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Sabbath Sermon: Adam and Steve


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Homosexuality is a condition, like blindness is a condition.  Ideally, people aren't blind.  Neither they ideally are homosexuals.  But both are stuck with reality of dealing with their condition. 



It sort of the same with homosexuality.   They are unable to be attracted to opposite sex, for most of them.  It's their condition that largely stems from hormonal impact on their development, thus they are "blind" in a sense and are trying to cope with it.  Stating that it's a sin doesn't really help the issue in terms of their ability to deal with sexual attraction.   Sure, they can choose to be celebate, but in Biblical terms... It's not good for men to be single.   Thus they have a choice between struggling with their innate sexual drive for the rest of their lives which seems to be the only option.

There's a huge difference - the Bible calls one an "abomination".

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Have you considered all of the things considered to be an abomination in Scripture? if we treated everything that is described as an abomination the same as we do homosexuality, our churches would be empty and silent. It is the Scriptural equivalent to the teenage expression, " Ooooh gross! That's disgusting!" It has no more specific meaning to distinguish one sin from another than if we used the word "bad".

Lying lips are an abomination. Pride and arrogance is an abomination. Mischief making is an abomination. Cheating in business is an abomination. Cats and dogs are an abomination. A crooked smile is an abomination. Physical flaws in a sacrifice are an abomination. Associating and eating with Gentiles is an abomination.

And that is the short list.

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"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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While there are exceptions, most of the things punishable by death in Israel would have us disciplined by the church today. I think even as a new believer, seeing the Bible say that people were killed for a certain thing, whatever it was, would give me serious pause were it something I was doing. Ignoring these big stop signs in the Bible is not helpful for us as a church or for those we seek to lead to Christ. Jesus forgives all sins except the ones we do not confess or forsake either because we are not willing to or we do not know about them. Either way, not letting someone know something is a sin (not in their face, but neglecting to uphold it as a church standard) is not doing them any favors.

Behold what manner of love the Father hath given unto us.

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JoeMo I too believe that if someone is openly endangering the church they should not be in its environs. In addition I believe that others should be free to attend and learn even if openly practicing these things, but they cannot be accepted into regular membership if they are openly doing certain things- those listed in our handbook such as  dealing drugs robbing banks passing out drunk or living in adultery. Those things include homosexual practices. The other practices I listed are also disruptive and might also preclude attending church in some instances.  So Iagree that homosexuals (drug dealers, those living with their neighbor's wife, etc) should be able to attend but should need to be willing to give up their practicing (adultery, homosexuality, selling drugs) if they would like to join the church. Might they fall? Yes, but they should be dealt with compassionately. Jesus didn't say to the woman taken in adultery "I knew you couldn't help yourself." but "Go and sin no more."

Behold what manner of love the Father hath given unto us.

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Have you considered all of the things considered to be an abomination in Scripture? if we treated everything that is described as an abomination the same as we do homosexuality, our churches would be empty and silent. It is the Scriptural equivalent to the teenage expression, " Ooooh gross! That's disgusting!" It has no more specific meaning to distinguish one sin from another than if we used the word "bad".

Lying lips are an abomination. Pride and arrogance is an abomination. Mischief making is an abomination. Cheating in business is an abomination. Cats and dogs are an abomination. A crooked smile is an abomination. Physical flaws in a sacrifice are an abomination. Associating and eating with Gentiles is an abomination.

And that is the short list.

Yes, I have, because Kevin was trying to say that "abomination" was used in a very narrow biblical sense.  The word is used in a broader sense.  And I didn't make the distinction.  God did.  Nowhere in Scripture is inborn physical blindness remotely referred to as a sin.

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Either way, not letting someone know something is a sin (not in their face, but neglecting to uphold it as a church standard) is not doing them any favors.

Not to mention that if we find ourselves unwilling purposely to enter into the reason why Jesus came to this earth, how can we consider our self a follower of Christ?


9And Jesus said to him, "Today salvation has come to this house, because he, too, is a son of Abraham. 10"For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."....Luke 19


15"For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you. 16"Truly, truly, I say to you, a slave is not greater than his master, nor is one who is sent greater than the one who sent him.…John 13


God is Love! Jesus saves! :smiley:

Lift Jesus up!!

