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Vatican embassy to a compound shared with the U.S. Embassy

Textus Receptus

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You might have misunderstood. The US embassy in the Vatican is combining with the US embassy in Rome. They are combining two US embassies. This has nothing to do with prophesy and the US and Vatican getting closer. Some have suggested the opposite.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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I understood it quite well. Begs the question, why can't they stay where they are? Why does the U.S. Embassy to the Vatican need a desk across the hall to the U.S. Embassy? Are there any office spaces available in Rome? Begs the question- why? Seems to that the papacy now has a strong presence in the U.S., being that the U.S. Embassy is considered a direct extention of the U.S. Just thinking here.

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I understood it quite well. Begs the question, why can't they stay where they are?

There may be some unknown political consideration but saving $1.4m is saving $1.4m.

Why does the U.S. Embassy to the Vatican need a desk across the hall to the U.S.

Why would you not put them in the same building?

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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Since we know it will NOT BE THE Catholics that usher in a National Sunday law, I am baffled how come Adventists still remain so focused on a group that won't even play an active part?

The Vatican has NEVER done much in and of itself, it specializes in getting other people, other Armies, other Churches to do it's dirty work. Sure they are behind the scenes, but when the Sunday law hits, they will STAY behind the scenes. It's the 40,000 plus Christian Churches that people will see doing the work, and they will be right. It's the DAUGHTERS of the beast!

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1.4m, really? Sorry, but IMHO, that is a bit naive to assume the reason for the move is to save what can be considered trivial amount of money in comparison to the U.S. budget. I think it is fair to suggests that there may a bigger reasons for this political move. It may be just to save a few cents but I think when the vatican is involved, there is a much more to the issue that we as Joe Q public are not privy too.

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“The light we have received upon the third angel’s message is the true light. The mark of the beast is exactly what it has been proclaimed to be. Not all in regard to this matter is yet understood, nor will it be understood until the unrolling of the scroll;...”

Testimonies Vol. 6, p. 17.

The scroll she refers to is the "history of the world" duly recorded since the time of Adam. A scroll which no man is found worthy to open, except Jesus. As it is unrolled more and more becomes clear. In Ellen Whites day "not all in regard to this matter" was understood. I submit, the scroll is STILL in the process of revealing more clearly this "mark of the beast" issue. More and more light we come as it's unrolled and we begin to see the events shaping up.

Embassy in Rome, "red herring", a part of the overall big picture, but for the most part, a distraction. I'm much more concerned with what the evangelicals are up to right here in the USA. THEY will be the "mark makers".

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Since we know it will NOT BE THE Catholics that usher in a National Sunday law, I am baffled how come Adventists still remain so focused on a group that won't even play an active part?

The Vatican has NEVER done much in and of itself, it specializes in getting other people, other Armies, other Churches to do it's dirty work. Sure they are behind the scenes, but when the Sunday law hits, they will STAY behind the scenes. It's the 40,000 plus Christian Churches that people will see doing the work, and they will be right. It's the DAUGHTERS of the beast!

The reason Adventist should remain focused on the 1st Beast is that the 2nd Beast will enforce the directives of the 1st.

Granted the false prophet (Sunday churches) will call for a Sunday law, but it will be governments that will carry out its enforcement. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water because it makes sense to you - lean not unto thine own understanding Prov 3:5-6. Seriously, it's basic Adventist eschatology.

It can be easily suggested that modern day protestantism is under the direction, either directly or indirectly by the Church of Rome visvis the Jesuits.

SO, yes, it is Rome that contols the world just as the scriptures indicate. Don't change what is written.

"And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Rev 22:19

Don't think to take things out of order.

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I'm not changing anything, of course it's the Pope behind the curtain. So we talk about and present the Catholic system as the problem.

