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2015 W.O. Vote


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Ordinationtruth.com has a list of the thirteen Divisions that have reported their position or have been projected to have a position for or against W.O.

Currently it stands at four Divisions pro W.O. and four against. Total eight out of thirteen.

I looked at the size of the eight Divisions and then basing the number of votes on the size one can "best guess" what the vote might be in 2015.

At this point the "No" votes appear to outweigh the "Yes" votes to some degree. No bias, just some basic number crunching for a "best guess" projection. Obviously the whole thing is very fluid, it could change tommorow. I suspect what ever happens, the vote is going to be close. No sure winners that I see on the horizon. Not yet anyway.

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Is truth determined by numbers?

Sometimes, yes. When numbers of the people asked God for flesh to eat, He gave them quail at their request--but sent "leanness to their soul." When numbers of the people asked God for a king, He gave them Saul--not the best king in Israel's history.

If we ask God for the wrong thing, He just might give it to us to punish us.

Once they had a king, it forever changed the form of government among the people. Once Saul was made king, it would have then been rebellion and against God to oppose Saul. David himself, anointed by God, dared not touch Saul while he lived. David let God take care of things in His own time.

But today's women are simply ... not waiting. God calls it rebellion.

Rebellion is always of the devil.


Green Cochoa.

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Green, the question that I asked was not about Ellen White. It was about you and your claim about God. Your statement as pretty close to a claim to know the thinking of God.

You almost sound like the Pope.


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Current (most recent) standings are:

Six Divisions No

Four Divisions Yes

South Africa-Indian Ocean Division, "No".

This is the second largest Division in the world.

Inter American Division is the largest (Mexico to South America). No projected data on this Division yet.

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South Africa-Indian Ocean Division, "No".

This is the second largest Division in the world.

Surprising! Most of the countries in that division are world leaders in gender equality!

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I wish there was some way we could determine if the committees are reflecting the majority opinion of the members in each Division. I suspect it's impossible to know.

NOT that I am overly concerned with the majority or minority view, just truth, where ever it may lead.

We'll have to trust God on this. The problem is that God will give His people what they insist on having. Israel wanted a King, they got one. Israel wanted meat, they ate quail till it ran out of their nose. Be careful what you "insist" on having, God might just give it to you!

Our prayers should always end with, "His will be done". This is not a lack of faith, oh no, it is recognizing we don't know what is best for us, for others, for that person who is sick, for that job you want, for the Church.

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Green, the question that I asked was not about Ellen White. It was about you and your claim about God. Your statement as pretty close to a claim to know the thinking of God.

You almost sound like the Pope.

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Green posted, in response to me, and about Ellen White:

Behold, your "pope."

Green your post is a major misrepresentation of what I said.

As I stated, I was not referring to Ellen White in any way. I referred to you and a statement that you made.

To say: "Behold your pope." in reference to EGW misrepresents my comment.

Please do not take a comment that I have said directly to you and apply it to someone else, such as Ellen White.

This is a misrepresentation of what I said.

By the way: I never compare you to EGW in a manner that implies you are either similar to her or that your work/mission is similar to hers.


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I ran the number of expected delegates from each Division in an XLS spread.

The current vote tallies are: (Drum roll please...)

818 YES

811 NO

Mistakes in the calcs? Whateveah.... :)

Three Divisions not yet reported or projected on the vote.

There are actually FOURTEEN voting blocks to count. The G.C. appoints 219 from "somewhere". Don't know how they are picked, by whom or from where. IF it's from NAD, I suspect W.O. would pass based on the current numbers.

I will update as the data points come in.

188 East Central Africa ECD

117 Euro-Asia ESD NO

120 Euro-Africa IAD

345 Inter American IED YES

240 North American NAD YES

76 Northern Asia-Pacific NSD NO

260 South American SAD

192 South Africa-Indian Ocean SID NO

99 South Pacific SPD YES

153 Southern Asia-Pacific SSD NO

149 Southern Asia SUD NO

127 Trans-European TED YES

131 West-Central Africa WAD NO

219 Appt by G.C. G.C.

2416 Total

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So once the vote is in and the dust has settled, what are ya'll gonna go after each others throat about then?

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Oh same thing as now M.T. The usual questions about the authority of the G.C. With supporting quotes from Ellen White and the bible presenting the concept that it's OK to ignore what the prophet calls "the highest authority on earth". Because, you know, God doesn't really mean what He says, doesn't say what He means. Statements about how we must follow God, not man. Posts about how the G.C. President is like a Pope, how the Adventist Church has become like the evil Catholics.

The spirit of rebellion is in the very air we breathe and all those posts will be presented with an "air" of high spiritual awareness (thanking God that they are not like other men).

No matter WHICH way the vote goes, this WILL be the outcome for many. The decisions are being made right now! With every post that questions the authority of the G.C. the idea that they can be dismissed, ignored, set aside, gains strength.

When the vote comes it will bring the crisis of soul searching. It won't change anything or anybody, it will simply reveal what the character being formed right now has become.

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I would like to know HOW the G.C. will appoint some 219 VOTING representatives for the W.O. issue.

Of the 2,000 plus voting members, 219 plus are hand picked by somebody and do not represent any particular Division. This 219 bunch will be the "wild card" in determining the outcome of this crucial vote, in my opinion.

Because the Divisions are SO evenly split on YES and NO, by default, the G.C. itself may end up being the "tie breaker".

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With 10 of 13 Divisions reporting they round the first turn. Coming into the lead by a nose is "NO", but "YES" is gaining ground. The dark horse is #219 and the dust is to thick to see what that pony might do.

Looks like a horse race at this point... :)

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I guess "Campmeeting" is turning into "Camptown".... doodah, doodah...

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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With 10 of 13 Divisions reporting they round the first turn. Coming into the lead by a nose is "NO", but "YES" is gaining ground. The dark horse is #219 and the dust is to thick to see what that pony might do.

Looks like a horse race at this point... :)

I think a majority of Americans are opposed to WO. They are just a silent majority.

When the TOSC committee releases its report and a subsequent recommendation is made tot he GC then the delegates will vote individually.

The report of divisions is not binding, nor is it an exact indication how the delegates themselves might vote in San Antonio.

rejoice always,


"Please don't feed the drama queens.."

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