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Can you be a practicing adulterer/murderer/embezzler/etc  and be a real follower of Christ?


  Are you really comparing homosexuality to an act murder? 

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fccool Alcoholism is something for which the tendency may be both inherited and cultivated. In that way they are similar. It begins inwardly and both are mental emotional and spiritual rather than solely physical. In this way they are also similar. Blindness is in most cases a physical condition first and does not begin with the emotions or inner man. Jesus said it is the things that proceed from inside the man that defile him.


And  both practicing alcoholism and homosexuality are behaviors that are incompatible with the standards of the early Christian church as well as the church today. I concur with these standards.


Even though different methods have been used to explain away Biblical texts on Christianity and homosexual behavior, one can give examples of Gentile believers who will be in the kingdom, or of women who were spiritual leaders, but there are no records of those openly living a homosexual lifestyle whose actions were condoned by any true prophet or by the church as a body- not one in the whole Bible and not one in the Spirit of Prophecy, not ever present or past.


Paul said regarding homosexuality along with many other sins, and such were some of you , but you are washed, ye are sanctified, ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. It says elsewhere that the name of Jesus will cleanse us from all sin. Homosexual behavior is a sin. Jesus can cleanse us from it. The blood of Jesus Christ can cleanse us from all sin- all but the sin we will not give up or acknowledge as sin, because if we do not acknowledge it as sin and go for cleansing, we cannot be cleansed.





  Unfortunately, it's not as simple as that... otherwise there were much more examples of recovered homosexuals who were "cleansed".   Jesus won't "cleans you" of homosexuality, unimore than Jesus won't grow your leg back.   I'm not saying it to limit God.  I'm saying it due to reality and natural of God's involvement in our world. Homosexuality is a condition of mind impacted by human physiology that drive emotional behavior.   For example, left-handedness is a result of similar hormonal imbalance.   Left-handed people can't easily switch their tendency to prefer left.   Homosexuality is very similar, in both causal development, and reality.


  For the record, my comparing it to blindness had nothing to do with making a distinction of sin.   It's not sin to be a homosexual, which is defined as someone who is sexually attracted to the members of the same sex.  You can make a case that a homosexual act is a sin, but hence my question that I keep bringing up, and it keeps being ignored or rationalized:)


  Adventists have a clear guidelines about keeping your body healthy.  There are church members who do struggle with gluttony, in which they continually engage as a practice.   Paul lists gluttony as one of these abominable sins.


  Again, my question is...   why such strong condemnation for practicing homosexuality, and virtually no condemnation for practicing gluttons in chruch today?


And again, may I suggest it is because gluttony is a lot closer to home as a sin than homosexuality, especially in our sugar-addicted culture today.   We may rationalize and give excuses due to examples of medical condition, but statistically.... heart disease and diabetes are higher on the list of causes of death than alcohol or homosexuality.


It seems to me that the strong condemnation of homosexual monogamy is rather inconsistent in light of enormous amount Torrence and excuse for habitual gluttony.   Why can't homosexuals be treated with the same "same as you are now, but hoping you'll improve" degree tolerance that church treats people who struggle with food addiction?

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  Are you really comparing homosexuality to an act murder? 

No, but the Bible classifies them all as "sin", just like gossip, cheating, or disrespecting parents.

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No, but the Bible classifies them all as "sin", just like gossip, cheating, or disrespecting parents.


That's exactly my point.   There are plenty of sins, yet the ones tolerated most ... seem to be the ones that are more prevalent in the congregation.


Everyone is Biblical literalist, until it's something about those whose struggles you can deeply relate to.  Then it has to be contextualize, we have to be understanding, we have to be patient, the world is imperfect and etc.   Until then, the lines are drawn in black and white.



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  Unfortunately, it's not as simple as that... otherwise there were much more examples of recovered homosexuals who were "cleansed".   Jesus won't "cleans you" of homosexuality, unimore than Jesus won't grow your leg back.   I'm not saying it to limit God.  I'm saying it due to reality and natural of God's involvement in our world. Homosexuality is a condition of mind impacted by human physiology that drive emotional behavior.   For example, left-handedness is a result of similar hormonal imbalance.   Left-handed people can't easily switch their tendency to prefer left.   Homosexuality is very similar, in both causal development, and reality.


