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The 28 Fundamental Beliefs Get an Update


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Adventist leaders tentatively approved proposed revisions of the church’s core statements of its fundamental beliefs after two days of discussions that Artur A. Stele, chair of the revision committee, said had helped create a better product. Read on






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I have mixed feelings about the above. I just read through the article and the link and it does not look too bad. I like the inclusive male-female language and including singles in the family statement. I like some of the language update.


However Graham Maxwell pointed out that in the original crafting of the 27, there were points that were purposely vague so that it could be used by people of diverse views of Adventism such as evangelicals, Adventist Theological Society, historical, mainline, larger view etc. Then they published a book which gave a more suggested interpretation that not all these views could agree with, but the book was only a suggested interpretation with the vagueness of the statement being the official view. I fear that a few of these revisions take us away from the inclusiveness of the original statement and is leading us more towards making the suggested interpretation of the words from the book becoming more official, destroying the freedom and liberty of conscious that was in the original crafting.


Remember, our pioneers were kicked out of their beloved churches due to holding beliefs that their churches did not have enough flexibility to include. They agreed on a few landmarks, and as long as they were not fanatical, and faithful to the landmarks, they were free to worship according to the dictates of their conscience. There have been directions where the church has grown that may have become narrower and times like 1888 and 1923 where the church has tried to be more exclusive, but although scared and wounded the church has so far weathered these storms. I worry about us again leaving the spirit of the pioneers in some of these revisions.

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As I read through the revised list, I was pleased with the updated laguage.  IMO, there was still a at least one inconsistency - the statement that the Bible was the final authority (not EGW); but later was still using 1844 as the time of entry of Christ into the Most Holy Place, which to me is clearly contradicted throughout the book of Hebrews.  Just my opinion; no intention here of starting a theological debate on the subject in this thread.  There are plenty of other threads that debate this issue - none of which have changed anybody's mind on either side of the fence.

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That statement was never intended to  be a Creed.  Some members and denominational leader are leading toward making it a Creed.


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That statement was never intended to  be a Creed.  Some members and denominational leader are leading toward making it a Creed.

Yes indeed! That is how I understand Graham Maxwell to have taught back when they had formed the 27 but then published a corresponding book. The 27, and earlier lists of our beliefs, were specifically written on the vague side so that both Graham Maxwell as well as the Forensics could both read what it had to say about the crucifixion of Christ and the destruction of the wicked. Where the so called "Historic Adventists" and the so called "Evangelical Adventists" could read it and give their own slant to the words. Then the book was to give a slant that the leaders who wrote the book was hoping people would give to them.


What worries me here is whether we are going to keep with this tradition, or if we will take our slants on these words out of supplemental  books or sermons  and "Clarify" the words to where the list becomes specific and becomes a creed.

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