WHY are we afraid to tell like it REALLY is? Sunday worship is false worship, period. Understanding HOW we got here, is that as relevant as the message itself? I don't think so. When we present the "Pope" as the problem and then walk off, we leave the people to wonder, "What was that all about?" "What does it mean?". It means if your worshiping on Sunday, your setting yourself up for the mark of the beast. So why don't we, when warranted and considering time and place, tell it EXACTLY like it is?

The Jews were abandoned in 34 AD, they were no longer the chosen vessel of truth to the world. The Sunday keeping Churches were abandoned in the same way on or about 1844. THAT is the message! The Pope was NEVER a part of the chosen vessel, he was ALWAYS a man of sin. The Christians at the time of the reformation reclaimed their right to be a chosen vessel, then threw it away in '44. Reasoning it backward, lets bypass the Pope and go to the source, the devil himself.

Sometimes I want to just take my neighbor and tell him straight up, good Baptist man that he is, he needs to come out of her my people. He's not "coming out" of the Catholic Church, he doesn't care about the Pople. He needs to come out of Sunday worship. He needs to understand the commandments stand as law, not nailed to the cross or done away with.

This is why I have said many times on this forum: Salvation is of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. And boy do people get upset. It's the truth, you think the Baptists have it right? NOBODY has it right except for Gods chosen vessel, Seventh-day Adventists, period. Everybody MUST come out.

A.T. Jones didn't go before Congress to fight against a Sunday law and use the argument the Pope was the problem. He dealt with the problem head on, "Christians" trying to enforce Sunday worship. We should follow his lead.

What will you say weh your called to court to sustain why you worship on Sabbath instead of Sunday, a law passed by evangelicals? The Pope made me do it? Or the LAW of God that specifies Sabbath worship? A.T. Jones knew what to say, where and when to say it. He didn't get sidetracked with "conspiracy theories", TRUE though they were!

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I have to disagree with your deduction that "salvation is of the SDA". The SDA church is just a church that happends to carry God's true message because it comes directly from the bible - Sola Scriptura. So you see, its not a church, its the bible that saves. The SDA church is inconsequential. It is the message they relay that is important.

There will be many saved that are not of the SDA church. Of course, those who are alive just prior to the close of probation, will have to choose Rome or God, but those who were devout with the knowledge they had acquired, God will 'wink' as the scripture reads.

Again, it is not protestantism that will cause the mark of the beast. Protestants are unknowingly part of the Catholic Parish, they just don't know it. It IS and will always be the 1st Beast that will cause the mark.

"Practically everything Protestants regard as essential or important they have received from the Catholic Church... The Protestant mind does not seem to realize that in accepting the Bible and observing the Sunday, in keeping Christmas and Easter, they are accepting the authority of the spokesman for the church, the Pope. Our Sunday Visitor (February 5, 1950)"

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1.4m, really? Sorry, but IMHO, that is a bit naive to assume the reason for the move is to save what can be considered trivial amount of money in comparison to the U.S. budget. I think it is fair to suggests that there may a bigger reasons for this political move. It may be just to save a few cents but I think when the vatican is involved, there is a much more to the issue that we as Joe Q public are not privy too.

$1.4 million is a lot of money...If only I had that amount

...I could live quite well on the interest of that amount...

You say that we don't know what the motive is for the move...we are not privy to what issue it may be...and yet,, you got some revelation that you know....

I'm sorry, but this speculation coupled with our nebulous predictions of the future is just another way to spread discontent within the Christian community with another failed prophecy....

Come back when you have something more to go on......

And this seems more of a political issue than a "real adventist issue"...PLease, place these interests in the area relevent to posting...IOWs, stick it in the politics forum...

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Textus, of course you disagree that salvation is of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, MOST Adventist tend to disagree with the basic TRUTH.