  For the record, my comparing it to blindness had nothing to do with making a distinction of sin.   It's not sin to be a homosexual, which is defined as someone who is sexually attracted to the members of the same sex.  You can make a case that a homosexual act is a sin, but hence my question that I keep bringing up, and it keeps being ignored or rationalized:)


  Adventists have a clear guidelines about keeping your body healthy.  There are church members who do struggle with gluttony, in which they continually engage as a practice.   Paul lists gluttony as one of these abominable sins.


  Again, my question is...   why such strong condemnation for practicing homosexuality, and virtually no condemnation for practicing gluttons in chruch today?


And again, may I suggest it is because gluttony is a lot closer to home as a sin than homosexuality, especially in our sugar-addicted culture today.   We may rationalize and give excuses due to examples of medical condition, but statistically.... heart disease and diabetes are higher on the list of causes of death than alcohol or homosexuality.


It seems to me that the strong condemnation of homosexual monogamy is rather inconsistent in light of enormous amount Torrence and excuse for habitual gluttony.   Why can't homosexuals be treated with the same "same as you are now, but hoping you'll improve" degree tolerance that church treats people who struggle with food addiction?

Left handedness is not the same as homosexuality. There is evidence that among younger Americans, hand preference is about 50-50 and that the reason older Americans are more often right handed is all who could be taught to be right handed were. 

Actually until you become morbidly obese there is negligible risk of higher mortality. A BMI of 26 say is at the very lowest mortality rate.for Caucasians, even though this is considered overweight on the charts. The Adventist Health Study showed for vegetarian females a BMI of almost 28 was still in the very lowest mortality category.If people are morbidly obese, they need help. I do help people with this problem by the way having a Masters in nutrition. They may or may not be gluttons. Eating a little too much for many years can cause someone to wind up very overweight. 

Homosexual behavior is a sin. Paul says both effeminate and abusers of themselves with mankind shall not inherit the kingdom. The Adventist church concurs.

The tendency to be homosexual is also biochemical. One predisposing factor for a male homosexual offspring is trauma to the mother during pregnancy. It says we can through the grace of God overcome every inherited and cultivated tendency to sin. In the Bible it says I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

lAlcohol abuse is also a sin. The tendency is also inherited and cultivated. Millions have overcome through the help of they say Higher Power but many many acknowledge it as God helping them. And quitting is tough. I know alcoholics cocaine users homosexuals and others who have overcome through the grace of God. I believe it is possible. First one needs to acknowledge that one has a problem one cannot control, then believe and ask for help. Saying this is too big a problem to get help for, or that it is not a problem, is not helpful in leading others in the Christian walk. If we sincerely want to help someone, we should not tell them it is unnecessary or impossible, By the same reasoning, alcoholics should not have to quit, neither should chain smokers heroin users cocaine users or promiscuous heterosexuals. We may as well throw out all standards of church membership because it is just too hard to quit. And it is hard- it can be next to impossible, but with God all things are possible,None of us can live a Godly life without Divine help, but with God all things are possible. I don't know how exactly God changes homosexuals, or other sinners like all of us on this planet, like I don't know how he is going to translate us and take us through outer space through the clouds to Heaven without a spaceship or an atmosphere. I do believe it because the Bible says it, and it also says that those who practice homosexual behavior will not be there. Of course there are other sins that will keep us out. I do not think you are seriously suggesting everyone who is overweight should be disfellowshipped, just that you think the restriction on membership of practicing homosexuals should go away. I disagree and agree with the Adventist Church standards.

Behold what manner of love the Father hath given unto us.

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Everyone is Biblical literalist, until it's something about those whose struggles you can deeply relate to.  Then it has to be contextualize, we have to be understanding, we have to be patient, the world is imperfect and etc.   Until then, the lines are drawn in black and white.


  Again, my question is...   why such strong condemnation for practicing homosexuality, and virtually no condemnation for practicing gluttons in chruch today?


And again, may I suggest it is because gluttony is a lot closer to home as a sin than homosexuality, especially in our sugar-addicted culture today.   We may rationalize and give excuses due to examples of medical condition,...........

