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Ebola crisis in West Africa


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The next big step backwards is now in the news.

Families are paying the teams that remove Ebola-riddled bodies to issue fake death certificates, ones that say the death was from other causes. They are doing that so that families can have those traditional burials that involve the whole family. Wakes can last for days and involve family members kissing the body.


Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Taken from Naturalnews:

...... we hear that there might be a vaccination against ebola. Is that an answer to prayers?


Remember previous similar issues:

Is the vaccination idea a planned plot?

Didn't they try it with SARS?  yes they did. Didn't they try it with the regular flu? yes they did.  Didn't they  try it with Swine flu. yes they did. Now they have manufactured a panic with Ebola.  Could it be that they are wanting 100% of the population to blindly submit to vaccinations?


Now,  I'm not disagreeing that people have died of SARS, flu, and Ebola. I'm just saying that vaccines are not the answer. The whole purpose is to create panic and implement martial law.


Look up news of Braintree, Massachusetts.  It appears there is a law that even if it is "uncertain" you have been exposed or suffering from Ebola, they can take you away and fine you if you refuse  and dispose of your property.



A few notes I took from this article…..

~~~~~~~~ The World Health Organization (WHO) now says that Ebola can spread through the air via moisture released through sneezing and coughing,

~~~~~~~ Ebola is capable of traveling through the air and infecting other people. Theoretically, wet and bigger droplets from a heavily infected individual, who has respiratory symptoms caused by other conditions or who vomits violently, could transmit the virus -- over a short distance.

~~~~~~~ Indirect Ebola transmission is also mentioned in the WHO announcement, which warns against touching surfaces that may have become contaminated with the virus. Appropriate cleaning and disinfection protocols should always be the first line of defense in these situations, even though the risk of transmission from contaminated surfaces is believed to be low.

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It is deceptive, but they draw the line in a different place than we do here. Liberia is the second most corrupt nation in the world.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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I've read that there is a vaccine being developed in Canada that needs some testing still but it's coming.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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I just read a report that states that there is proof now that Ebola can be airborne. Anyone else see that?

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Here is an article that relates a theory that some people may suffer an asymptomatic Ebola infection and thereby end up with an acquired immunity. These people would be safe to treat the ill:


Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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?.. asymptomatic Ebola infections, meaning they carried the disease but aren't sick. That sounds like having AIDS before you get HIV positive activated in your system. That means people could be carrying the disease without experiencing any symptoms. Could that be because they may have acquired immunity to the disease ? Then that could allow them to safely treat the sick in hospitals or at home among family members.


As to airbourne Ebola..... I shudder to think!  airbourne agents appear to me imo to be more feared. When we know we have before us someone who is infectious, we keep a distance to his bodily secretions. Our prevention from catching the sickness has to do with our outfit to protect skin and eyes. Airbourne pathogens seems even more tricky because they can float over wider-longer distances and get inhaled by us. Multiple times over the years my teacher husband suffered from throat infections, repiratory and sinus infections as well. All because of daily close contact to hundreds of school kids.

Now he has been freed from all that since he went into retirement. I am so grateful.

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3ABN to Air Two-Hour Special on Ebola This Weekend

The Ebola crisis dominates our headlines, and fear of an epidemic is causing governments worldwide to take increasingly drastic measures to contain it.

How much danger are we in? What precautions should we take? And what can we do to help the millions of people who are living under the eminent threat of infection? What is our church doing to help?

These questions, and many more, are addressed in a two-hour special airing this weekend on 3ABN. Tune in for a frank discussion with Dr. Peter Landless, director of the Health Ministries Department at the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. We will also be discussing this disease with Dr. James Appel and Dr. Gillian Seton, who have been battling Ebola firsthand at the Cooper Adventist Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia.

This is a program you won't want to miss!

Broadcast Times
Friday, October 17, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. CDT (UTC-5)
Saturday, October 18, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. CDT (UTC-5) (Repeat)
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Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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I hope they are doing the broadcast via video/audio transmission from West Africa to 3ABN downlinks.

To fly to southern Illinois for an two hour interview would be a bit much, imo.


Just to reiterate.... Ebola is transmitted by close contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person.

It is not contagious to others until a patient begins to show symptoms such as fever, aches, vomiting or diarrhea.


That means that during the incubation time before Ebola breaks out into symtoms in the affected person, she/he doesn't contaminate others or spread the disease with contact. This is what I have been reading. I am not 100% sure on this until I see more confirmation.


Do AIDS victims have a time they are incubating thier virus and aren't contagious to others as well?

Or is the intim exchange of body fluids (when they show no symptoms) possible to infect their partner?


It is a known power over anothers by using the tactic of scaring people to manipulate them.

Fear mongering might produce a massive amount of Obsessive Compulsive Behavior Disorders in handwashing and cleaning at home by many sensitive persons.

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I would say they're airing on there station on those two dates that they mentioned??


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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There is so much we just don't know...  Is there any sense to creating our own time of trouble in advance by fearmongering?

