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SECC President left out of new yearbook


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The new 2013 yearbook has a blank underline for the president of SouthEastern California Conference. This was no mistake.

This was a low blow at the newly elected Female Conference president Sandra Roberts.

If the GC President continues to play ball like this it will only continue to raise bad feelings across the N.A.D.

Check out for yourself.

It is on the internet and is easy to search for.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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Unity is important but if one continues to disrespect another duely elected individual who just does not happen to be of the correct gender then that will create hard feelings across the board. Not just in SECC but in other conferences and unions as well.

We are fast approaching the time of trouble spoken of in Daniel 12. I shudder to think how un united we are in the church with such petty slights such as this going on. One has to pick the fights that are important. Not to slight duely elected person because one does not like their gender being president of a conference. REALLY These type of slights has got to stop. It is unbecoming our church leadership to allow this to go on.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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I agree with everything that you said, with one exception:

If the GC President continues to play ball like this . . .

You have not documented the above statement that implies that President Wilson was responsible. Perhaps he was responsible? But, such mere assumptions (Unless you have documentation that you have not provided.) should not be made without documentation.

We are a big enough organization that it may very well have been someone else who decided to not list her name? I do not believe that President Wilson has the power to cause every wrong that happens in this area of our denominational life.


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But it's interesting to read the disclaimer on the Yearbook tab that states, "All information in the Yearbook has been furnished by the organizations themselves and may have changed since submission for this publication." (that's at the end of the first paragraph)

(not trying to defend the yearbook entry, but just wanted to point this out)


Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Cyber Guy: Please tell us when the copy for the YEARBOOK went to press and how that date relates to the date she was elected President.

It is jut possible that the copy for the YEARBOOK went to press prior to her election?


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Ms. Roberts assumed the office of President in October of 2013.

That date is well after the 2013 YEARBOOK was published. There is no way that the 2013 YEARBOOK could have listed her as President. She was not at the time the book went to press.


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Cyberguy: I did what you asked. I have checked the URL you gave out for myself. Here is what that URL says about the accuracy of the information:


(updated: 10/8/2012)

O. K. We now know that the information you gave us and printed in the YEARBOOK that you cited was dated October 8, 2012!

Again, Ms. Roberts came into office in October of 2013.The SDA church has never claimed the gift of prophecy for the YEARBOOK. One cannot expect it to in 2012 tell us who is going to be President a year later.


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Well, here is what the website for the Southeastern California Conference says:

Sandra Roberts - President

•President of Southeastern California Conference since October 2013.

•Executive secretary of the conference from 2004 to 2013.

•Associate Youth Director for Senior Ministry from 2000 to 2004.

•Associate pastor of the Corona church from 1995 to 2000.

•Other work experience include working as a chaplain at Loma Linda elementary and junior high school, general manager of Pine Springs Ranch, religion teacher at Modesto academy, and other ministry related work.

•Has worked in Southeastern California Conference since 1987, when she was called from the Central California Conference, where she was a religion teacher at Modesto Adventist Academy.

•Earned a Doctor of Ministry degree, with emphasis in leadership development and spirituality, from the Claremont School of Theology and a Master of Arts degree in religious education from Andrews University,

•In addition to speaking at events in the conference such as camp meetings, weeks of prayer, evangelistic crusades, ordinations, workers meetings, and church services, Roberts serves on various committees in the conference, the Pacific Union, and the North American Division.

•Within the conference, she chairs the conference Executive Committee, Administrative Council, and Resource Committee. She also is a member of the board of trustees of La Sierra University.

•The daughter of Seventh-day Adventist missionaries, Roberts is a world traveler. Her goal is to visit at least one new country every year. Her list of countries visited numbers more than 80.


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Ok. First of all the elections were in October 2013. ALL the new officers who were not officers are in that except Sandy Roberts. For instance. Johnathan Parks is secretary but he was elected same time as Sandy Roberts but he is on there. Every officer is accurate except for president who was blanked out.

