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Obama at Prayer Event: Christians Committed Terrible Deeds in The Name of Christ

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President Obama called on people of faith to reject those who use religion to justify evil – and in doing so – reminded people about the terrible things done in the name of Jesus Christ.

Obama told a gathering Thursday at the National Prayer Breakfast that we have seen “professions of faith used both as an instrument of great good but twisted in the name of evil.”

“From a school in Pakistan to the streets of Paris we have seen violence and terror perpetrated by those who profess to stand up for faith – their faith – profess to stand up for Islam but in fact are betraying it,” he said.The Crusades ended some 700 years ago.

He did not mention radical Islam or jihadists or Islamic extremists. He did, however, call ISIS a “brutal, vicious death cult that in the name of religion carries out unspeakable acts of barbarism.”

The president also issued a word of warning to Christians.

“And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place – remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” the president said.

He also chided the United States, “our home country.”

“Slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ,” he added.

Robert Jeffress, the pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas and the author of the upcoming book, “Countdown to the Apocalypse: Why ISIS and Ebola Are Only the Beginning,” said there are two problems with Obama’s comparison.

“When Christians act violently they are acting in opposition to the teachings of their founder, Jesus Christ,” Jeffress told me. “They cannot cite a single verse in the New Testament that calls for violence against unbelievers. On the other hand, radical Islamists can point to a number of verses in the Koran calling for Muslims to ‘crucify the infidels.’”

On Wednesday a United Nations watchdog group reported that Islamic militants were crucifying Iraqi children and burying them alive. Others had been sold as sex slaves and boys as young as 18 had been used as suicide bombers, Reuters reported.

“They are following the example of their founder Muhammad who slaughtered and beheaded those who opposed him,” Jeffress said.

While the Crusades were terrible, Jeffress pointed out they were a response to hundreds of years of Muslim aggression – an issue he writes about in his book.

As you might imagine – the president’s remarks did not go over well among conservatives. My friend Michelle Malkin put it nicely:

"ISIS chops off heads, incinerates hostages, kills gays, enslaves girls. Obama: Blame the Crusades," she tweeted.

I was puzzled by something else President Obama said: "We are summoned to push back against those who would distort our religion for their nihilistic ends."

What did he mean by “our religion”? Whose religion? And why did he compare the Crusades to ISIS?

The Crusades ended some 700 years ago. Perhaps the president should be a bit more concerned with the Islamic jihad being waged in this century.

Todd Starnes is host of Fox News & Commentary, heard on hundreds of radio stations.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Todd Starnes (Fox News) said:

I was puzzled by something else President Obama said: "We are summoned to push back against those who would distort our religion for their nihilistic ends." What did he mean by “our religion”? Whose religion? And why did he compare the Crusades to ISIS?

I was also puzzled. When he said "our religion", was he speaking of our country's religion (which is what?); or his personal religion (Muslim? Christian? Both of the above?) What do you think?

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Todd Starnes (Fox News) said:

I was puzzled by something else President Obama said: "We are summoned to push back against those who would distort our religion for their nihilistic ends." What did he mean by “our religion”? Whose religion? And why did he compare the Crusades to ISIS?

I was also puzzled. When he said "our religion", was he speaking of our country's religion (which is what?); or his personal religion (Muslim? Christian? Both of the above?) What do you think?

I think he identifies with the Muslim religion more than he does with Christianity. Personally as far as having a "personal religion" I am skeptical that he has one.

He does know how to butcher history tho. Jim Crowe didn't have anything to do with following Christ. This was because of Democrats,not Christ.

Slavery was not a practice that can be blamed on Christ,except by those willfully being ignorant or are actually that ignorant.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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I was also puzzled. When he said "our religion", was he speaking of our country's religion (which is what?); or his personal religion (Muslim? Christian? Both of the above?) What do you think?

Our is plural. The President is a Christian. Many people call the USA a Christian country. When Americans say God bless America they say that as Christians who believe God has and is blessing them. I'm not sure why there is a lack of clarity. Seems obvious to me.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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Our is plural. The President is a Christian. Many people call the USA a Christian country. When Americans say God bless America they say that as Christians who believe God has and is blessing them. I'm not sure why there is a lack of clarity. Seems obvious to me.

