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How We Ended Up With a Generation of No-Discipline, No-Talent Job Seekers


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I know that the source of this statement means little to you...

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might,

But to me that doesn't just mean if you are employed at an occupation that interests you.

For me,I don't think the first or even second job someone has

is all they hope it to be.

If someone can't do their best regardless of the task at hand,they are not someone that I would trust to hold a responsible position later in life

There's no reason to work hard building your own prison... because that's what a majority of these young people are doing right now, and your generation set up a mighty strong foundation.

They should work hard at setting themselves free... and calling them lazy hardly sets them on their way to do so. They should work hard, but be smart and work hard on right things.

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OW was not about demanding free stuff. It was about selling this country to corporate elites for pennies on the dollar, and then demanding the young generation to pick up the tab. They should have every reason to be upset. They shouldn't be held responsible for the debt your generation has racked up in the monopoly game they were playing for the past 40 years.

Now, 40 years later, you hand them a piece and tell them to begin playing... and pay up when they land on those properties :)... I wouldn't want to work hard either if I was them. Hardly any of that is for their benefit.

The “Occupy Wall Street” protesters have listed 13 proposed demands from their website.

Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending “Freetrade” by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Demand four: Free college education.

Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.

Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.

Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America’s nuclear power plants.

Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment.

Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.

Demand ten: Bring American elections up to international standards of a paper ballot precinct counted and recounted in front of an independent and party observers system.

Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the “Books.” World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the “Books.” And I don’t mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.

Demand twelve: Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.

Demand thirteen: Allow all workers to sign a ballot at any time during a union organizing campaign or at any time that represents their yeah or nay to having a union represent them in collective bargaining or to form a union.

These demands will create so many jobs it will be completely impossible to fill them without an open borders policy.

The real question here is if these demands are not met, then what?

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/wate.../#ixzz2t0zeT6i8

Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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People should be paid based on how many children or wives they have or don't have... that was my point. They should be paid for the job that they are able to do.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Most of the younger people that work for me, work longer hours and for much less than the older generation.

If you are working in a sector or industry where any regular person can just join in and loaf around... perhaps it is the wrong industry for you?

This has a very superior tone

This is coming from a thread quoting an article that considers younger generation lazy? What superior tone are you talking about? Almost all of this thread implies "our generation is superior"


Very few people,except maybe those that work for you can waltz from the classroom to their dream job.

Largely, because they were lied to by members of your generation who has a secure job of writing their college loan checks, and running worthless educational institutions.

I've been a long-time advocate for apprenticeship as a better way to secure a better job for the future rather than wasting a 120k of your future earnings on something that you may not even use, because that's the standard that your generation demands on your resume to get any decent job.


If a child does not develop a work ethic as a child it becomes more difficult when they are faced with the world. When they are not rewarded for every achievement ,every success,they can't understand why, this is what they expect at every turn.The world really doesn't care,they are not there cheer leading at every success.

So, you are blaming the result of education, policies and actions of your generation? I don't quite get it at all. Doesn't it actually point back to systematic failure of the past generation to raise a generation of hard working people?

Most probably don't even like their first job,there are some that realize it is going to be this way for awhile. It will take on the job training,experience,education,determination to improve their own lot in life,no one can or should do it for them.

I found a way to love my first job by creating my own education curriculum, instead of following the advice of your generation of educators who is completely out of touch with business reality.

Again, they ARE in trouble, because they are taking false advice and false promises from your generation that keeps running this scam on them. They are not growing up in vaccuum.

It's your generation that's currently running the congress... and it's the worst Congress we've ever had. How do you manage to blame young people for this, when they merely do what your generation told them they should do, and not they find out that they've been lied to, and dumped enormous amount of debts to pay.

Their college loans financed this economy for the past 10 years. College bubble is one of the biggest bubbles after the Real Estate one. Who else would be stupid enough to take out a 120k loan without having any job or ability to pay it - younger people who were promised that everything will be ok.

In short - your generation failed them.


Prior to 2008,many felt their careers and jobs were secure.Suddenly they were and are faced with having to switch gears,maybe,even doing something that they never dreamed they would be doing.With the many footsteps right behind them to grab that same job,they best have a strong work ethic or they will be replaced.