Good points fccool, and the answer to your questions is.......None!



Actually until you become morbidly obese there is negligible risk of higher mortality. A BMI of 26 say is at the very lowest mortality rate.for Caucasians, even though this is considered overweight on the charts. The Adventist Health Study showed for vegetarian females a BMI of almost 28 was still in the very lowest mortality category.If people are morbidly obese, they need help. I do help people with this problem by the way having a Masters in nutrition. They may or may not be gluttons. Eating a little too much for many years can cause someone to wind up very overweight.

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fccool brings up points that are never answered, just continually we see end runs made around the the questions. This is not new, it has been happening for years in this forum and by conservative Christianity. As someone else brought out, it is simply a distasteful subject that people have difficulty dealing with and I would submit, because people simply do not want to understand and learn. If we would simply quit trying to change the sexual orientation of others, sinful lives of others, and all the mired of other things we find wrong in others, we could make the changes in our own lives that allows others to perhaps see some real value in the christian life style.


Christianity is losing importance when it stops walking in the footsteps of Christ and just talks about it.

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1 Corinthians 6:9-11King James Version (KJV)

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

My prayer is to be there myself because I am a sinful human being as well, and not continue in any sins, including those listed above- admittedly not an exhaustive list, but they clearly will keep us out of Heaven. I rest my case.

Behold what manner of love the Father hath given unto us.

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any sin .... not covered by the blood of Jesus will keep us out of Heaven.

Praise God each day when I sin .... these sins are covered and I am saved.

May we be one so that the world may be won.
Christian from the cradle to the grave
I believe in Hematology.

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And it is hard- it can be next to impossible, but with God all things are possible,None of us can live a Godly life without Divine help, but with God all things are possible.

When things get tough for me to accomplish, that I have good reason to believe it probably is what He's asking of me, I cling to this promise and expect Him to answer what He has promised.


29"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30"For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."....Matt 11 Emphasis theirs' LHC


It was how I overcame a potty mouth, many years ago. Other areas of conduct were not so easy but it was largely because I didn't recognize my need until something damaging had taken place. God is good at letting us know, if we are inclined to be willing to do His will.


16So Jesus answered them and said, "My teaching is not Mine, but His who sent Me. 17"If anyone is willing to do His will, he will know of the teaching, whether it is of God or whether I speak from Myself. 18"He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who is seeking the glory of the One who sent Him, He is true, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.…John 17


God is Love! Jesus saves!  :smiley:

Lift Jesus up!!

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Left handedness is not the same as homosexuality. There is evidence that among younger Americans, hand preference is about 50-50 and that the reason older Americans are more often right handed is all who could be taught to be right handed were. 

Actually until you become morbidly obese there is negligible risk of higher mortality. A BMI of 26 say is at the very lowest mortality rate.for Caucasians, even though this is considered overweight on the charts. The Adventist Health Study showed for vegetarian females a BMI of almost 28 was still in the very lowest mortality category.If people are morbidly obese, they need help. I do help people with this problem by the way having a Masters in nutrition. They may or may not be gluttons. Eating a little too much for many years can cause someone to wind up very overweight. 




  If you read my post, I've mentioned that left-handedness is similar.  It' certainly not the same.  My point is that people who are left-handed can't easily switch their hand preferential use.   Many Young Americans, and other Americans adopt to ambidexterity, simply because it can be extremely inconvenient in a society where everything built around majority.   But, if you are a full-fledged left-handed person, it's not a very easy thing for you to "rehabilitate".


  Historically, the issue of left-handedness is VERY similar, since it's been a taboo like homosexuality, although it was never spelled out to be a Biblical sin.  Such taboo is actually embedded in our language to the point where sinister (latin for left) is synonymous with evil, and righteousness is ... well should I say more?  So, a lot of left-handed people had to hide it and learn to pretend to be something they are not in history.


  The issue with BMI is somewhat puzzling, as you bring it up.   We are not talking about people with BMI of 26, which would be in the overwheight category.   Obesity, which is 30++ BMI is where a lot of church members would land, and would actually be at high-veryhigh risk to diseases that are linked to obesity. 


  While gluttony doesn't necessarily result in obesity,  higher percentage of obese cases simply have to do with excessive food intake... and it's the #1 health problem in America right now.



