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Mark Finley Reflects on the Recent Ordination Meetings


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For the past two years I have participated in the Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC). In the last three meetings we have especially focused on the subject of women’s ordination. Although I have my own convictions on the subject, I have a different purpose in this editorial. My purpose is to share with you three vital life-changing lessons I have learned in the process. Read more


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Thanks for sharing that, Carlos! Your input here is appreciated always!

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Do I detect a somewhat political non-committed (other stuff is more important so let's all be friends) stand on the part of Pastor Finley?

in Christ,


John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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Not everything is life and religion is equally important. Some issues are more important than other issues.


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Not everything is life and religion is equally important. Some issues are more important than other issues.

Maybe that is what Finley is trying to say.

Perhaps his view is that certain policies are not as important as doctrine.

I doubt that his evangelistic meeting topics ever discussed the issue of only men being ordained pastors.

"The bigger issue" is whether this makes all SDA policy null and void. An "at will" sort of arrangement with each conference.

in Christ,


John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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For the past two years I have participated in the Theology of Ordination Study Committee (TOSC). In the last three meetings we have especially focused on the subject of women’s ordination. Although I have my own convictions on the subject, I have a different purpose in this editorial. My purpose is to share with you three vital life-changing lessons I have learned in the process. Read more...

Am I so wedded to my personal opinions that my sole purpose is to convince others that I am right and they are wrong? In my attempt to maintain my convictions, is it Christlike to label people as either being “liberal” or “conservative,” “progressive,” “moderate” or “traditional” by putting them in a box and assuming my characterization of them is true? During this process I have again been impressed that labels are unfair characterizations of others. Christ calls us to love people, not label people. For me, the deliberations have been an appeal to humble my heart, confessing my arrogance and pride of opinion....

As recorded in Acts, the Holy Spirit was poured out without respect to either gender or ordination. Most of the 120 believers who met in the upper room that Pentecost were not ordained, and yet God’s power was unleashed upon them and they changed the world. The Holy Spirit will be abundantly poured out again in latter-rain power on all who seek Him with their whole heart. We should never mistake appropriate biblically assigned roles and functions for the power of the Holy Spirit.



Love awakens love.

Let God be true and every man a liar.

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"The bigger issue" is whether this makes all SDA policy null and void. An "at will" sort of arrangement with each conference.

You might find the answer to your question in an article written by Dr. Calvin Rock in the Adventist Review, November 28, 1991. The article was entitled: DOCTRINES, TEACHINGS, AND POLICIES.


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While I do find that article on page 20 to be interesting - http://docs.adventistarchives.org/docs/RH/RH19911128-V168-48__C.pdf#view=fit

I am not sure it addresses the point given that the NAD president was not allowed to send this division off the cliff in opposition to the denomination when it comes to the policy of ordaining women while at the same time conferences are doing that very thing.

The article makes it appear that since this is a GC policy voted by the denomination - then this running rogue practice that has been popularized in certain conferences - is in fact a whole in the boat.

in Christ,


John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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AS [posted on the Adventist Review website:

Gregory Matthews • 4 days ago

Elder Finley said: " Most of the 120 believers who met in the upper room that Pentecost were not ordained, and yet God’s power was unleashed upon them and they changed the world."

I will suggest that they were ordained: By the power of the Holy Spirit., as in the early days of our developing church our leaders believed that Ellen White had also been ordained.

If Elder Finley believes that some of the 120 were females, he has given us an example of an ordination of females that dates from the very beginning of the Christian Church.


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