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No Catholics, No conspiracy


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No boogey man. No "new world order", no conspiracies, no illuminati, no Catholic Church that will "force" the Government in any way to change the Constitution to make a Sunday law.

And we know this how? Because the spirit of prophecy lays it out in detail. But we get SO hung up on the evil Catholics we miss the big picture.

God will increasingly bring about calamities to bring this country to it's knees. We can only guess at the type of calamities. Hurricanes? Tornadoes? Economic collapse? Another World Trade Center, this time "nuclear"? Tsunamis? We KNOW that times will get SO desperate that the PEOPLE will rise up and DEMAND this country "get back to God". That will be the only solution they will see.

It will be a grass roots movement of PEOPLE that will FORCE the Government to ignore the Constitution and make a National Sunday law, enforced by the local police department AND your neighborhood watch! Why will the politicians do this? To keep their job! To get re-elected. NOT because some Catholic boogey man is pulling their strings. Not because the NSA threatened them, but because your nice Sunday keeping neighbor went to the town hall meeting and got "fired up"!

They going to clean house in D.C. of any and every politician that won't go along with taking this country back to God.

So keep watching those Catholics, that new world order, those illuminati people, the Pope and you will miss the show.

Watch your neighbor, neighbor, thats where the real threat is. That nice family down the street who goes to Church on Sunday and the townhall meeting on Sunday night. Then goes home to clean his gun and buy some more ammo.

And if you don't warn them about the Sabbath, and that they HAVE to come out, their blood will be on your hands. Come out to where? Where you going to send them? To the Mormons? To the Jehovah Witness? Where?

Who HAS the truth? THATS where you need to send them. When? Maybe later? Someday? Not yet? Keep telling them no worries, it's cool, not your problem, it's those evil Catholics we have to watch out for. You Sunday keepers can still find salvation, no problem. God doesn't really mean what He says... And we spread the lie, we, ADVENTISTS!

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What will be the impetus that causes the people to demand Sunday observance as the solution to the country's turmoil? Only a tiny minority of Christians keep Sunday holy today. Will Satan impersonating Christ play a role?

Remember Adventists Online?

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Windsor it will start much in the same way we some examples today. "Grass roots" campaigns. Civil protests, civil disobediance, perhaps riots and even acts of violence, protest marches. The Tea Party is an excellent recent example, along with other powerful lobbying groups. These groups can exert such political "force" on politicians they have little or no choice but to go along or loose their job.

To get behind, or support such a group doesn't mean you have to be active member. You can simply sit on the sidelines of public opinion and lend your support in that way. Don't fight them, don't need to join them. When the Government fails to "deal with" on crisis after another and the politicians are stumped as to how to proceed, the people will rise up and TELL them what to do and how to do it. And they won't take no for an answer. To those who could care less about Sunday worship, one way or the other, what have they got to loose? With the country in shambles, economic disaster on all fronts, we have to do SOMETHING. Back to God, lots of folks can get behind that. Lots more won't have a problem with it, nothing else is working.

Congress WILL push this law through, the Supreme Court won't be able to stop it, the Constitution will either be ignored or rewritten. Just as they almost did in the early 1900's when "Mr. Jones" went to Washington to stop them. A.T. Jones, who successfully argued against a National Sunday law.

And yes, the Catholics will be throwing dollars and support at such a law, but the primary players will be good old Americans acting for "God and Country". And the trigger will be a continuing, unrelenting, devastating, ruin of various kinds hitting this nation with no let up. While we KNOW the Sunday will lead to "National Ruin", myself, I think a major turning point are the LGBT laws and issues we are seeing now. This is a HUGE step against Christian biblical values and I don't believe God will ignore it. Buckle your seat belt, we are going in!

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I'm in full agreement with your two posts Club. It really doesn't matter why or how it takes place, because The GC lays it out pretty clearly.


