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The Changes of a Year


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Many sources believe that the Pope is overseeing three critical strategies – leveling with the hierarchy, teaching Catholic leaders to talk and trust, and evangelizing the world to convert the church.

Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/News/Articles/The-Changes-of-a-Year.aspx#24u1YAw6XbPCc17Z.99


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Many sources believe that the Pope is overseeing three critical strategies – leveling with the hierarchy, teaching Catholic leaders to talk and trust, and evangelizing the world to convert the church.

Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/News/Articles/The-Changes-of-a-Year.aspx#24u1YAw6XbPCc17Z.99

I have been updating my study of Daniel and the pope figures into it extensively.

Here is the first 2 pages.

Popes in Prophecy?

Were you expecting Pope Benedict XVI to not be pope in 2013? From September 2011 to September 2012, before it was news, I (Loudcryer) posted 8 tweets declaring that Pope Benedict XVI would not be pope –after the spring of 2013:

Here are my Benedict tweets & the dates (check it out for yourself in the twitter archives. I can't retweet myself so I reposted then in Feb 2013 giving the dates of the original):

Pope Benedict XVI has but a very short time left

(3 September 2011)

#Pope Benedict XVI marks his last year with a Latin America trip that includes a visit to #Cuba (23 March 2012)

With Benedict XVI in his last year,

Who’s going to be the new pope? As I read it … (3 April 2012)

Is Pope Benedict going to be pope in 2013? (29 April 2012)

Months ago I tweeted that pope Benedict XVI is a short timer. Now Vatican power play is news! Y u b last 2 know? (28 May 2012)

If Pope Benedict’s 8th year is really his 7th, his time ends before May 2013 (7 July 2012)

Pope Benedict’s 8th year is really his 7th, because his ascension year was John-Paul II’s last year. Will Benedict XVI’s 7th year B his last (8 August 2012)

Pope #Benedict XVI As I read Daniel’s prophecy, 7’s number of completeness. His ascension year (zero) 2005.

He might last till spring 2013? (30 September 2012)

Pope Benedict announced this morning (Monday February 11, 2013) that he is resigning as of 28 February 2013.

How was it possible to accurately tweet (check out my tweets in the Twitter archives) for and during the year and four months before Pope Benedict XVI resigned that he has a very short time left (September 2011); he is a short timer (May 2012); that 2012 is his last year (March & April 2012); that his time ends before May 2013 (July 2012); and that he might last till spring 2013? (30 September 2012) Those eight (before the fact) Pope Benedict XVI tweets have been proven to be true. As tweeted, Benedict XVI was a short timer. His last year to head the papacy was 2012. He resigned before May 2013, and he did not last in office until the Spring 2013. Prophetic insight was accurately tweeted because it was understood from the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. (Due to a 150-character limitation, Tweets may come across as being ambiguous: like Benedict’s 8th year is really his 7th, which could not be elaborated in Twitter’s limited format.)

A friend recently replied, “Prophecy isn’t so much about us seeing the future, but when it comes to pass we can know He was in charge and believe.” THAT IS SO TRUE!

But when our mighty Creator marvelously reveals centuries before the fact a truth like Benedict will not be pope after an appointed time, and it comes to pass, who knows that it is prophecy fulfilled and believes it if they do not understand that the prediction was about Pope Benedict?

“Who… can declare this, and show us former things? Let them bring forth their witnesses…or let them hear, and say, It is truth. You are My witnesses, saith the LORD…believe Me, and understand that I am He: before Me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after Me. I, even I, am the LORD; and beside Me there is no Savior. I have declared … and I have showed… you are My witnesses” (Isaiah 43:9-12).

Can God’s witnesses testify of the Present Truth that God has revealed in His word if they do not understand it?

His child Henry 

Bible student/Author https://www.loudcry101.com

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