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Any of you know if your pastor takes an interest in the sabbath school? Do they keep in touch with the SS superintendent and offer advice, continuing education, or training for SS techers? (especially if several.. to many find the class boring)

Is there any interest expressed as to why people don't show to SS? I know from my experience that many show up late becuase they find the front end boring...the part til the lesson starts. The churches I have gone to recently only have the lesson study and show Mission Spotlight.

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I don't know how all of you approach your sabbath school class...

I think it is really a waste or irrelevant if it is strictly an ancient religious history class.

I know it isn't 100% that but the veteran SDA's know what I am referring to.

I was thinking just this morning...

because in the 4th chapter Jonah says he wants to die 2 times..and given that this time of the year there is supposed to be more suicides than the rest of the year...

I will inject in the class some theme regarding suicide and depression and how the hope of salvation and eternal life... and the value of a single human being ...as we are taught that Jesus would die for just one person on this planet...is the antidote for suicide.

There is actually a day in October that is set aside as National Depression Screening Day

Depression Inventory:

1. Sadness: Have you been feeling sad or down in the dumps?

2. Dicouragement: Does the future look hopeless?

3. Low self-esteem: Do you feelworthless or think of yourself as a failure?

4. Inferiority: Do you feel inadequate or inferior to others?

5. Guilt: Do you get self-critical and blame yourself for everything?

6. Indeciveness: Do you have trouble making up your mind about things?

7. Irritability and frustration: Have you been feeling resentful and angry a good deal of the time?

8. Loss of interest in life: Have you lost interest in your career, your hobbies, your family, or your friends?

9. Loss of motivation: Do you feel overwhelmed and have to push yourself hard to do things?

10. Poor self-image: Do you think you are looking old or unattractive?

11. Appetite changes: Have you lost your appetite? Or do you overeat or binge compulsively?

12. Sleep changes: Do you suffer from insomnia and find it hard to get a good night's sleep?

Are you excessively tired and sleeping too much?

13. Loss of libido: Have you lost your interest in sex?

14. Hypochondriasis: Do you worry a great deal about your health?

15. Suicide impulses: Do you have thoughts that life is not worth living or think that you might be better off dead?

Dr David Burns survey

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Depression Inventory:

1. Sadness: Have you been feeling sad or down in the dumps?

2. Dicouragement: Does the future look hopeless?

3. Low self-esteem: Do you feelworthless or think of yourself as a failure?

4. Inferiority: Do you feel inadequate or inferior to others?

5. Guilt: Do you get self-critical and blame yourself for everything?

6. Indeciveness: Do you have trouble making up your mind about things?

7. Irritability and frustration: Have you been feeling resentful and angry a good deal of the time?

8. Loss of interest in life: Have you lost interest in your career, your hobbies, your family, or your friends?

9. Loss of motivation: Do you feel overwhelmed and have to push yourself hard to do things?

10. Poor self-image: Do you think you are looking old or unattractive?

11. Appetite changes: Have you lost your appetite? Or do you overeat or binge compulsively?

12. Sleep changes: Do you suffer from insomnia and find it hard to get a good night's sleep?

Are you excessively tired and sleeping too much?

13. Loss of libido: Have you lost your interest in sex?

14. Hypochondriasis: Do you worry a great deal about your health?

15. Suicide impulses: Do you have thoughts that life is not worth living or think that you might be better off dead?

1. for the past 5 years, yes, about 98% of the time. But not lately. we shall see if that lasts.

2. for the past 5 years, yes, about 98% of the time. But not lately. we shall see if that lasts.

3. well, when I reflect on everything I've done wrong and screwed up irrevocably in life, I think this response is called self-honesty?

4. not usually but I sometimes feel others think that way about me or would like me to think that way about myself.

5. always

6. constantly

7. this one's a hardwired character flaw for me; I have a low threshhold for tolerating frustration and disappointment -- teachers commented on it as young as age 5 and 6. no cure, just a constant battle with self on that.

8. for the past 5 years, totally, but from time to time a little bit is creeping back in. since I've been spending time seeking God these past 3 weeks this has gotten better

9. frequently.

10. yes but isn't that called "aging"? it happens to all of us eventually. we deal.