How do you think the woman at the well felt when Jesus told her, "Salvation is of the Jews"? It's a truth so difficult to grasp it is generally dismissed out of hand. Your response is typical Adventist. Well other will be saved who are not in the Church. Obviously, as Jesus said many sheep not of this fold. Nor did He mean the woman at the well had to become a Jew! It was ALWAYS Gods plan to welcome "Gentiles" into the camp even in the Old Testament. Provision was made for them, those in Canann didn't have to die or be conquered. Jericho did not have to fall. What they had to do was accept the truth. Who carred that truth? Who was the chosen vessel? Phillistines? Samaritans? Baptists perhaps? Babylon maybe? No, the true gospel was carried to the world by a distinct group of people, a chosen vessel, the Jewish Nation. Of them could salvation be found, no other group carried the truth.

And yet, we find examples of people who lived up to all the light they had that served and loved God. Ignorant of the Jewish system!

It's the same today, many sheep not of this fold. When they are ready to "come out", where will you send to them? To some "home Church", some offshoot of Adventism? To the Baptists?

I will send them to Seventh-day Adventists, that they might find the truth, they they might find salvation.

I make NO apologies for telling it like it is, salvation is of the Seventh-day Adventist organized, visible, corporate structure set up and established by our Lord to carry His last day message to a dieing world.

When the Sunday law hits the message will be clear and focused, if you want to live, you need to come out, you need to find those who carry the truth. God will direct many to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. That organized Church down on the corner, with the sign out front thats carries our name.

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I understood it quite well. Begs the question, why can't they stay where they are? Why does the U.S. Embassy to the Vatican need a desk across the hall to the U.S. Embassy? Are there any office spaces available in Rome? Begs the question- why? Seems to that the papacy now has a strong presence in the U.S., being that the U.S. Embassy is considered a direct extention of the U.S. Just thinking here.

I still don't think you understand. Currently one building has the US embassy to Italy and a separate building has the US embassy to the Vatican. The US embassy to the Vatican is now going to move and share a building with the US embassy to Italy. Two embassies in one building instead of two in two buildings.

Remember Adventists Online?

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Again, I understand quite well the issue. Yes, the US embassy and the US embassy are both US entities. I am not disputing this. What I am saying is that the US embassy to the Vatican, whose main purpose is to discourse with the Vatican now has an office adjacent to that of the US embassy. Again, with this reality, the Holy See, has a more if a direct access to the US. It's a simple matter of yelling down the hall, no telephone call required Come on!

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1.4m, really? Sorry, but IMHO, that is a bit naive to assume the reason for the move is to save what can be considered trivial amount of money in comparison to the U.S. budget. I think it is fair to suggests that there may a bigger reasons for this political move. It may be just to save a few cents but I think when the vatican is involved, there is a much more to the issue that we as Joe Q public are not privy too.

My understanding is that the old location was dangerously exposed to possible terrorist attack.

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Again, I understand quite well the issue. Yes, the US embassy and the US embassy are both US entities. I am not disputing this. What I am saying is that the US embassy to the Vatican, whose main purpose is to discourse with the Vatican now has an office adjacent to that of the US embassy. Again, with this reality, the Holy See, has a more if a direct access to the US. It's a simple matter of yelling down the hall, no telephone call required Come on!

Your statement still makes no sense. The embassies are both owned by the United States and staffed by citizens of the United States. The purpose of one is for Americans to talk to Italy while the other is for contact with the Vatican. The only yelling down the hall would be if our Ambassador to Italy wanted to talk to our Ambassador to the Vatican without making a phone call.

Remember Adventists Online?

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There is a prediction that is more exciting and important then Sunday Laws and what Satan's side is going to do.

When the Gospel is preached in all the world, Then the end will come.

I suspect there will be a lot more people who in the past have once listened to the Vatican then our General Conference of SDA.

I recently attended a town hall meeting for the New York Conference in preparation for the 4 year opportunity to argue over who is going to be in charge. I was encouraged that they admitted that what we/they have been doing is NOT Working.

When the Gospel, the Good News about how God runs His kingdom is revealed to the whole world, along with the real impact of the Sabbath is presented, The End will come.

It really is that simple.

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