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Conservative or Liberal?

Tom Wetmore

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In Christ There is Neither Conservative Nor Liberal

Chris Blake nailed it… once again!

"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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Polarizers wield “conservative” and “liberal” to brand and dismiss. Yet nobody is only or always “conservative” or “liberal.” The words are filled with a wispy perspective; they lack a solid center.

Adventists who are conservative radicals with liberal applications.

Adventists who have tasted of grace and the freedom of discipline.

Adventists who refuse to allow superficial, meaningless labels to splinter us and continue grieving our God.

Adventists for whom One remains central and not peripheral—this same Jesus who loves us all.

Noted and answered!

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Labels are causing problems. While it is useful for a strength in numbers to band together with like minded people. We have issues where on some points we as individuals can be very conservative and others where we can be very liberal. Being in one camp or another tries to force us to embrace things.

Even in politics, issues that concerned me during the recent republicans being in office have been carried on by Democrats. But I see republicans who had not issue with the issues when it was republican in office now have a big issue that a democrat is in office. And democrats who use to complain about issues when the republican were in office now embrace them now that a democrat is in office. Allowing ourselves to be defined by labels is how Satan is trying to group us into his final deception.

Also I find that when we have republicans in office there are about a half dozen to a dozen other issues which concern me and bother me a lot. Then when a democrat is in office while I no longer have to worry about that list, I have a whole new list of about a half dozen to a dozen issues that equally concern me. For example, republicans tend to be too focused on pushing evangelical Christianity, and democrats too focused on pushing the religion of secularism neither allowing for religious freedom and liberty of conscience and allowing all groups equal access and the freedom of people to be informed on the issues, options and to follow their own conscience.

This morning on facebook I found two excellent posts from Christian Moore's "WhyTry" program about the issue of labels. One is an article the other is an outstanding about 12 minute lecture by the young woman talked about in the article. She was labeled "The ugliest woman in the world."



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Labels are causing problems. While it is useful for a strength in numbers to band together with like minded people. We have issues where on some points we as individuals can be very conservative and others where we can be very liberal. Being in one camp or another tries to force us to embrace things.

Even in politics, issues that concerned me during the recent republicans being in office have been carried on by Democrats. But I see republicans who had not issue with the issues when it was republican in office now have a big issue that a democrat is in office. And democrats who use to complain about issues when the republican were in office now embrace them now that a democrat is in office. Allowing ourselves to be defined by labels is how Satan is trying to group us into his final deception.

Also I find that when we have republicans in office there are about a half dozen to a dozen other issues which concern me and bother me a lot. Then when a democrat is in office while I no longer have to worry about that list, I have a whole new list of about a half dozen to a dozen issues that equally concern me. For example, republicans tend to be too focused on pushing evangelical Christianity, and democrats too focused on pushing the religion of secularism neither allowing for religious freedom and liberty of conscience and allowing all groups equal access and the freedom of people to be informed on the issues, options and to follow their own conscience.

This morning on facebook I found two excellent posts from Christian Moore's "WhyTry" program about the issue of labels. One is an article the other is an outstanding about 12 minute lecture by the young woman talked about in the article. She was labeled "The ugliest woman in the world."



Exactly Kevin, to all your points. thumbsup


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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