It is a curious fact that all the new officers elected in October are correct but that Sandy Roberts Name is blanked out.

Would you not consider that a curious fact.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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President, ___.

Executive Secretary, Jonathan Park.

Treasurer, Verlon W. Strauss; Associate, Timothy A. Rawson; Controller, David V. Anderson.

Administrative Assistants, Erika Galaviz, Stephanie Matye, Edna R. Thomas.

Vice Presidents:

Asian-Pacific Ministries, Elizer P. Sacay.

Black Ministries, George M. King.

Hispanic Ministries, Alberto E. Ingleton.

Assistant to the President, Mario Perez.

Secretary and treasurer and controller were new people holding that position that were elected same time as Sandy Roberts. Yet they are here but not Sandy. How would you explain that Gregory. If this was old they would have had Sandy Roberts as Secretary which was her old position but they have Jonathan Park who was elected to that position minutes after Sandy Roberts was elected as president. How would you explain that Gregory?

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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Rudywoof The SECC executive Committee does not take this omission as a mistake. They took a vote and passed a resolution of which I am not privy the exact nature of that action to but which addresses this omission of Sandy Roberts from the Yearbook when it has every other officer elected on that same day.

A mistake? SECC executive committee does not view this as a mistake.

Remember that The president of the GC sent a warning letter to the constituency warning them that a Female would NOT be accepted by the world church.

After her election the GC took action which said they would not recognize Sandy Roberts as president of SECC.

Now the official Adventist Yearbook comes out with Sandy Roberts as president omitted but every other officer elected for the first time at the same time is there.

If you were on the SECC executive committee what would you think?

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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cyberguy, I wasn't inferring that the omission was a "mistake." I was just pointing out what the yearbook publishers wrote.

...and not being a member of the SECC, I wasn't aware of who else might be new conference officers, and who, aside from Sandra Roberts, was newly elected at the same constituency meeting.

Frankly, I think the omission *was* intentional. I further feel that the omission was rude and smacks of a childish temper tantrum unbecoming to whomever made the decision to do it. And it's passive-aggressive, to boot.

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Cyberguy said:

How would you explain that Gregory.

I simply went by what you posted:

1) Your post stated that the information listed was dated in 2012. Based upon the fact that she became President in October of 2013, it would have been impossible for them to have intentionally not listed her name.

2) You stated that she was left out of the 2013 YEARBOOK. The 2013 YEARBOK was published in early 2013. It was published well before she became President. Maybe your statement was a typo and you meant to say the 2014 YEARBOOK, which was published in early 20014. If so, you have never corrected your typo.


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It could be the 2014 Yearbook. Just searched for Adventist Yearbook and searched for Southeastern California Conference and got the info I heard was there. In any case all the officers elected in October 2013 was there but Sandy Roberts name was left blank. I just think that is very petty of the GC. Since Ted Wilson sent that letter to the constituency threatening that a female would not be accepted by the church and then an official response was posted in the GC website that the world church would not accept Sandy Roberts as SECC president that Ted Wilson was behind this omission either directly or strongly influenced this omission. This just very strongly angers people who learn of this. It smacks of a childish temper Tantrum which is unbecoming our world Church leaders.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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However as angry and disappointed in GC leadership as I am we must remember the story of Peter walking on the water. As long as he kept his eyes on Jesus he was safe. As soon as he took his eyes off of Jesus he sank and then he called on Jesus to save him.

We must remember that our leaders are men who are subject to the petty revenge and injustice as any human can be if they do not let Gods holy spirit lead them.

We must keep our eyes on Jesus and yearn for the day when Jesus will come and all these upsetting things within the church will be in the past.

That does not mean we must not point out injustice and call our leaders out on it. Just lets not get so upset as to want to leave the church because of it. Keep our eyes on Jesus as He is the true head of the church.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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  • 2 weeks later...