11. No comment on the food thing!

12. Both. Insomnia breeds narcolepsy and vice versa.

13. Almost completely. frown.gif This isn't necessarily a bad thing given my past, though. It's in God's hands for now.

14. No

15. See the answer to #3, above.

Long lay the world

In sin and error pining

Till He appeared, and the soul felt its worth

A thrill of HOPE

the weary world REJOICES



ooops, better make this relevant:

When I used to go to church, SS was THE BEST PART!!! I would always scout out the classes with the most engaging and in-depth discussions, most spiritual-minded people, etc. and had a blast.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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Tainted here is something that has helped me many a mile. It is probally the last article that Ellen White wrote.


Sanitarium, California, June 14, 1914. Dear Friend: The Lord has given

me a message for you, and not for you only, but also for other faithful

souls who are troubled by doubts and fears regarding their acceptance

by the Lord Jesus Christ. His word to you is, "Fear not: for I have

redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art Mine." You

desire to please the Lord, and you can do this by believing His

promises. He is waiting to take you into a harbor of gracious

experience, and He bids you, "Be still, and know that I am God." You

have had a time of unrest; but Jesus says to you, "Come unto Me, . . .

and I will give you rest." The joy of Christ in the soul is worth

everything. "Then are they glad," because they are privileged to rest

in the arms of everlasting love. p. 1, Para. 1, [VICTLIFE].

Put away your distrust of our heavenly Father. Instead of talking of

your doubts, break away from them in the strength of Jesus, and let

light shine into your soul by letting your voice express confidence and

trust in God. I know that the Lord is very nigh to give you victory,

and I say to you, Be helped, be strengthened, be lifted out of and away

from the dark dungeon of unbelief. Doubts will rush into your mind,

because Satan is trying to hold you in captivity to his cruel power;

but face him in the strength that Jesus is willing to give you, and

conquer the inclination to express unbelief in your Saviour. p. 1,

Para. 2, [VICTLIFE].

Do not talk of your inefficiency and your defects. When despair would

seem to be sweeping over your soul, look to Jesus, saying, He lives to

make intercession for me. Forget the things that are behind, and

believe the promise, "I will come to you," and "abide with you." p. 1,

Para. 3, [VICTLIFE].

God is waiting to bestow the blessing of forgiveness, of pardon for

iniquity, of the gifts of righteousness, upon all who will believe in

His love and accept the salvation He offers. Christ is ready to say to

the repenting sinner, "Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass

from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment." The blood of

Jesus Christ is the eloquent plea that speaks in behalf of sinners.

This blood "cleanseth us from all sin." p. 2, Para. 1, [VICTLIFE].

It is your privilege to trust in the love of Jesus for salvation, in

the fullest, surest, noblest manner; to say, He loves me, He receives

me; I will trust Him, for He gave His life for me. Nothing so dispels

doubt as coming in contact with the character of Christ. He declares,

"Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out;" that is, there is

no possibility of My casting him out, for I have pledged My word to

receive him. Take Christ at His word, and let your lips declare that

you have gained the victory. p. 2, Para. 2, [VICTLIFE].

Is Jesus true? Does He mean what He says? Answer decidedly, Yes, every

word. Then if you have settled this, by faith claim every promise that

He has made, and receive the blessing; for this acceptance by faith

gives life to the soul. You may believe that Jesus is true to you, even

though you feel yourself to be the weakest and most unworthy of His

children. And as you believe, all your dark, brooding doubts are thrown

back upon the archdeceiver who originated them. You can be a great

blessing if you will take God at His word. By living faith you are to

trust Him, even though the impulse is strong within you to speak words

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I know you didn't direct that post to me, but I believe the Lord prompted you to put those words up at this particular time. I have been having some serious spiritual problems recently and those words were exactly what I needed to read.

Thank you very much




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Br. Planey, thanks but I am at the head of the class for needing those words in my own life.