The problem with US is that Babyboomer generation reduced US from Small business owners to corporate job slaves.

Your generation essentially ruined this country while making a few people insanely rich... at the expense of the present generation... and you demand the present generation to work hard and put up with this insanity? Your generation left them with a 20 trillion dollar debt and your social security tab to pick up.

Why should they listen to anything you say about hard work?

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In short:

1) The new generation didn't rack up 20 trillion in debt

2) The new generation didn't destroy local business via corporate favoritism in congress

3) The new generation didn't create a false-demand based economy via easy credit and loans that were handed out left and right

4) The new generation didn't set up the college loan machine that promises much, and delivers little

5) The new generation didn't create a food industry of processed junk that induces diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and who knows what.

5) The new generation didn't invent ADD in order to be force-fed psychotropic drugs so they can sit still and swallow whatever it is that the current system says it's good for them

6) The new generation didn't create a two party political system that's for sale to the highest bidder.

7) The new generation didn't invent the culture of consumerism and Superbowl ads that raises people to want things from cradle to grave.

I could go on and on... and on...

You generation did. Again, why should they listen to you about "value of hard work", and whatever values that you think they should be having. Your generation has succeeded ruining this country, and you are blaming younger people for being lazy?

Bonnie, they don't need that at all.

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In short:

1) The new generation didn't rack up 20 trillion in debt

2) The new generation didn't destroy local business via corporate favoritism in congress

3) The new generation didn't create a false-demand based economy via easy credit and loans that were handed out left and right

4) The new generation didn't set up the college loan machine that promises much, and delivers little

5) The new generation didn't create a food industry of processed junk that induces diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and who knows what.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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... And yes,each generation has contributed to that and yes it is escalating and will continue to. But in the end,no one holds a gun to your head to take out a loan,college or otherwise,to be a willing consumer of the many things you seem to be against No one forces you into college you neither can afford or need.

You keep switching the subject to virtually everything out there with "No one is holding a gun"... but you keep avoiding the biggest elephant in the room - 50 trillion dollar debt that your generation racked up, and which has dire economic consequences. Your generation has lived through some of the best times in American History, because it was borrowed. Now it's time to begin paying people back, and your generation says "sorry, we are out to our retirement, which is largely funded by the borrowed past... time for you to work hard". To which an obvious reply should be "No, thank you" ... we'll do it our own way.

Again... nobody cares about your idea of hard work, when your generation was working hard building a society in which we live today... and what a mess.

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But, we can also take a more reasonable approach, and understand that individual people may have individual reasons for what they do... and lumping them with "entire generation" may not be the best way to approaching dealing with these generational issues.

Describing the Gen-Y as "a Generation of No-Discipline, No-Talent Job Seekers" is incredibly ignorant way to approach sociological criticism, especially when someone writes an article based on their personal hiring experience, and casts it to be the case for the entire generation of people.

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But, we can also take a more reasonable approach, and understand that individual people may have individual reasons for what they do... and lumping them with "entire generation" may not be the best way to approaching dealing with these generational issues.

Describing the Gen-Y as "a Generation of No-Discipline, No-Talent Job Seekers" is incredibly ignorant way to approach sociological criticism, especially when someone writes an article based on their personal hiring experience, and casts it to be the case for the entire generation of people.

I thought the previous posts were about the silliest,I was wrong.

Most people with a reasonable amount of intelligence understand that a general statement does not mean each and every person in a group.

I thought you were one that did cast your hiring experience for an entire generation.

As for the silliness about consumerism,as long as there are consumers there will be those to provide. If this generation is to empty headed to understand and use care and common sense when they purchase something,I guess tough bounce.

I know a lot of young people that would be offended at the thought they are to stupid to know better.Those that have a problem with "consumerism" have only themselves to blame.

Can't figure out if college is for you,don't blame someone else. Take responsibility for your own decisions,positive or negative. No one dragged you to the admissions office.

Yes,we are running up massive debt and most don't care,they yawn and shrug. It is still give me,give me

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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