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Very good posts ClubV12! Too often we are making a portion of the 5th head the Whole beast. We think we have it all figured out, but while we have the basic principles and a history to look at that will help us see. We are living like how a number of the Jews were when Jesus was here. Having the principles, having a lot of telling how things could have worked out but missing other things and turning to the speculations as to how everything was going to work out. And when Jesus came and did not meet their expectations they were not ready, despite having it all mapped out like we do.

I believe that the Papacy will pay a role, being the moral voice of the 7th head, but that we will be expecting the Papacy to be right on center stage. Some among us automatically sees everything that Rome does as by definition evil. It does not work that way, at least not until probation closes. God always works with people. I have a lot of respect for Pope John XXIII and Vatican 2. Granted, as a Protestant, and a Seventh-day Adventist, I know that Vatican 2 does not go far enough and can point out short comings with it. However many, many Catholics are going to be in heaven because of Vatican 2. What happened is the Catholics were not sure who they wanted for pope, so to buy some more time they elected this old guy dying from cancer, a guy who was not going to be able to do anything but have the title "Pope" while the politics went on. But God surprised them, as he spoke through an ass, as he was able to raise up a slave thrown into prison, so God was able to use this old dying man who could not do anything to bring reading the Bible more openly to Catholics. It was a pain in the neck for the bureaucracy, and Pope John would have probably have been denounced as a heretic, except that in the 1800s the doctrine of Papal infallibility was developed. Some Adventists recognized the miracle that occurred, and how the Holy Spirit was reaching out to Catholics. But there were others of us who felt "It came from the Vatican, therefore by definition it is Satanic.

Also, we are finding that the people who are the center of the Federal Reserve and Council of Foreign relations, the 200 families of the superrich, who bought the press in the 1990s, and has been running the government over most of the 20th century, but especially since Johnson, are molding the public opinion to lead to these grass route movements.

Now I tend to be a skeptic for the Illuminati. There is too much out in the public that is scary to worry about what may or may not exist. However I find the ideas of the existence of "The Illuminati" to be a mixture of the scary stuff that is public, mixed with off the wall stuff (Like looking at the White's tombstone and saying that it proves that Ellen and James were a part of the Illuminati) that it makes people not take seriously what is happening because it is mixed with so many crackpot ideas.

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@Club- yep!

The tools are the same (tie of civil and the ecclesiastic), but the alliance of the Catholic and Protestant systems will, I fear, be larger than history has ever seen yet.

In the book, The Two Republics, I am reading now about the worst persecuting power the US has known, and it wasn't a Catholic power. It was the Puritans of Massachussetts.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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the majority of people who claim to be Christian's keep Sunday

so when the majority of these people press the politicians

to pass Sunday Laws they politicians will pass the law


I don't know any Christians who keep Sunday holy. At best they comprise the smallest minority of Christians in North America.

I just don't see Joe 6 Pack suddenly deciding that the reason all sorts of disasters are happening is because people aren't keeping Sunday holy. Certainly not a high enough percentage of the population to influence all of Congress and the President.

Ellen White speaks of a threefold union between Protestantism, Catholicism and Spiritualism. We are forgetting that third vital member of that union, spiritualism.

"Through the two great errors, the immortality of the soul and Sunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people under his deceptions. While the former lays the foundation of spiritualism, the latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome. The Protestants of the United States will be foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to grasp the hand of spiritualism; they will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with the Roman power; and under the influence of this threefold union, this country will follow in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights of conscience."

Without the rise of spiritualism, there will be no impetus for a Sunday law. I believe that Satan and his angels will impersonate the dead and urge the acceptance of a Sunday law. Heathen deities will manifest themselves throughout the world urging the same. We know eventually Satan will impersonate Christ Himself.