I see from time to time where scoffers of Ellen White suggest that she became senile at the end of her life. Not so, not so! The whole article is on page TM 116

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Believe it or not, this list of symptoms actually makes me feel better. I have been having a bit of a rough time lately. I am pregnant and I think that is messing up my emotions. I seem to feel irritable and get angry easy. I have been tired too, but I think that is due to the rest of the things also happening. When you work in retail the holiday season is very stressful, and I've been struggling to finish my schoolwork. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. When I look at this list though, I realize that I do still have hope that things will get better - after the pressure of school is gone for good, and the holiday rush is over. I am still interested in the daily activities of my life and really haven't had to push myself to get up and do things. So, thanks for posting this.

Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.
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I haven't read this thread for awhile, so went back and re-read all the posts. I'm like Michelle's mom:


My mom has recently said No to being an assistant in Kindy, and she's been in the lower division SS classes since I was born, so 34 years. She has a hard time concentrating in the adult classes. I've talked with others who have said the same thing.

I have lead in children's divisions since my children were born, and now my youngest is 25, and I've said "no" for the first time. I am left with the dilemma of what to do on Sabbath mornings. Our small church has two adult Sabbath School classes. One has members in the group who tend to "hold forth" (filibuster), so I don't go to that one. The other one is generally good, but the teacher is rotated from week to week.

The most fulfilling adult SS classes I've attended have been taught by the same good teacher every week. There is continuity and a sense of family that is gained by having one person lead (IMHO), and when you know the focus your teacher tends to take, your study during the week will help you be able to participate in a meaningful way in the discussion that the teacher leads.

If I were an adult SS teacher, I'd want to have my own class and only rarely trade off with someone. I would like to be able to challenge and "pre-load" the class for each following week, then be able to follow up the thought processes I may have started the week before.

I wonder if anyone has ever studied into the pros and cons of SS teacher trading vs. teacher continuity.



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I second Brother Planey -- those words were indeed a tremendous blessing. When I read things like this it makes me want to draw closer to the Lord and be true to Him. It also speaks to my heart directly in ways I dare not speak in public.

Thank you ever so much ... more, more, more, please! Reading these words are like water upon parched ground to my spirit, sincerely ...

The last paragraph seems to be cut off though - can you edit it or post the rest?

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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Tainted, the whole article is found on TM 516 Here is a few more words.


Is Jesus true? Does He mean what He says? Answer decidedly, Yes, every

word. Then if you have settled this, by faith claim every promise that

He has made, and receive the blessing; for this acceptance by faith

gives life to the soul. You may believe that Jesus is true to you, even

though you feel yourself to be the weakest and most unworthy of His

children. And as you believe, all your dark, brooding doubts are thrown

back upon the archdeceiver who originated them. You can be a great

blessing if you will take God at His word. By living faith you are to

trust Him, even though the impulse is strong within you to speak words of distrust. p. 2, Para. 3, [VICTLIFE].

Peace comes with dependence on divine power. As fast as the soul

resolves to act in accordance with the light given, the Holy Spirit

gives more light and strength. The grace of the Spirit is supplied to

cooperate with the soul's resolve, but it is not a substitute for the

individual exercise of faith. Success in the Christian life depends

upon the appropriation of the light that God has given. It is not an

abundance of light and evidence that makes the soul free in Christ; it

is the rising of the powers and the will and the energies of the soul

to cry out sincerely, "Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief." p.

3, Para. 1, [VICTLIFE].

I rejoice in the bright prospects of the future, and so may you. Be

cheerful, and praise the Lord for His loving-kindness. That which you

cannot understand, commit to Him. He loves you and pities your every

weakness. He "hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly

places in Christ." It would not satisfy the heart of the Infinite One

to give those who love His Son a lesser blessing than He gives His Son.

p. 3, Para. 2, [VICTLIFE].

Satan seeks to draw our minds away from the mighty Helper, to lead us

to ponder over our degeneration of soul. But though Jesus sees the

guilt of the past, He speaks pardon; and we should not dishonor Him by

doubting His love. The feeling of guiltiness must be laid at the foot

of the cross, or it will poison the springs of life. When Satan thrusts

his threatenings upon you, turn from them, and comfort your soul with

the promises of God. The cloud may be dark in itself, but when filled

with the light of heaven, it turns to the brightness of gold; for the

glory of God rests upon it. p. 3, Para. 3, [VICTLIFE].

