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The Phillipine Typhoon


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The SOP often comments that God uses weather to send a message to groups of people. I'm just wondering about the Phillipines lst week receiving the strongest storm ever to hit land. Does anyone have some idea of why God would allow this on the Phillipines? Was there especial corruption and evil going on there? Just wondering, as I don't know much about the area's culture, religion, and politics.

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Does anyone have some idea of why God would allow this on the Phillipines?
God allows things like this to come on the "good" and the "bad."


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Originally Posted By: Restin
Does anyone have some idea of why God would allow this on the Phillipines?
God allows things like this to come on the "good" and the "bad."

I'm not sure of the Philippines but I know in some countries that have had severe natural and weather related tragedy, there has been a strong worship of false gods and voodoo or witch doctor practices.

God cares! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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  • 9 months later...

As someone who survived, the most powerful Typhoon in the history of the world ( to hit land) , I can tell you it was quite an adventure.

Before the Typhoon came, they said it was going to be a category five. I looked on the Internet and saw that a category five could not down a cinderblock building. I did not believe it. Concrete in cinderblock are so strong. Well, I believe it now.

Not only was the wind strong, it was sustained. In America we get gusts of wind. But a gust of wind through a Typhoon can last 30 seconds to 2 min. I saw many cinderblock walls destroyed.


I'll tell you an interesting story. There is a Philippine Public health insurance agency it was on one of the main streets here. About a year and a half ago there was a small flood, and their records were damaged. So they moved to a shopping mall, on the third floor. There are few elevators here and most people don't go to the third floor. Shopping mall had trouble getting tenants on the top floor. They moved there about two months before the Typhoon. The Typhoon tore off the cinderblock wall of their office. They moved to a place they thought was safe, and suffered again.


The last major Typhoon in this area was one called Frank. It's slowed down and stalled, which meant it don't enormous amount of rain, and there was flooding. So this time everyone was preparing for flooding. The people who live near the beach, who own cars, move their cars in to the municipal area, about 2 km from the beach. There's just one problem. It had large trees. When the high wind Typhoon came, many cars were damaged from fallen tree limbs.

It's like general's in war. They always prepare for war based upon the last war. People here prepared based on the last Typhoon.


What I learned, is that there are two aspects of a powerful Typhoon. One is the storm itself. By the way, the name for a Typhoon here is just "storm". Everybody knows what that means. The second problem, is the aftermath. In our area we were two months without electricity. The entire electrical grid was completely destroyed. 90% of the wires were on the ground. They had to close some roads because there were so many wires laying all of the ground. It's amazing that they were able to rebuild the grid in two months. A phenomenal effort. I've never seen a disaster response that efficient, coordinated it was amazing. It took another six months to stabilize electricity. The voltage was flying all over the place. From 165 V to 248 volts. Now almost a year later, is it stable at 210.


You heard about all the money that was raised to help the poor people here?

Not one penny was given to poor people from overseas. The local bank which is owned by the government, gave some money about $80 to people who lost everything.

Even today, there are many people who are still living in tents. I say that term loosely. They're living under a sheet of plastic. If anybody has any interest in that, they can send me a personal message.


Ask me any questions and I'll try to answer.

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