Our being plural doesn't clarify anything in this instance. "We are summoned to push back against those who would distort our religion for their nihilistic ends."

Who are we pushing back against? That obviously has to be ISIS. ISIS is not distorting Christianity,it is claimed they are distorting Islam. They are cutting off heads,killing children,women and now burning someone alive in the name of "Allah"

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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When I saw the photo (didn't see the video, those always seem to been withdrawn before I get a chance) of the man being burned alive, I imagined that what I was seeing is just what those living in the Middle Ages would have witnessed happen to someone who was deemed a heretic by the Inquisition.

Am I the only one who thought that?

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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When I saw the photo (didn't see the video, those always seem to been withdrawn before I get a chance) of the man being burned alive, I imagined that what I was seeing is just what those living in the Middle Ages would have witnessed happen to someone who was deemed a heretic by the Inquisition.

Am I the only one who thought that?

I suppose in retrospect that would be a good comparison.  NO, what I thought was how awful the screams and how barbaric the chants, applause, etc from the on-lookers.  How could anyone watch such a sight not to mention, enjoy!!

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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I suppose in retrospect that would be a good comparison. NO, what I thought was how awful the screams and how barbaric the chants, applause, etc from the on-lookers. How could anyone watch such a sight not to mention, enjoy!!

The Inquisition is many hundreds of years ago. However horrible and inhuman it was doesn't have anything to do with the continuing and escalating animalistic behavior of ISIS and their supporters.

I can only imagine the families feelings when they hear,"Oh remember this has happened before, hundreds of years ago.

And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place – remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” the president said.

The above means what? Don't get to worked up over the hideous,barbaric death of this man.He might want to take a refresher course in the history of the crusades ,there is no doubt they were brutal beyond our understanding but what prompted the Crusades? He seems to have left out a crucial piece of history

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Context is important. For a different perspective -

Obama riles right with accurate remarks at Prayer Breakfast

02/06/15 04:49 PM

By Steve Benen

By now, you’ve probably seen the headlines and the emails from your wacky uncle who watches Fox News all day. President Obama, as he’s done every year, spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast yesterday, enraging his conservative critics for reasons that don’t make a lot of sense.

The president made the case that while we see faith communities around the world “inspiring people to lift up one another,” we also see “faith being twisted and distorted, used as a wedge – or, worse, sometimes used as a weapon.” After noting horrific acts of terror, sectarian violence, and religious division – “sectarian war in Syria, the murder of Muslims and Christians in Nigeria, religious war in the Central African Republic, a rising tide of anti-Semitism and hate crimes in Europe” – the president added:

“So how do we, as people of faith, reconcile these realities – the profound good, the strength, the tenacity, the compassion and love that can flow from all of our faiths, operating alongside those who seek to hijack religious for their own murderous ends?

“Humanity has been grappling with these questions throughout human history. And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ…. So this is not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us, a sinful tendency that can pervert and distort our faith.”

All of this happens to be 100% true. No faith tradition has a monopoly on virtue or peace; none of the world’s major religions can look back in history and not find chapters they now regret.

So why in the world is the right claiming to be outraged?

Conservative media lashed out at President Obama for mentioning the Crusades and Inquisition at the National Prayer Breakfast after condemning the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) as a “death cult” that distorts Islam.

Republicans are apparently a little hysterical, with one Fox News host claiming that “essentially” the president argued “Christians were just as bad as ISIS.” Former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore ®, desperately trying to get attention as a presidential candidate, called Obama’s remarks “the most offensive I’ve ever heard a president make in my lifetime.”

I’m going to assume that the president’s critics aren’t really outraged, but instead are playing a cynical little game in the name of partisan theater. It must be the latest in an endless series of manufactured outrages, because the alternative – that the right is genuinely disgusted – is literally hard to believe.

The portion of Obama’s remarks that has drawn so much scrutiny isn’t ambiguous – while people have used religion to advance righteousness and justice, horrible acts have been made in God’s name, no one group should be too quick to condemn another while wrestling with their own misdeeds. Is this accurate? Of course it is. Is it offensive? Only to theists who believe their faith tradition has always been without flaw (or perhaps those who’ve convinced themselves the Crusades and the Inquisition were noble causes, worthy of defense.)