God's children are not to be subject to feelings and emotions. When

they fluctuate between hope and fear, the heart of Christ is hurt; for

He has given them unmistakable evidence of His love. He wants them to

be established, strengthened, and settled in the most holy faith. He

wants them to do the work He has given them; then their hearts will

become in His hands as sacred harps, every chord of which will send

forth praise and thanksgiving to the One sent by God to take away the

sins of the world. p. 3, Para. 4, [VICTLIFE].

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And I thought that I knew who "Kitty" was. But, the person I thought to be Kitty could NOT be pregnant!


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I wonder if anyone has ever studied into the pros and cons of SS teacher trading vs. teacher continuity.


Now this is what caught my attention.

My brain is going into overflow core with the multifacetedness of this issue..


Purpose of class

Size of class

Teaching style of class

Committment level of teachers

Spiritual maturity level of the class members.

Is the class institution oriented or outreach oriented.

I didn't lead out today, but essentially taught the lesson.

I brought out the teaching style of God used in chapter 4 of Jonah and also how Jonah had 2 recorded suicidal remarks and how that can be a catalyst for outreach thinking for these times..(see my depression survey..I read it in class today) just to keep this post fairly short.

I have taught in a rotation basis,

with a partner on the same class segment

and have had my own class.

I enjoy the continuity aspect because of ability to preload..for the next week. Some actually try to assign one day of the lesson to class members.

I don't do that..I ask the class..as busy as their weekly schedule is ..to look at the lesson and find something relevant, interesting, or mysterious and bring it to the class to share..that is how I try to promote involvement.

The class if not focused can turn out to be a shallow/generalized discusion on any topic but the scope/theme of the lesson.

Depends on the class but as we learn in Romans and Corinthians.. on the spiritual gifts...not all are called to be teachers..and James writes..be not many teachers..knowing we shall receive a stricter judgement,,(that is a study in of itself)

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Kitty, you are PREGNANT??? WOW!!! Congratulations!!!!

I am SO excited!!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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I am going to share something now that might get your attention.

The SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH is currently studying Jonah for the sabbath school lesson. It consists of just 48 verses that can be read in 6 to 7 minutes out loud. BUT because of the usual TOPICAL approach the tendency is to cover one topic, maybe 2 each week. This week the focus was on judgement. SS lesson leaders, teachers, facilitators will most likely lead discussion involving judgement in general..maybe not even relevant to the book of Jonah...

Now I know in this age of quick sound bites that most in the congregation would greatly suffer trying to concentrate on listening to 6-7 minutes of scripture reading..especially at one time.

However I know that in some sabbath school classes the verses will not even be read over the course of 13 weeks.

It is now supposed to be a no no ,in some areas, to even ask the sabbath school class if they took opportunity to study or even look over the sabbath school lesson...too offensive or embarrassing.

I challenge you..the ones who are faithful attenders of your sabbath school class to see if the book of Jonah is ever read once this quarter in class, out loud, by the teacher or a few people taking turns. I also challenge any teacher out there to ask at the end of the quarter to see if any class members took the time to read the 48 verses of the book of Jonah..or have ever read the whole book of Jonah.

Keep this under wraps and wait til the end.

Write it on a paper and stick it in Lesson #13 of your quarterly..


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13. Loss of libido: Have you lost your interest in sex?

JimBob, would you think that an 'overinterest' in sex be applied to depression too? Just curious. Cause I know that this one can factor in


11. Appetite changes: Have you lost your appetite? Or do you overeat or binge compulsively?


don't know how all of you approach your sabbath school class...

I think it is really a waste or irrelevant if it is strictly an ancient religious history class.

I can't say that I usally feel this but when I went to a Sunday keeping church to visit, I felt it was a waste of time for it was very boring. But the other members of the class seemed to be getting someone. It was nearly as if I were sitting in a foreign land...all Greek to me.


7. Irritability and frustration: Have you been feeling resentful and angry a good deal of the time?

Ahhh, that explains it...two years ago. Now I hardly ever feel angry nor upset cool.gif

Wakan Tanka Kici Un

~~Child of Christ~~

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I realize that I do still have hope that things will get better - after the pressure of school is gone for good, and the holiday rush is over.