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Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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There is so much we just don't know...  Is there any sense to creating our own time of trouble in advance by fearmongering?

You mean like this?




I received this from a brother in the faith yesterday in case anyone is interested.


Broadcast Times concerning the Ebola hulabaloo. This is on 3ABN and that would be at 5PM Pacific time. Maybe 4PMDST
Friday, October 17, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. CDT (UTC-5)
Saturday, October 18, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. CDT (UTC-5) (Repeat)


God is Love! Jesus saves! :smiley:

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Lift Jesus up!!

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Interesting article about Ebola antibodies. There is now a black market for blood from Ebola survivors. Some are saying, "Why not?"


Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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"There is now a black market for blood from Ebola survivors."


Now that is really a cool way of getting a present reward for suffering a time of discomfort and fear.



taken from Yahoo articles....


Ebola can be spread through indirect contact (i.e. via contaminated surfaces).

The most substantial long-term threat comes from the likely spread of Ebola in Central or South America from which it would then rapidly spread to North America via uncontrolled border crossings.

Consider that a serious, uncontrolled outbreak of Ebola in America would emerge 12 - 24 months following a serious uncontrolled outbreak of Ebola in any Central or South American nation (such as El Salvador or even Mexico).


Ebola could go airborne through body fluid and come in contact with a new victim without them realizing it. Theoretically, the Ebola virus can latch onto small particles of spit and mucus floating in the air, ultimately gaining the power to travel as an airborne aerosol over a short distance. This could have been how Mukpo contracted the virus. The virus could have gone airborne and entered his body, for example, through the eye ducts. He may never have come into actual "direct contact" with the virus to catch it. It could have simply traveled through the air to his eyes.

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The death toll is close to 5,000 officially, but now "they" are saying that it is really much more than that, closer to 15,000:


Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Mali has reported its first case of Ebola. The U.S. has had nine patients now.

My son was supposed to go to Burkina Faso but that event has been postponed. Whew! Says the mother's heart!

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Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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U.S. hospitals operating today can't even stop the spread of bacterial superbugs like MRSA, c.diff or CRE.

Doctors and health care staff in w.Africa are rapidly infected by Ebola due to the extraordinary transmission properties of the virus and not enough protective gear available causing medical staff to either flee or get the virus. During a widespread pandemic, most people will be sent home to die, with no medicine or professional medical care whatsoever.


This is why it's so crucial for people to stockpile natural medicines at home and learn how to hydrate themselves, boost their own immune function and avoid infecting others in their own home. Bolstering up one’s immune system and daily hydrating one’s body is essential preparation for battle against viren onslaughts.


FACT: Every person who has survived Ebola so far has survived entirely because of their own immune system. No doctor on the planet has ever saved any Ebola patient. If you wish to survive an Ebola infection, practice now in advance proper preparation in eating healthy foods and daily amounts of fluid intake to hydrate your body’s cells. Your body will be able to resist better the attack while in the outbreak of the illness and you have the chance to save your own life.

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Gail, is your son a reserve cadet or a full time soldier?


We all feel for you knowing how the possible harm in duty can come to your son if he does get called up.


I pray for God's protection be as a strong shield if such is his fate.

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No, he's not a soldier. He works for a hedging firm in microfinance and travels to Africa I would say 3 or 4 times a year. His job also takes him to Europe and sometimes Asia, but mostly Africa. His wife has a non-profit organisation which works in Liberia. During the Ebola outbreak LACES has suspended outdoor activities except for education campaigns and to distribute bleach and buckets to families.

As far as I know, my daughter-in-law has not lost any staff due to the sickness. Early on they have been following safety procedures.

The trip that my son was supposed to take to Burkina Faso was some sort of conference. It was a speaking engagement for him.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for sharing with us the situation your son and his wife are in. I am hoping they are putting all their cares and worries onto our Lord Christ and trust Him to protect them if they have to fly to Africa the next time.

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Building up one's immunity seems to be the best self-preventive defense attempt we should do for whatever comes our way in health threat like bacterial/virus attacks.


(following from my favorite health magazine)

The first step to proper immune function is to largely eliminate the worst offenders in its suppression, namely:

- All forms of sugar

- Processed food

- Gluten

- Corn and soy

- Hydrogenated fats

- Alcohol

- Factory farmed animal products (meat, dairy)

- Chemical additives and preservatives

- Heavy metals (fillings, pollution, seafood)

- Medications

- EMFs

- Erratic sleep patterns

- Inactivity

- Stress


Any one of these offenders can severely suppress your immune system. If you engage in several, the compounding effects leaves this system unable to do its job effectively and makes you a willing host to all kinds of viruses, bacteria, and disease processes.

More on this at :


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Yentyl is trying to take away all the good stuff from us. No thanks. I'll keep mine thank you.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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  • 2 months later...
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It has been a while since I have reported.

The Ebola crisis seems to be abating and people are volunteering for vaccinations.

The death toll is just shy of 9,000; this outbreak killed more than all previous Ebola outbreaks combined. And officials are admitting that the number of affected and dead are way understated.

What's next? Well, it does seem that in the end the world did take notice and pitch in. I wonder if in the future Ebola epidemics will become widespread and as deadly as cholera or the flu. What we have been witnessing over the years is the birth and growth of a plague.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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