't crazy (or at least crazed). I've seen things, dude...

It looks like the Vikings are as crazy as me.

Actually you pointing out some of the steps of the Christian prophecy that have not happened yet was what got me thinking about the article I posted. They seem to have missed that we had summer this year.......

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Sorry for taking so long to get back here. You understand that if what I proposed in post #676935 on the first page of this thread is reasonable, then it is reasonable that all fulfillment of the seals, trumpets, cosmic disturbances, etc. could be future events. This is not traditional SDA thinking. I'm no theologian, but my impression is that SDA's teach that almost all events in Daniel and Revelation occurred between Daniel's time and 1844; and we are somewhere in time between the 6th and 7th seal. Is that a fair statement?

For example, the "Final Warning From the Sky" theme here. I don't think any of the current signs in the sky can be considered cosmic disturbances at the level of intensity that God is talking about in Matt. 24, Revelation, and elsewhere. What God has in mind will leave no doubt for speculation by the inhabitants of earth on its supernatural origin.

Another example is the rider on the white horse of the first seal being Christ (or as some say the antichrist in the person of the papacy). If the first seal is the revelation of the antichrist, even though I consider the papacy to be a viable contender, I have seen nothing in the past couple of centuries from the papacy or Catholicism that would even hint at the increasing levels of power that the Antichrist would wield. (Islam on the other hand...)

In my strange little world, one alternative is that the Antichrist has not yet been clearly revealed; therefore the first seal could not yet be open.

Athanasius of Alexandria started our interpretations, but St. Augustine got us off track with his spiritualizing Revelation away. Joachim of Fiore got us back on the right track. He applied Revelation over time, and is basically the father of Historicism. Joachim was considered by many as an inspired prophet, and his writings were especially a focus among the Franciscan brotherhood, who became very Adventist. They came to the conclusion that the Papacy was the antichrist and began developing what we teach in our Revelation Seminars. As time changed they would modify the applications of the principles to the current situation. Joachim's thoughts also lead to the Protestant Reformation. Had the Reformation started among the Franciscans rather than the Augustinians, they probably would have been more Adventistic at the start.

Then there were some Bible Conferences in Europe in the late 1700s and early 1800s with some of Europe's leading theologians that ended just before Miller began preaching. What we teach comes from this long history of Athanasius, jumping to Joachim, then the line from Joachim through these conferences. It would have been interesting to see how history would have gone had John Nelson Darby changed the rout from regular historisiam to latching on to a portion of Joachim's teachings at the expense of the rest, and then took his application to a whole new direction into dispensationalism.

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I've seen documentation posted on THIS web site, copies of an article from the 1400's, identifying the Pope as the anti-Christ.

Some people were no doubt aware of this well before even the 1400's. The only question now is, do you believe these bible expositors and historic theologians were accurate in their assesment, or not? I believe they were, the Adventist Church believes they were, my favorite author with some fifty books to her name believe they were.

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Getting back to the subject of this thread, I don't think the upcoming blood red moons (aka predictable lunar eclipses) are biblical-class signs. When Jesus or John speak of the sun being darkened and the sky rolling and closing like a scroll, they are talking about cosmic disturbances for which man has no natural explanation - everyone will perceive it as supernatural. I'm not claiming to be right; I'm just stating an opinion.

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