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Union College Student Injured

Gregory Matthews

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Yes, here is the update, as of 8 AM, today:


UPDATE: Heather Boulais remains in critical condition on Saturday morning at a Lincoln hospital. She is surrounded by her family, and they have asked that Lincoln friends and well wishers not visit over the next few days while friends and family from around the country are in town.
Please do not bring food or flowers to the hospital at this time. Cards can be sent to:

Union College
ATTN: Prayers for Heather
3800 S. 48th Street
Lincoln, NE  68506


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I am attempting to post the following on the REVIEW Website:


Heather was injured while supporting a recognized school activity.  Any financial obligation that she may have to the school should be cancelled.  Any future educational needs that she might have should be provided her free of charge by the school if they are of the type that the school typically provided to other students.


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It might sound heartless, but why should all of her current and future educational expenses be footed by the school?  She was participating in an extracurricular activity - not something required by the school.  And it wasn't even in her major area of study...


(Gregory, please help me understand the reasoning behind such a suggestion...it sounds very noble, and maybe there's a logical explanation that I'm not aware of..)

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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SDA Colleges traditionally use such activities to recruit students and to obtain favorable publicity for the school. 


Therefore, I believe that she was injured while doing something that was in support of the school and approved by the school.


Therefore I believe that the school should do as I said.


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It should be noted that the injured woman has relatives who attend the SDA Church that I attend and that she graduated from a local SDA academy.


On the basis of what I heard from a physician today,  her injuries are indeed critical and she and her family and friends are much in need of prayer.

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At 3 P.M. today, local time, Union College posted the following update as to her condition:


UPDATE: Heather Boulais' family has requested a season of prayer Saturday night at 11:00. While the college won’t hold a special gathering, they ask everyone who is able to stop and pray for Heather at that time.


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We will be praying for this beautiful girl claiming God's promise and that her experience work to bring honor and glory to God.


19"Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. 20"For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst."

Matt 18


He knelt down and began to pray, 42saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43Now an angel from heaven appeared to Him, strengthening Him.…Luke 22


God is Love!   Jesus saves!   :smiley:

Lift Jesus up!!

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Union College has posted the following information as of 4 PM, today, local time:


UPDATE [4:00 p.m. - Jan. 18]: Last night people around the world joined together in prayer for Heather Boulais at 11:00 p.m. In Lincoln, the Gymnaires gathered in the hospital lobby to pray while Union College paused a student association event in the gymnasium to hold a prayer service.
“We are so overwhelmed by the global outpouring of prayers and support,” said Terry and Cheryl Boulais, Heather’s parents. “We thank you all for your prayers last night at 11:00 p.m.”
Heather Boulais, a member of the Union College Gymnaires acrobatic gymnastic team, suffered a traumatic brain injury and skull fracture when she fell 23 feet while hanging her aerial silks on the gymnasium ceiling during practice on Jan. 14.
According to her parents, Boulais remains in a medically induced coma with a reduced body temperature. “She is still in extremely critical condition, but the events of last night have given us our first ray of hope,” they said. “The follow-up CT scans we received last night were the best we could hope for, and the medical staff has begun raising her body temperature back to normal—a process that will take a couple of days.”
Her parents were quick to thank everyone involved in caring for their daughter. “We’ve seen many miracles, including the quick actions of Heather’s coach and teammates, the immediate transportation to the top trauma care unit in the tri-state area, and her surgeons’ excellent care,” they said. “We ask for your continued prayers over the next 48 hours. Our God is an awesome God!”
The family has requested no visitors, food or flowers at the hospital at this time. Cards or snack-type food items (nothing with nuts) can be dropped off at the Ortner Center on the Union College campus.
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Union College has posted the following information as of 4 PM, today, local time:

Thank you for the update, Gregory. We will continue to pray for Heather's wellbeing and her parents and loved one's trust in God's care.