Hope is important but....there will always be challenges to overcome and events to come and go. Love and love in the present moment. Yes, hormones will throw you off line. Keep well rested and well fed Keep up your chin for this too will pass. Hurrah, a start each and every day! How far along are you?

Wakan Tanka Kici Un

~~Child of Christ~~

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LynnDel, I'm so glad you brought up the subject of a single teacher for SS class (vs. various teachers) in an Adult S S.

I agree... I think the best feeling of "family" comes from having the same teacher each Sabbath. (Maybe with an assistant teacher who's also in attendance each week so who knows the continuity and can take over on occasion.) And it certainly helps for the teacher to know the first name of every person in the class, so he can call a student by name.

Also, if the same persons meet together each week, and then also maybe even get together for a picnic lunch in the park together after church once in awhile, all the members will then start to feel comfortable in speaking up in class and making a contribution more often.

Small groups are the best way to study the Bible, IMHO. Even Ellen White says that in the last days there will be found groups of people studying together. (Can't quote it precisely right now.) It brings a feeling of closeness, plus new interest in study.

Jeannie<br /><br /><br />...Change is inevitable; growth is optional....

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I am going to share something now that might get your attention.

The SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH is currently studying Jonah for the sabbath school lesson. It consists of just 48 verses that can be read in 6 to 7 minutes out loud. BUT because of the usual TOPICAL approach the tendency is to cover one topic, maybe 2 each week. This week the focus was on judgement. SS lesson leaders, teachers, facilitators will most likely lead discussion involving judgement in general..maybe not even relevant to the book of Jonah...

Now I know in this age of quick sound bites that most in the congregation would greatly suffer trying to concentrate on listening to 6-7 minutes of scripture reading..especially at one time.

However I know that in some sabbath school classes the verses will not even be read over the course of 13 weeks.

It is now supposed to be a no no ,in some areas, to even ask the sabbath school class if they took opportunity to study or even look over the sabbath school lesson...too offensive or embarrassing.

I challenge you..the ones who are faithful attenders of your sabbath school class to see if the book of Jonah is ever read once this quarter in class, out loud, by the teacher or a few people taking turns. I also challenge any teacher out there to ask at the end of the quarter to see if any class members took the time to read the 48 verses of the book of Jonah..or have ever read the whole book of Jonah.

Keep this under wraps and wait til the end.

Write it on a paper and stick it in Lesson #13 of your quarterly..


This sabbath, the class that I attend will not even be close to boring.

Just check out the sabbath school thread.

In the discussion will be themes of

Strong words

Tough love

Draconian measures



Irresponsible clergy

The sin of apathy

Nature abhors a vacuum

Neglect of scripture

Resurrection clues

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Jer 12

"5": If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?

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Kitty--I was irritible, short-tempered, cried easily, etc. with both of my pregnancies. My principal used to say, Oh, watch out, Michelle is hormonal, which of course made me even more mad!


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This week,with lesson #12, there is the potential to

1. Say no to the status quo

2. Make waves

3. Upset the apple cart

4. Agitate

5. Talk about new wine skins

6. Significantly impact the moral decision making

7. Start a revival

8. Initiate a reformation

But the ones who don't study their lesson all week will not know what I am talking about.

Will this be just another usual boring, ho hum sabbath school class for the thousands of churches..???

Who out there isn't sucked into the secular system...

Sadam has been caught, the DOW is up, many are Christmas shopping, watching all of the new movie releases, hooked on the boob tube...Michael Jackson, Kobe Bryant, Survivors...

The Jonah study is off the book of Jonah..so there is this wind down...Jesus is talking in the lesson now..and he has some strong words....

Oh well... the spiritually illegitimate will just go through the motions again...

The teachers will not bring out the essence of the lesson and make the contemporary relevant application...

Who has a clue as to how crucial Matt 23 and the Jesus/Jonah texts are for the church today???

"Why does Jesus speak such a SHARP REBUKE to them over what they ask?" (Lesson, first page)

Do you think any will dare bring up adultery in the class?

The divorce rate of the church is equal to the society as a whole..it is reported..

