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Satanic Temple Monument in Okla. May Include 'Interactive Display' for Kids

ABC News

By Nicki Rossoll December 10, 2013 6:11 AM

AP oklahoma ten commandments statue jef 131209 16x9 608 Satanic Temple Monument in Okla. May Include Interactive Display for Kids

(Sean Murphy/AP Photo)

With ABC News' Anneta Konstantinides

A monument to the Ten Commandments that sits outside the Oklahoma statehouse may soon have some unholy company.

Satan worshipers are seeking to build their own monument at the state Capitol, and Lucien Greaves, a spokesman for the Satanic Temple, said he's "optimistic" it will be approved.

"I really don't see a grounds which they can reject this," he told ABC News.

The privately funded Ten Commandments monument was approved by the conservative-led Oklahoma state legislature in 2009, and erected on Capitol grounds in 2012. It has riled up opponents ever since, many calling into question the constitutionality of the monument.

But Greaves does not see a problem with the Christian monument, as long as it does not stand alone.

"I feel that the statue is only problematic when it stands alone," Greaves said. "It would change the dynamic with our monument there. We aren't objecting to the Ten Commandments monument, we're objecting to the monument standing alone.""

Isn't that wonderful. Satan is giving permission to the U.S. government to stay here on display on God's own creation.

"Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.

This is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens"Genesis 2:3-5 NKJV

Anybody see the lines being drawn for the final battle and the receiving of the mark of the beast?

God cares! Jesus saves! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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