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Poll, Doctrine no 24


Christ's Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary   

20 members have voted

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In respect to the material concerning the prophetic revelation of 1844, if it were removed as a doctrine in the SDA, would you remove your membership as a result? 

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Absolutely not.  I guess it's because I'm a generic SDA.   I believe that the Sabbath is the 7th day of the week and that Jesus is coming in the flesh soon.  I also like almost all SDA's I meet.  I will stay as long as they keep me.  That being said, if they took me off the books, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

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I'm with JoeMo, Absolutely not!! And I'm not a generic SDA. From what I've study etc., the Adventist church follows the Bible more closely than any other group. So even if I were to stop going to church, I'd still consider myself an Adventist.


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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It is a doctrine that has wheat and chaff. Too many of us do not understand it. Too much speculation has been added to it and we have not studied what Mrs. White says and did not say about it.


But it is an exciting doctrine. I fear us throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

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I would just join up with other SDAs who would still hold to the doctrine.  Those who don't believe in it must have the book of Hebrews and Rev 11 missing in their Bibles.

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I got baptised as an adventist 9 years ago but since then I've come to reject quite a few of our doctrines, but it doesn't seem to bother my church brothers and sisters and I don't have any plans to leave.  Christianity is the best fit for the things I believe, and where I live the SDA church is the pick of the Christian churches in my view.  It was better when Brett (the pastor who was there when I joined) was there but you can't have everything.  He's moved on to greener pastures and good luck to him.

I recently had reasons to skip sabbath school and the church service for three weeks in a row and it was great to be back this morning, I really missed the Bible discussions and the fellowship, not to mention the singing which is 2nd to none - not the only reason I don't go elsewhere but certainly a big one.


So in answer to your question, there's never going to be a change in the FBs that'll make me leave.  I think the saturday sabbath belief is a misunderstanding, by both the ancient Jews and now us.  But I'm too polite to say so.  Usually.  


While I'm there I might as well add I'm not a trinitarian, I don't agree with the state of the dead FB, and I suspect the 2nd coming of Jesus was a metaphor for each of us's physical death, amplified by warnings about the 70AD cataclysm for Jerusalem.


What else?  Oh yeah, I believe the Bible is not intended to be regarded as infallibly accurate.  I believe it incorporates many errors and misunderstandings, even a few deliberate corruptions.  I believe the human writers were ordinary men, prompted to put stylus to papyrus by God's inspiration.  And what they wrote reflected not just the prompter's motive but also their flawed understanding, their prejudices, their societal conditioning.  I like what Fr Richard Rohr says about it in his "New Great Themes of Scripture".


OK, take your best shots.   :)

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I got baptised as an adventist 9 years ago but since then I've come to reject quite a few of our doctrines, but it doesn't seem to bother my church brothers and sisters and I don't have any plans to leave.  Christianity is the best fit for the things I believe, and where I live the SDA church is the pick of the Christian churches in my view.  It was better when Brett (the pastor who was there when I joined) was there but you can't have everything.  He's moved on to greener pastures and good luck to him.

I recently had reasons to skip sabbath school and the church service for three weeks in a row and it was great to be back this morning, I really missed the Bible discussions and the fellowship, not to mention the singing which is 2nd to none - not the only reason I don't go elsewhere but certainly a big one.


So in answer to your question, there's never going to be a change in the FBs that'll make me leave.  I think the saturday sabbath belief is a misunderstanding, by both the ancient Jews and now us.  But I'm too polite to say so.  Usually.  


While I'm there I might as well add I'm not a trinitarian, I don't agree with the state of the dead FB, and I suspect the 2nd coming of Jesus was a metaphor for each of us's physical death, amplified by warnings about the 70AD cataclysm for Jerusalem.


What else?  Oh yeah, I believe the Bible is not intended to be regarded as infallibly accurate.  I believe it incorporates many errors and misunderstandings, even a few deliberate corruptions.  I believe the human writers were ordinary men, prompted to put stylus to papyrus by God's inspiration.  And what they wrote reflected not just the prompter's motive but also their flawed understanding, their prejudices, their societal conditioning.  I like what Fr Richard Rohr says about it in his "New Great Themes of Scripture".


OK, take your best shots.   :)


just curious, anto .... what is it about the Adventist church that makes you stay?  and which of the SDA doctrines do you agree with?  (I ask, because it's odd not for an Adventist not to believe in the 7th day Sabbath and the 2nd coming, as those are the two absolute foundations of the SDA church, as reflected in its name)

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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I am like pkrause, in that the Adventist church follows the Bible more closely than any other group that I have found.


I am not sure myself, because there is a few things I disagree with in the SDA....I think I would say having woman pastors & gay marriage would make me drop the SDA church way before the Christ's Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary doctrine...



anto said.....


“ Oh yeah, I believe the Bible is not intended to be regarded as infallibly accurate.  I believe it incorporates many errors and misunderstandings, even a few deliberate corruptions. “


reasons and/or proof please....no shots, just wondering...... :thinking:

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I believe that the SDA Church has a scriptually based set of doctrines; far better than  any other church.  Does that mean I agree exactly with every position.  No, I must study every doctrine for myself; I must own it.  So I do have positions which are not always according to the norm of the church; I keep studying because I do not believe I have the final authority for truth.  I keep depending upon the promise of the Holy Spirit to guide me to all truth.  It is my job to put myself in a position where the Spirit can do that.  I do believe that there is still much to learn about the sanctuary doctrine.



The searcher.

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I believe that the SDA Church has a scriptually based set of doctrines; far better than  any other church.  Does that mean I agree exactly with every position.  No, I must study every doctrine for myself; I must own it.  So I do have positions which are not always according to the norm of the church; I keep studying because I do not believe I have the final authority for truth.  I keep depending upon the promise of the Holy Spirit to guide me to all truth.  It is my job to put myself in a position where the Spirit can do that.  I do believe that there is still much to learn about the sanctuary doctrine.



The searcher.

That would be in line with this biblical insight.


16So Jesus answered them and said, "My teaching is not Mine, but His who sent Me. 17"If anyone is willing to do His will, he will know of the teaching, whether it is of God or whether I speak from Myself. JOHN 17


God is Love! Jesus saves!  :smiley:

Lift Jesus up!!

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anto said.....


“ Oh yeah, I believe the Bible is not intended to be regarded as infallibly accurate.  I believe it incorporates many errors and misunderstandings, even a few deliberate corruptions. “


reasons and/or proof please....no shots, just wondering...... :thinking:

If the Holy Scripture were that nondescript when it was given for the eternal security of those choosing to serve, it could only be described as one among many gods vying for first place without anything absolute or perfect. That would make this instruction given below laughable, just what the enemy of souls would like those made in the image of God to believe.


48"Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Matt 5


Especially in light of these two other injunctions.


9"The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it? Jeremiah 17


23"Can the Ethiopian change his skin Or the leopard his spots? Then you also can do good Who are accustomed to doing evil. Jeremiah 13


God is Love! Jesus saves! :smiley:

Lift Jesus up!!

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