Homosexual behavior is a sin. Paul says both effeminate and abusers of themselves with mankind shall not inherit the kingdom. The Adventist church concurs.



Whether it's sin or not is irrelevant to the point that I'm making.   Obesity that's a result of habitual gluttony is a sin too.  Do you find it to be more excusable than homosexuality?  Why?



lAlcohol abuse is also a sin. The tendency is also inherited and cultivated. Millions have overcome through the help of they say Higher Power but many many acknowledge it as God helping them. And quitting is tough. I know alcoholics cocaine users homosexuals and others who have overcome through the grace of God. I believe it is possible. First one needs to acknowledge that one has a problem one cannot control, then believe and ask for help. Saying this is too big a problem to get help for, or that it is not a problem, is not helpful in leading others in the Christian walk. If we sincerely want to help someone, we should not tell them it is unnecessary or impossible, By the same reasoning, alcoholics should not have to quit, neither should chain smokers heroin users cocaine users or promiscuous heterosexuals. We may as well throw out all standards of church membership because it is just too hard to quit. And it is hard- it can be next to impossible, but with God all things are possible,None of us can live a Godly life without Divine help, but with God all things are possible. I don't know how exactly God changes homosexuals, or other sinners like all of us on this planet, like I don't know how he is going to translate us and take us through outer space through the clouds to Heaven without a spaceship or an atmosphere. I do believe it because the Bible says it, and it also says that those who practice homosexual behavior will not be there. Of course there are other sins that will keep us out. I do not think you are seriously suggesting everyone who is overweight should be disfellowshipped, just that you think the restriction on membership of practicing homosexuals should go away. I disagree and agree with the Adventist Church standards.



  So far you've listed a lot of problems that I'm not talking about.   I'm specifically asking you about a prevelant problem in our society, and churches today - habitual gluttony that results in obesity (not merely BMI measure of being overweight).


 1)  Do you believe it to be a sin?

 2)  Do you believe it to be something that church should be condemning from the pulpit with the same level of attention as homosexuality?

 3)  Do you believe that we should be confronting church members that are engaging in this habit... right in front of our eyes during the church potlucks. 


If not, why not?    

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My point remains.


Some things are tip-toed around, things like adultery, divorce (for reasons that have nothing to do with unfaithfulness), gluttony... etc.    These things are contextualized, people are in need of room and gentleness... etc.   When it comes to the issue of homosexuality, it gets thrown down with alcoholism, drug abuse, and sleeping around.

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fccool Please see the above quote from the Bible as it summarizes my viewpoint in this matter. I am very polite and tactful with homosexuals I know. I do put it in the same category the Scriptures do with adulterers and alcoholics as above not to attack others but because Paul does as well. Also for that matter thieves and covetous people, but we can't read others minds just be careful ourselves. I do work to help those who are morbidly obese and have probably taught more classes for this,  diabetes, and heart disease prevention than any on this forum. I teach people how to change. I don't tell them its fine to be this way but I gently lead them as the Holy Spirit gives me opportunity. Same as I do with my friends with other problems in general. Perhaps there are others who are very harsh with those with certain sins, but in general that is not how I am as a person. While you have been polite there are others who are starting to get a little excited and in the interest of not getting into something hyperbolic I plan to not post further on this thread for this reason. Take care

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Behold what manner of love the Father hath given unto us.

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That's exactly my point.   There are plenty of sins, yet the ones tolerated most ... seem to be the ones that are more prevalent in the congregation.


Everyone is Biblical literalist, until it's something about those whose struggles you can deeply relate to.  Then it has to be contextualize, we have to be understanding, we have to be patient, the world is imperfect and etc.   Until then, the lines are drawn in black and white.



People may tolerate certain sins, but that doesn't make them less sinful.

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 I plan to not post further on this thread for this reason. Take care

::like:: except I'm hoping it's just this topic you're talking about.


God is Love! Jesus saves!   :smiley:

Lift Jesus up!!

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I have no doubt that I am condemned to death.

Not by Jesus.


46"I have come as Light into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness. 47"If anyone hears My sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. 48"He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day.…


God is Love! Jesus saves! :smiley:

Lift Jesus up!!

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