When asked about the decision to omit Sandra Roberts’ name as president of the Southeastern California Conference, David Trim, Director of the Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research at the GC, which publishes the Yearbook, said:

The 2012 Annual Council took an action that included the following:

The world Church cannot legitimize practices that clearly contradict the intent of General Conference Session actions. This applies to ordination decisions as well as to other matters in which a local organization may feel constrained not just to voice its disagreement with the world Church but to proceed along a pathway that directly conflicts with the expressed will of the worldwide Church. Accordingly, the world Church does not recognize actions authorizing or implementing ministerial ordination without regard to gender.

The Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook is a publication of the world Church and is “a directory of the organizational units and institutions that comprise the Seventh-day Adventist Church” globally (Working Policy BA 80 05). The decision to withhold Sandy Roberts’ name from the Yearbook arises out of the understanding of that 2012 Annual Council action.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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So you see people. Ted Wilson was behind this in the end. If he did not want this to happen it certainly would not have happened.

riverside.gif Riverside CA
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. . . . David Trim, Director of the Office of Archives, Statistics, and Research at the GC, which publishes the Yearbook, . . . .

The YEARBOOK has been considered a historical document. It seems to me that its credibility may now be challenged. As a historical document, it should reflect what is, rather than what some people think should be. NOTE: I support female ordination and her election as Conference President.

However, no evidence has been introduced that demonstrates that President Wilson had anything to do with this. As President of a denomination of 18 + million people, can anyone think that President Wilson has the time, effort and energy to dictate such a small matter as this. Really?

If David Trim is the Director of the office that publishes the YEARBOOK, it would seem to me that he is responsible for every aspect of what is published in the YEARBOOK.


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As President of a denomination of 18 + million people, can anyone think that President Wilson has the time, effort and energy to dictate such a small matter as this. Really?.

This is the kind of action that I think our church leadership would take. Retaliatory actions are often taken in subtle ways. My experience is that church leadership on conference, union, and division levels of administration sometimes act in passive-aggressive ways.

I would have been surprised if her name was included. Ted Wilson said her election would not be recognized. His options are limited in effecting that. The yearbook is a good opportunity. I have no evidence that he made the phone call but I would not be surprised if he did.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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this topic is striking me more and more as being a bit of, "LOOK! See? See!!! SEE?? Lookee what they did!!!," which doesn't really help the cause of women being recognized as authority figures within the church.

As to whether or not President Ted Wilson "made a phone call," why not ask him (in a nice way), rather than brand him as the instigator? (He may or may not have had a part in the decision to omit Sandra Roberts as SECC president in the yearbook.)

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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I have no evidence that he made the phone call but I would not be surprised if he did.

"A man who bears false witness against his neighbor is like a club, a sword, and a sharp arrow."Proverbs 25:18 NKJV

Seems appropriate to me along with this, if one is willing to live by the Word.

"Therefore you have no excuse or defense or justification, O man, whoever you are who judges and condemns another. For in posing as judge and passing sentence on another, you condemn yourself, because you who judge are habitually practicing the very same things [that you censure and denounce]."Romans 2:2 AMP brackets theirs' LHC

God/Jesus cares! peace

Lift Jesus up!!

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This is the kind of action that I think our church leadership would take. Retaliatory actions are often taken in subtle ways. My experience is that church leadership on conference, union, and division levels of administration sometimes act in passive-aggressive ways.

What you said may be true as it applies to past actions of which you have knowledge.

The known facts appear to be that her name was left out.

Where/What is the evidence that President Wilson had any direct influence on that?

That fact that you may know of some passive aggressive action, in the past, by some unnamed individual, does not convict President Wilson of any involvement.

Supposition is not fact.

I will suggest that we hold ourselves to a higher standard and that we deal with demonstratable fact, not supposition that is without evidence.


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"That fact that you may know of some passive aggressive action, in the past, by some unnamed individual, does not convict President Wilson of any involvement."


Like I said......I have no evidence that he made the phone call.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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