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Is Your Church Alive?


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I do not know what churches are like elsewhere but in Australia they seem to be dying. What is your church like? The church I go to used to be full, a membership over 400. yesterday when we started sabbath school there were only 8 people.

Galatians 3:29

(29) And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

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My home church used to have upwards of 200 active members. Nowadays they're lucky if 50 show up on Sabbath. The pastor is now pastoring 3 churches instead of 1.

I think the primary reason for the drop is that families with young children moved away, and new families with the younger children want to be in a church that has activities for kids.

It's a rather vicious circle...no families stay, because there aren't any other families...because there are any other families...

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Please define 'alive' in the context of YOUR church.....What makes it seem alive? what would you consider a live church?

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Alive in Christ, people active in doing things for the Lord. Like the church I go to as I mentioned only 8 people were there on last sabbath morning when Sabbath school started. We used to have a membership of over 400. People seem to be leaving the church. Sermons are smooth or based on entertainment.

Galatians 3:29

(29) And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

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Sister White declares that only one in twenty Adventists reflect the image of Jesus. So thats what, 5 out of 100? 20 out of 400? Thats close enough to eight in round numbers to sustain the prophetic utterance.

Rebellion against Church authority and Laodecia is in the very air we breath. One in twenty in HER day, more like one in a hundred today. Or perhaps, eight out of four hundred....

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As was noted in another topic, this seems to evidence the inner life of many individuals of any church community. What makes a difference? What keeps a church alive?

I answered that my church is alive. See for yourself - http://www.lookingforachurch.org

Gail and Neil have visited my church. They can express their reaction.

I have posted it before, but this is a church that has doubled in size in the past 10 years. It leads our conference in baptisms. The attendance each week is equal to its membership. But at least half of those each week are visitors. It is a very welcoming community. There are many outreach and service opportunities.

"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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My church currently has as many as a quarter of the people in attendance each week who do not even know about God. Some are likely to hear about God for the very first time upon entering our company. They are learning. The members are active. We have Bible study and prayer twice a week, in addition to Sabbath services.


Green Cochoa.

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I have to admit I have 4 churches within a 40 mile radius from my church. Two about 40 miles west, one about 40 miles north and one about 40 miles east. Sadly 3 of the 4 are dying. Each of those in the 1970's decided to follow Mrs. White's advice to move into the country and put the church in the country while the members live in the cities.

The 4th church, the one my membership is at, is not really a church but an out reach of the traditional church. It was started 18 years ago by a member of the church who was a marriage and family counselor. She started a church for the children of the families of her clients and their friends and neighbors and adults who want to help out with children's ministries so we have handful who are members of Sunday keeping churches who attend our church Sabbath after Sabbath. Our music is more geared towards children. I wish the sermon was also geared towards them. It was the mother who was the original weekly preacher. Now we have a doctoral student from the local college who is the usual speaker. The Pastor shows up occasionally, but he is busy with a number of churches that depend on him. Once (and now that I'm retired from the Air Force it may go to twice) a month I give a 15 minute talk at Sabbath school, usually using magic or my puppets, a camel "Shalam" and lamb "Lief" They have vans and drive out in the surrounding communities to pick up children, we give them a lunch. No, you have to pick out the vegetarian items, but for many of these kids this is the healthiest meal of the week.

One direction I'd like to see our churches go is to offer a refuge for Sunday keeping pastors. Someplace where their family can come where they don't have to be "The Pastor" and a place where they can just simply come and worship and rest.

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I would rather see eight living the blue print of the lifestyle Sister White lays out in detail, than 400 hundred wandering around and wondering what it all means.

And I am not making a judgment call as to spiritual condition of the eight mentioned above. I speak in general terms.

None need be ignorant of the blue print of the Adventist lifestyle, it is well documented and right at your finger tips. God is not interested in "numbers" He is interested in a people, however small, that DO His commandments.

My little Church is small, but very vibrant. It is an excellent source of developing Christian character due to the many different and conflicting views of doctrine held by various "attendee's". Many of whom are not members, or have removed their membership, or hold radical view points. Many are precious souls with serious questions about the function and role of the organized Church.

I would rather be dealing with such than a large Church steeped in laodecia.

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