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Is It OK to Force Your Kids to Go to Church?


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I have not read the article, but I am going to just go ahead and answer the question.

No. Negative. Not at all. Worst thing in the world you can do. Ever. Period.

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I would be most interested in what the age range we are talking about. Kids was not defined.

I also wonder if those 'forced' to attend church as 'kids' are some of the same that believe it is okay to 'force' their belief on others. thinking

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From about age 12 and older, I didn't much care for church. But since my best friend was there, she and I would always sit together. We were usually quiet and would read, but we definitely were *not* listening to the sermons...except for the time when we decided to mimic every gesture the pastor made (and he was one who did a *lot* of gesticulating!) I don't think I'll *ever* forget that one. lol preacher

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Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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I have not read the article, but I am going to just go ahead and answer the question.

No. Negative. Not at all. Worst thing in the world you can do. Ever. Period.

I'm in agreement with CoAspen about kids not be defined. I kind of wonder about the word "forced" is that a good one, or is "made" to go a better term? I don't recall being forced to go to church, but I would say probably made to go. Are "forced" and "made" interchangeable? I'm not so sure. Are we not told in scripture, or is it EGW, or was that Solomon, that says we should raise a child up and they will not depart from that teaching? And if it was Solomon, didn't he start out in the way that his father/mother taught him and than he kind of went away from his teaching's, but in the end he did come back?? All I know is that when we become of age its our decession and we are now responsible, not our parents any longer. They've made there choice's right or wrong!


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I have not read the article, but I am going to just go ahead and answer the question.

No. Negative. Not at all. Worst thing in the world you can do. Ever. Period.

It was never an issue with our boys as they knew the house rules and a few applied no matter their age as long as they chose to live under our roof.

Church was a given so never became an issue. They are now in age from 40 to 52 and all very active in church and pretty much raised or are raising theirs the same way.

As for the worst thing in the world we could have done,I guess their feeling on the subject is what interests me

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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I would be most interested in what the age range we are talking about. Kids was not defined.

I also wonder if those 'forced' to attend church as 'kids' are some of the same that believe it is okay to 'force' their belief on others. thinking

Our sons really did not have a choice and they knew it so never were actually forced but as to the question

They are all faithful christian members of the church and do not make any attempt to force their beliefs on others.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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My earliest church memories was really hating it. I remember confused as a program happened and they would close the program, have closing prayer and I thought "At last it's over" and wouldn't you know it, just as I thought that I was free, they started all over again.

We were shut in's from church so we only went if relatives came out to visit or when we visited relatives. We would read and pray in the morning and bed time and have a worship service with songs that were fun on Saturday night to close out the Sabbath. At Christmas time we would go to New York City and Grandma would get the Norwegian Times to learn what churches were having Jultre Fest where it was fun to hear the Norwegian and to sing Jul med din glede, and Glade Jul, and other songs as we would go around the Christmas tree. My mom has a good friend who belongs to the Salvation Army and we would go to church with them, and another good friend who is Penticostal and we would go with them so of course respectful and I saw how important church was to them as well as to my grandma and relatives. Finally when visiting relatives in California in the 2 to 3rd grade the White Memorial Church had children's church which was fun and in the 3rd grade I attended a semester at the San Diego Academy where church was part of the program. As I grew and understood better what they were teaching and being a shut in from church to go to town or the city including church became a treat. So even thought I started out kicking and screaming, it grew on me...

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It can be easy at smaller churches to lose sight of the fact that there are not enough people to keep all different types of people interested throughout the day. What I mean is that the church service is one thing, but afternoon Bible study groups, or hanging out in the fellowship hall might be great if it's your favorite subject or your friends there-- but it's not being the most considerate to the people accompanying you, to leave them with the choice of not going at all or being stuck there until 4:30 PM.

To be an agent of creation is to serve the Creator.


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