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That terrible global warming is at it again !!! :) :)


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I'd like to second that motion for the benefit of the naysayers.


Watch 63 years of climate change in one horrifying GIF


By Zach Epstein 7 hours ago

Global warming is still the topic of much debate, but a short video posted recently by NASA is fairly convincing. The 15-second animation, which was posted by NASA last week and picked up on Tuesday by Co.Exist, shows a view of the entire globe with an overlay that details climate change. NASA scientists analyzed data collected over the past 63 years by 1,000 meteorological stations from around the world, and the animation they compiled shows just how rapidly the Earth’s climate is changing.

God cares! Jesus saves! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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Another sign of the coming King?


Western U.S. drought puts big strain on reservoirs

CBS Evening News | 2:56 mins

Satellite photos show the Colorado River, which feeds Nevada's Lake Mead, is drying up, meaning the lake is rapidly shrinking. The lake provides water for 20 million people in southern Nevada, southern California and Arizona -- and it's lost 4 trillion gallons of water since 2000. Ben Tracy reports.

The calamities by land and sea, the unsettled state of society, the alarms of war, are portentous. They forecast approaching events of the greatest magnitude. The agencies of evil are combining their forces and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones.—Testimonies for the Church 9:11 (1909). {LDE 11.2}

Troublous Times Soon to Come

The time of trouble, which is to increase until the end, is very near at hand. We have no time to lose. The world is stirred with the spirit of war. The prophecies of the eleventh of Daniel have almost reached their final fulfillment.—The Review and Herald, November 24, 1904. {LDE 12.1}

The time of trouble—trouble such as was not since there was a nation [Daniel 12:1]—is right upon us, and we are like the sleeping virgins. We are to awake and ask the Lord Jesus to place underneath us His everlasting arms, and carry us through the time of trial before us.—Manuscript Releases 3:305 (1906). {LDE 12.2}

The world is becoming more and more lawless. Soon great trouble will arise among the nations—trouble that will not cease until Jesus comes.—The Review and Herald, February 11, 1904. {LDE 12.3}

We are on the very verge of the time of trouble, and perplexities that are scarcely dreamed of are before us.—Testimonies for the Church 9:43 (1909). {LDE 12.4}

We are standing on the threshold of the crisis of the ages. In quick succession the judgments of God will follow one another—fire, and flood, and earthquake, with war and bloodshed.—Prophets and Kings, 278 (c. 1914). {LDE 12.5}

There are stormy times before us, but let us not utter one word of unbelief or discouragement.—Christian Service, 136 (1905). {LDE 12.6}

God cares! Jesus saves! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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