"As the crowning act in the great drama of deception, Satan himself will personate Christ. The church has long professed to look to the Savior’s advent as the consummation of her hopes. Now the great deceiver will make it appear that Christ has come. In different parts of the earth, Satan will manifest himself among men as a majestic being of dazzling brightness, resembling the description of the Son of God given by John in the Revelation. Revelation 1:13-15. The glory that surrounds him is unsurpassed by anything that mortal eyes have yet beheld. The shout of triumph rings out upon the air: "Christ has come! Christ has come!" The people prostrate themselves in adoration before him, while he lifts up his hands and pronounces a blessing upon them, as Christ blessed His disciples when He was upon the earth. His voice is soft and subdued, yet full of melody. In gentle, compassionate tones he presents some of the same gracious, heavenly truths which the Savior uttered; he heals the diseases of the people, and then, in his assumed character of Christ, he claims to have changed the Sabbath to Sunday, and commands all to hallow the day which he has blessed. He declares that those who persist in keeping holy the seventh day are blaspheming his name by refusing to listen to his angels sent to them with light and truth. This is the strong, almost overmastering delusion. Like the Samaritans who were deceived by Simon Magus, the multitudes, from the least to the greatest, give heed to these sorceries, saying:

This is "the great power of God." Acts. 8:10."

Note that Satan first sends his angels to declare that Sunday should be kept holy.

Remember Adventists Online?

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Interesting points Windsor. I don't know if we can apply this as happening BEFORE the USA National Sunday law. As he (the evil doer) manifests himself in different places around the earth, this deception could be taking place as the WORLD, in different parts of the globe, begin to follow the lead of the USA (who will be the first). It could even be after most of the world has already passed a Sunday law and this will inspire any holdouts, as well as the general populace, to fully support them. Muslims, Hindus, atheists, everybody.

It really won't matter how "religious" anybody is as it concerns our National Sunday law. I believe the people who could care less, one way or the other, will simply tolerate it. Nothing else is working, might as well try something, kind of thinking. PLUS it won't be at first a law demanding anyone actually GO to Church. Just don't mow your lawn on Sunday and you will be fine, don't make any waves.

As we are told the final events will be rapid ones, I wonder about that. I'm leaving plenty of room for it "feels like" forever! When those checks stop coming in because you refused to sign that document to get the right to buy and sell. When those mortgage payments are missed and your house is threatened with foreclosure. When the food runs out and the kids are hungry. It will sure feel like "forever" and you will sure be sorely tempted to reconsider signing those documents! In that sense "rapid" is a very relative term.

At LEAST a year!!! At LEAST. Because we will need to grow our own food, thats at minimum a growing season. Uriah Smith suggested each phase of the seven last plagues, by the way, would last about two months. Over a year total. Before the close of probation, there will be PLENTY of time to seriously consider and reconsider your spiritual position and signing or not signing up for the "mark".

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At LEAST a year!!! At LEAST. Because we will need to grow our own food, thats at minimum a growing season. Uriah Smith suggested each phase of the seven last plagues, by the way, would last about two months. Over a year total. Before the close of probation, there will be PLENTY of time to seriously consider and reconsider your spiritual position and signing or not signing up for the "mark".

An inspiring reading of Exodus chapters 4-12, where the 1st three plagues were severe on both the Egyptians and the Israelites, whereas the last seven there was a decided difference of the ruin brought upon the Egyptians and not upon the children of God.

In all of that, until the first born of the Egyptians was struck down, only the unwillingness of Pharoah to let the the children of God go, allowed that distinct difference to be clearly seen by both sides of the controversy.

As pointed out in the new testament, all these things have been recorded as examples for those upon whom the end of the world has come. It allows those who walk in the Light as He is in the Light, to have great faith that when the journey appears to be the darkest, deliverance is just around the corner for those who cling by faith to the promises that have been committed to memory from the study of God's Word.

"Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come."1 Cor 10:11 NASB

"When people are saying, “Everything is peaceful and secure,” then disaster will fall on them as suddenly as a pregnant woman’s labor pains begin. And there will be no escape.

But you aren’t in the dark about these things, dear brothers and sisters, and you won’t be surprised when the day of the Lord comes like a thief. For you are all children of the light and of the day; we don’t belong to darkness and night. So be on your guard, not asleep like the others. Stay alert and be clearheaded."1 Thess 5:3-6 NLT

God cares! Jesus saves! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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