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When you first meet someone?

M. T. Cross

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How much does finding out what religion they are matter to you?

generally, it never even crosses my mind -- the only exceptions I can think of were 1) when the Rajneeshees came to Oregon in the 1980's, and 2) on C/A when it seems like a new member has some sort of agenda when posting..

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Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Depends on what I have in mind as to the relationship.

If I am looking for a wife. it is important and early on.

NOTE: I am married and I am not looking for a wife.

There are other types of relationships where it is not important.


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How much does finding out what religion they are matter to you?

Not much. In general I find non-Christians more interesting than Christians at large because they are less guarded and more open minded. The exceptional open-minded Christian can be pretty awesome too; unless they are pushing a Christian agenda on a non-interested party. But- bottom line, religion of my acquaintences isn't a big issue with me unless they make it one.

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How much does finding out what religion they are matter to you?
Depends on what you want from a friend. If, like Gregory mentioned, looking for a life time partner, it matters. That doesn't mean that SDAs are any better than other's. The Bible speaks of unequally yoked, in my thoughts this is what's it means. To be married with someone that believes as you do. As far as just having friends, I don't see that it matters. When I was growing up I attended PS and must if not all were not SDA. I was friends with about everyone I met, not to many that I didn't like. those that thought they were tough and picked on the others, the bully type! Those I had a problem with and they knew it!! Others wise didn't have much problems.


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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How much does finding out what religion they are matter to you?
Depends on what you want from a friend. If, like Gregory mentioned, looking for a life time partner, it matters. That doesn't mean that SDAs are any better than other's. The Bible speaks of unequally yoked, in my thoughts this is what it means. To be married with someone that believes as you do. As far as just having friends, I don't see that it matters. When I was growing up I attended PS and must if not all were not SDA. I was friends with about everyone I met, not to many that I didn't like. those that thought they were tough and picked on the others, the bully type! Those I had a problem with and they knew it!! Otherwise didn't have much problems. Even in the Army, didn't have much problems either. When you stand up for what you believe, or stand up for others being picked on, people get to know and respect you for that.


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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How much does finding out what religion they are matter to you?

On a scale of 1-10 when I first meet someone: I would say ZERO unless as Gregory pointed out I am interested in a personal, romantic relationship. And then it would be too soon to make a determination about religion or life time commitment smiley

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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I ask because often I see posts, or hear people say something like - "Oh I took the guy across the street some cookies when his wife passed away. He is not an SDA/Baptist/ECT. but I thought he would appreciate them".

So it got me thinking about when you meet someone, at which point does their religious views become important to you.

The only they enter my mind at all is if said person tries to convert or preach at me. Other than that I really could care less.

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Bible speaks of unequally yoked, . . .

Two SDAs could be unequally yoked.

Being members of the same denomination does not mean that both believe the same.


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Bible speaks of unequally yoked, . . .

Two SDAs could be unequally yoked.

Being members of the same denomination does not mean that both believe the same.

That's true, good point!


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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I ask because often I see posts, or hear people say something like - "Oh I took the guy across the street some cookies when his wife passed away. He is not an SDA/Baptist/ECT. but I thought he would appreciate them".

When I see this, I think that they are saying that, they aren't just doing something nice for a member of their church, that they are going out and doing something nice for a member of their community. That they are really nice people no matter who the recipients are.

For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Mat. 16:26

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I am glad that Greg clarified that for us, that he doesn't need more than one wife. bwink

I usually meet the person first then find out more about them later on. It is rare that I defriend anyone, but it would likely be more for nasty stuff than what they believe.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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In my world religion has nothing to do with friendship. Many of the best friends I've ever had have been non-Christian. Maybe this is because I've been on both sides of life as I've been both a Christian and a non-Christian. But, I think this is because I'm convinced God does not love a non-Christian any less than he loves a Christian. And, it's also because God loved me into becoming a Christian. Can I do anything less for others than He has done for me? Can I somehow separate myself from someone else because he's at where I've been BG(Before God? Can I love someone less because they are now where I used to be? That seems very hypocritical to me if I'm claiming to be a Christian, a follower of Jesus, as it seems to me Jesus didn't love the Samaritans, the tax collectors, the prostitutes, the devil-possessed, those looked down upon by the Jews(which was anyone who wasn't a Jew) any less than He loved His disciples.

Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.
Alexis de Tocqueville
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Great post joeb. :like: very much thumbsup


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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