Do you think if any teacher will dare bring up the present day application of Matt 23?

Do you think that any of Jesus words.."Wicked and Adulterous" apply to God's people today??

Most likely the classes will just slime through because anyone who gets serious will be identified as tearing down the church, critical, accuser of the bretheren.

Peer pressure doesn't end at high school graduation.

The fearful end up in the lake of fire....

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This week,with lesson #12, there is the potential to

1. Say no to the status quo

2. Make waves

3. Upset the apple cart

4. Agitate

5. Talk about new wine skins

6. Significantly impact the moral decision making

7. Start a revival

8. Initiate a reformation

All of those sound like fun. wink.gif


Who out there isn't sucked into the secular system... Sadam has been caught, the DOW is up, many are Christmas shopping, watching all of the new movie releases, hooked on the boob tube...Michael Jackson, Kobe Bryant, Survivors...

Well I ditched cable in August 2002 and don't miss it a bit.


The teachers will not bring out the essence of the lesson and make the contemporary relevant application...

I find it difficult to believe that every sabbath school is "dead" like that.


Do you think any will dare bring up adultery in the class? The divorce rate of the church is equal to the society as a whole..it is reported..

Do you think if any teacher will dare bring up the present day application of Matt 23? Do you think that any of Jesus words.."Wicked and Adulterous" apply to God's people today?? ...... Most likely the classes will just slime through because anyone who gets serious will be identified as tearing down the church, critical, accuser of the bretheren.

Well let's see ... I'm wicked, adulterous, with one divorce in 1996 and another one pending. I'm despicably selfish and hypocritical, wavering, double-minded, fence-sitting, indecisive, fearful, anxious, proud, haughty, self-absorbed, amotivational, apathetic, easily seduced, VERY easily controlled by Satan (or just by my own sin impulses), and completely unworthy of any mercy from God. I even have the audacity to attempt to read, understand and interpret His Holy Word under those conditions -- the nerve! Those are just the things suitable for public confession and not even the worst of them. Would you like to tell me off about how sinful I am? How horrible a person I am? Would you like to rebuke me for my sins? Apply Jesus' sharpest and fiercest warnings to me?

Go right ahead. I won't stop you. I'll listen to whatever you have to say. Here: you have one sinner as a captive audience. Take advantage of it. Pretend I'm everyone in the church you think is phoney, lukewarm, wrong-headed, apathetic, etc. and lay it on the line.

Go on, I'm serious. Let it fly.

"After such knowledge, what forgiveness?" -- T.S. Eliot
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I find that in your self discription of your characture, you may be to hard on yourself. Why do I say that, well if you could compare what I have done in life to your list, well let me say my sins may be grater in magnitude but not less in the nature of rebellion. I find myself being pulled away by satans constant tugging. Satan wants us to fail, to be hard on ourselves, and the longer he can keep us in this state, the easier time he has dragging us off into utter darkness.

I find the verse John 3:16 very encouraging when I am off in this gray area. God has sent His Only Son to save the likes of us, ungratful, disrespectful, promise breaking, back-biting, tithe stealing, individuals such as we are. I see God's call to everlasting life as an invitation to a come as you are party, and once inside the Host House, He comforts and changes us from the inside out. Where else can we who are undisserving find this kind of Love that our Father gives to each of us?

I remember when I had fallen through the cracks in the floor because of my past drug and alcohol addictiions. I was wanted, looked for and followed everywhere I went. I was rejected by family and friends, and angry at everyone and everything. Then my health went south on me and I almost died, not once but three times due to dirty drugs. What it really was is that I had allowed satan to move into my life totally unrestricted. It was satan that was going to allow me to expire, to wait in darkness for the final Judgement.

While setting in a chair one day 7 years ago and while fighting an infection that was consuming me, I ask Jesus into my heart and giving my will into His. That it was from that moment to date that my life has been changing. I to still find those days where I doubt and question and slide, and then I see or hear God's sweet words calling me home.

I usually find that studing for Sabbath School is a wonderful help for me to stay grounded, and I have good Christian friends that I can approach when I need conusel. And I have these moments where I can share what God has done and is doing around my place.

Happy Sabbath and God Bless!


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