As a side note, some lengthy time in the past while following the literature ministry, a couple I was visiting shared their disappointment that after some 2-3 years of marriage they had been unable to conceive a child. Trusting that our Father had experience in miraculous births I asked, Why don't we pray about it before I leave.

While I don't remember placing any large sales of spiritual literature in the home, I do remember the three of us kneeling for prayer before I left, asking that God would answer their deep desire for a child. I left leaving them with the knowledge that I would be back after a number of weeks and would drop in again when in the area.

As I recall it was perhaps 2-3 months before I managed to organize my efforts in canvassing to include a visit that far away from my home. Upon arriving at their home, it was my pleasure to be rewarded with a warm welcome and received the knowledge that they had conceived about two weeks after my last visit. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.


God is Love!  Jesus saves!  :smiley:

Lift Jesus up!!

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praying and shall continue

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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At 5 P{M, local time, today, Union College posted the following about Heather:


[uPDATE 5:00 p.m. - Jan. 19] The Boulais family has asked us to again join with them in prayer for Heather tonight at 11:00 p.m. Please stop wherever you are and pray for her continued recovery.


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At 8 PM, local time, January 20, Union College released the following statement:


[uPDATE 8:00 p.m. - Jan 20] Terry and Cheryl Boulais, parents of injured Union College gymnast Heather Boulais, released the following statement this evening.
“Once again, we must humbly begin with thanking everyone around the world who has been praying for our little Heather. We knew the army of prayer warriors would be there at 11:00 p.m., but we did not know that Heather's body would react sooner.
“Earlier in the evening, we were by Heather's side when her body began to react to the warming, and these signs continue to give us hope. The medical team is still closely monitoring for infections. This is one small baby step in this long marathon we must endure. 
“This evening before 7:00 p.m., the doctors will be taking another critical step in monitoring her progress. We ask once again for prayers beginning before 7:00 p.m. Pray specifically that this step goes as expected and that there continues to be no signs of infection. Thank you for your continued prayers.”


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At 2 PM, local time, today, Union College released the following statement:


[uPDATE 2:00 p.m. - Jan. 21] Terry and Cheryl Boulais, parents of injured Union College gymnast Heather Boulais, released the following statement this afternoon.
“We want to let all of you know the procedure this morning went very well. Now they are able to do an MRI. This will be at 2:00 p.m. today and we once again ask for prayers at that time. We specifically ask you to pray that nothing new appears on the MRI that we do not already know.
“Thank you for your continued prayers.”


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Let us remember that life is more than a physically beating heart.  Our prayers should also be that if her heart continues to beat that she will be restored to a functional life. 


I have a relative who at a young age sustained a major injury to his head.  He has been fully restored to a functional life.  He has a graduate degree and is employed by a State agency.  You would never know that he spent years in a wheel chair.  His rehab took 20 years!  I kid you not.


Our prayers should be comprehensive--restoration and peace through the process, however long it takes.

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No public updates at this point in time.  I will keep you posted as they come out.


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Thanks GM for the updates, still praying that God's will be done


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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Union College has posted the following on their website:


[uPDATE 3:30 p.m. - Jan. 27] Terry and Cheryl Boulais have setup a CaringBridge.org site to share information and updates about Heather and her recovery. New updates have been posted this afternoon at www.caringbridge.org/visit/heatherboulais.
You'll need to create a free login to access Heather's site, but the login will also allow you to receive notifications when a new update is posted and leave notes for Heather's family.
If you would like to give a gift to Heather and her family, there are three ways to do so:
  • Visit any Union Bank location (Southeast Nebraska and the Kansas City area) and asked to make a gift to “Heather Boulais.”
  • Make a gift online through Union College at rockpile.ucollege.edu/boulais. Union College will absorb the transaction fees so the family receives the full gift.
  • Send a check to Union College marked “Boulais Fund.” Address to Union College, 3800 S. 48th Street, Lincoln, NE  68506


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