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God is the Only Explanation


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Stories That Prove God’s Healing is Real

Are you ready to be encouraged and healed? Supernatural healing and miracles are for today just as it was when Jesus walked the earth.

Dare to Believe for Your Healing

is a reminder that healing is available today as it was 2,000 years ago. Julia Loren collected writings from people of faith like Andrew Murray, Randy Clark, Kathryn Kuhlman and Marilyn Hickey to lift your heart. Use the Bible, sermons, and testimonies as tools as you move forward.  Here are stories of God’s miraculous healing to get you started.

Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/Faiths/Galleries/God-is-the-Only-Explanation.aspx#3L030xFKWhQ8E9Rt.99



Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Right on, pk!  I LOVE it!  I know Randy Clark, and have seen him and his peers (Bill Johnson, Leif Hetland, etc.) in action.  Prayers have healed me and many others here on CA.  I would invite testimonies from those who have been miraculously healed or delivered.

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I'm not a big fan of "faith healing," having known several people who approached big-name healers, and found out only *certain* people were accepted to be prayed over... anyone with Polio or other types of catastrophic conditions was excluded.


On top of that, it's rather difficult to explain to an ill person why so-and-so got healed, but s/he did not....as if the one who didn't get healed was somehow deficient in faith..

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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God works with people where they are and their understanding of the Bible. God sees what they need and works with faith, and who may need something special. Many of the prayers are not answered so that God can lead us.


In Jesus' day illness was understood to be God's direct punishment for sin. Some Rabbis even had a list of what sins cause certain illnesses and thus if you came down with that illness they knew what sin you committed. For Jesus to have instant healings then gave the message that God forgave them of their sins.


Today we understand illness differently. And while there may be those in the above list who had a living relationship with God, He wants us to understand that natural and supernatural are to work together. That God has his laws that he wants us to respect. Thus as we go into the last days we will find two competing health messages: One based on cooperating with God's laws of health and shows a moral God who respects and cooperates with his laws. The other has a wishy-washy god who heals people willie-nillie if they just call not caring about what they eat or if they smoke or do other harmful things to their body.

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