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What's Wrong With Ecumenism?


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There is nothing that I would like better than for all Christians to be under one roof.  But whose roof?  Whose understanding of the gospel should be preached?  The bottom line is, does truth matter?  Whose truth?  If there is to be any betrayal, it's because the truth is distasteful to them.  And btw, which doctrines are you willing to compromise on?

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we shoot our own wounded and war against ourselves.  It's time to stop.

May I suggest only some follow that format. They are included in this description above and below, except by accepting the gift of repentance.


44"You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.....John 8


And they are just those Jesus came to save.


12But when Jesus heard this, He said, "It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick. 13"But go and learn what this means: 'I DESIRE COMPASSION, AND NOT SACRIFICE,' for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.".....John 9 emphasis theirs' LHC


God is Love!  Jesus saves!  :smiley:

Lift Jesus up!!

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There is nothing that I would like better than for all Christians to be under one roof.  But whose roof?  Whose understanding of the gospel should be preached?  The bottom line is, does truth matter?  Whose truth?  If there is to be any betrayal, it's because the truth is distasteful to them.  And btw, which doctrines are you willing to compromise on?


I do not feel comfortable with Christians to be under one roof. Too many want a false Christian unity which only existed before Adam fell asleep and maybe with Abram before he was married.


We look at the Hebrews and if you look closely you will discover that the religion of Yahwehism had two denominations. One based on the Priesthood of Aaron and the Sanctuary, the other on the priesthood of Moses and the tent of the meeting and local high places. One was more ritual and somber, the other more spontaneous and rejoicing. One putting more emphases on the fall festivals the other putting more emphases on the spring festivals. David had two high priests, one from each denomination.


In the New Testament we have 3 gospels for 3 different perspectives and the fourth one, John, to balance between them and to say that all 3 are valid although different. Look at all the times Mark and Luke contradict each other.


Our pioneers came from different churches. Some Trinitarian some anti-Trinitarian, some liberal some conservative. They were kicked out of their beloved churches because of their willingness to be different from the cookie cutter that their church wanted them to be. They wanted to form a church where they would agree on a few landmarks, otherwise, as long as they were not fanatic, they were free to follow the dictates of their own conscience and did not have to worry about the church telling them that they could not believe what they honestly understood the Bible to teach.


God's unity has always been a unity in diversity. A willingness to respect each other's differences, a willingness to learn and to grow. We have never seen him have all the believers under one roof with again the exception of Adam before he fell asleep and maybe Abram before he got married.


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I really think that it's time we got to the bottom line.


Sun worshipping religions are NOT Christian and God says that we should come out from them and be separate.  That's why we believe in the 4th commandment.  We can do all things through Christ and we don't need to join up with them any more than Nehemiah would with the Samaritans.

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Our pioneers came from different churches. Some Trinitarian some anti-Trinitarian, some liberal some conservative. They were kicked out of their beloved churches because of their willingness to be different from the cookie cutter that their church wanted them to be. They wanted to form a church where they would agree on a few landmarks, otherwise, as long as they were not fanatic, they were free to follow the dictates of their own conscience and did not have to worry about the church telling them that they could not believe what they honestly understood the Bible to teach.


God's unity has always been a unity in diversity. A willingness to respect each other's differences, a willingness to learn and to grow. We have never seen him have all the believers under one roof with again the exception of Adam before he fell asleep and maybe Abram before he got married.


Right on, Kevin!

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I do not feel comfortable with Christians to be under one roof. Too many want a false Christian unity which only existed before Adam fell asleep and maybe with Abram before he was married.


We look at the Hebrews and if you look closely you will discover that the religion of Yahwehism had two denominations. One based on the Priesthood of Aaron and the Sanctuary, the other on the priesthood of Moses and the tent of the meeting and local high places. One was more ritual and somber, the other more spontaneous and rejoicing. One putting more emphases on the fall festivals the other putting more emphases on the spring festivals. David had two high priests, one from each denomination.


In the New Testament we have 3 gospels for 3 different perspectives and the fourth one, John, to balance between them and to say that all 3 are valid although different. Look at all the times Mark and Luke contradict each other.


Our pioneers came from different churches. Some Trinitarian some anti-Trinitarian, some liberal some conservative. They were kicked out of their beloved churches because of their willingness to be different from the cookie cutter that their church wanted them to be. They wanted to form a church where they would agree on a few landmarks, otherwise, as long as they were not fanatic, they were free to follow the dictates of their own conscience and did not have to worry about the church telling them that they could not believe what they honestly understood the Bible to teach.


God's unity has always been a unity in diversity. A willingness to respect each other's differences, a willingness to learn and to grow. We have never seen him have all the believers under one roof with again the exception of Adam before he fell asleep and maybe Abram before he got married.


I'm not sure how to interpret what you are saying.  Are you saying that the four gospel accounts is analogous to the theological diversity that we see in the Christian world today?

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No, but they are different enough to teach us how we should get along instead of the acceptance of the McGospel where we are expected to become fundamentalists who give up 1844 and all sing Kumbyah in a sticky sweet Jesusiee state that too many expect to fulfill Church Unity (or even the view point of just becoming united on the ideas of people like Elders Washburn and Wilkinson that many Adventists see as the fulfillment of church unity).

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