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ASI meeting @LLUC-conflict between the worldwide Advent vs Ecumenical movement


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Loma Linda University SDA Church (The largest in the west)

The Adventist Theme Song "We Have This Hope" apparently has been buried alive in many liberal SDA congregrations including the largest one, LLUC. Never heard of it for such a long time. Willfully Neglected? I don't know,.. maybe.


...Surprisingy enough, LLUC shall "temporarily allowing"--so to speak-- one of our largest SDA conservative groups, ASI to perform a special meeting this Sabbath Afternoon (June 28 @ 5:00PM) in the LLUC main sanctuary-believe it or not. Or I should say, Praise the Lord.

Please come to the meeting today @ Loma Linda University Church.


Indeed, nothing new about this forever conflict and challenge. While LLUC becomes more and more in adopting the Ecumenical mentality (No doctrine necessary, just be nice & cool and you must go to heaven, anyway), the ASI, on the other side, always upholding all of our distinctive and peculiar (not weird nor exclusive) Biblical Doctrines along with their missionary projects around the world.

So then, this coming ASI presentation entitled "Becoming A Dynamic Global Organization" is not to offend anybody especially the Ecumenical supporters. We are the Seventh-day Adventists. We have something to proclaim and warn the world before the close of probation... and we're exist not to make an easygoing, cotton candy... in entertaining Christianity to this perishing world

The ASI meeting will be concluded with our beautiful theme song "WE HAVE THIS HOPE". That's a good news. The bad news is, unfortunately, that most of the LLUC youth and teenagers explicitly, innocently but simply said that "we don't really recognize nor familiar with our own Adventist theme song" or "we barely know about this song".

This is not a good sign, anyway. Please proof it by yourself. Many of the SDA-contemporary-style regular attendants said that "we never sing this song for about 5, 10 or 15 years". This song is not for us.

What a heartbreaking testimony. But... thank you Jesus for intervening so that ASI may be allowed to make a higher calling in the Main Sanctuary for us not to lose our identity.

If we have no special message of warning, to rebuke....no special responsibility to proclaim to the world, then there is no reason for God to raise up the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist movement. Totally nonsense...if.

I have nothing to do with ASI, I won't be there but thanks for planning to come this Sabbath to LLUC for a special ASI presentation (Sabbath Afternoon, June 28 at 5:00 PST) Bring your groups/churches/families.

We have this Hope...Maranatha.

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Your sarcasm and anger against the Seventh-day Adventist Church is clear and not to be misunderstood.

I have no idea as to what it is in your background that has resulted in so much pain and hurt which you may believe was caused by the SDA Church. I simply hope that you will be able to find the healing that the Lord can give you.

But, in the mean time, with the depth of pain and anger that you demonstrate, why are you here at Club Adventist? It does not appear to me to be a place of healing for you. I wonder if you are simply wanting to share you pain and anger with others in the hope that they will be as wounded as you are?


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If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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It seems to me that if there is any anger or sarcasm, it is directed not against the SDAC but against the ecumenicalists within the SDAC.

Welcome, Mel, to CA.

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I actually have no clue what the OP is trying to say.

Is it:

1) a complaint about not singing "We Have This Hope"?

2) wondering why ASI is having vespers tonight at the LLUC?

3) ecumenicalism = no standards??

4) SDA's ought to be in the business of "rebuking" all with whom we disagree?

Frankly, I'm not sure where mel20 is coming from at all...

If someone has something worth quibbling about, why not just come out and state what the beef is?? Obfuscation is rarely conducive to a meaningful discussion....

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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