It prompted Ta-Nehisi Coates to note the “foolish” and “historically illiterate” responses from the right to the president’s remarks.

It’s worth pausing to appreciate that conservative whining about Obama and the National Prayer Breakfast is annoyingly common. In 2013, the president said that as a Christian, his approach to government “coincides with Jesus’s teaching that ‘for unto whom much is given, much shall be required.’” Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) condemned the speech on the Senate floor and then-Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.) stormed out of the breakfast in protest.

One assumes that the right will once again be reaching for the fainting couch this time next year, whatever it is Obama happens to say at the time. There’s no reason for the rest of us, however, to take such hollow complaints seriously.


"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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  Another Prespective from MSNBC   MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough Unleashes on Obama’s Prayer Speech: ‘Stupid, Left-Wing Moral Equivalency!’

Feb. 6, 2015 9:42am Mike Opelkaare TTwee This

Friday morning, during a discussion of President Obama’s comments from the annual prayer breakfast in Washington D.C., MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough could not contain himself.

After playing Obama’s statement about Christians who committed violent acts during the Crusades and the Inquisition, the “Morning Joe” host blurted out, “That’s baffling to me.”


Image: Screen grab from MSNBC.com

“The president having to go back, 700, 800, 900 years?” said Scarborough.  Continuing, “You see this when you have people that somehow want to paint a broad brush…’Yes, uh, radical Islam’s bad, but look what Christianity does.’”

Scarborough’s co-host, Mika Brzezinski attempted to lessen the tension by saying, “I think the timing’s bad.”

Brzezinski comment only seemed to spur the already seething Scarborough to a more aggravated level.

“Why does he feel the need to go back 800 years?”  This stupid, left-wing moral equivalency. Sometimes you can just say, ‘hey, hey, ya know what, there’s some really really bad Muslim extremists.’”

Joe’s unfiltered rant continued for another ninety seconds. Brzezinski again attempted to rein him in, saying, “OK, OK…”

To which Scarborough responded, “No, it’s not OK.” Adding, “It almost makes you ask the question, ‘Where did he go to church?’”

Watch the entire segment:

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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I suppose in retrospect that would be a good comparison.  NO, what I thought was how awful the screams and how barbaric the chants, applause, etc from the on-lookers.  How could anyone watch such a sight not to mention, enjoy!!

And that has been in the past in Christianity, too, sad to say. That is why the sufferings of the ones who have beheaded and this pilot who was burned, have been real to me. It is shocking beyond words- horrible- and thankfully we have not had to view much of these scenes until now. But they have been there. History repeats itself more often than I would like.

Any faith can go in this direction in the hands of certain men. It just needs the right circumstances.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Context is important. For a different perspective -



It is interesting that someone else is explaining what Obama meant

Obama riles right with accurate remarks at Prayer Breakfast

02/06/15 04:49 PM

By Steve Benen

By now, you’ve probably seen the headlines and the emails from your wacky uncle who watches Fox News all day. President Obama, as he’s done every year, spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast yesterday, enraging his conservative critics for reasons that don’t make a lot of sense.


Actually most that resent his remarks did so by listening to his speech,not a wacky uncle

“Humanity has been grappling with these questions throughout human history. And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ…. So this is not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us, a sinful tendency that can pervert and distort our faith.”

All of this happens to be 100% true. No faith tradition has a monopoly on virtue or peace; none of the world’s major religions can look back in history and not find chapters they now regret.


Making an argument against claims that have not been made. Islam has never ceased killing,torturing,enslaving with barbaric acts,all in the name of Allah. You do not need to go back hundreds of years . Jim Crowe had nothing to do with Christianity,it was a law by democrats. Slavery was not done in the name of Christ. It was done for greed .A few made noises that slavery was biblical but I doubt if the African slavers in Africa claimed Christ as their example while they captured and sold their own kind into inhuman conditions,nor do I think the slave ship  captains or the slave owners were reciting bible verses as they purchased and abused their human cargo.

Of course he neatly by passes the reasons for the Crusades to begin with. That again began with the peaceful loving followers of Islam and mushroomed from there. Killing in the name of Allah is acceptable to those that follow this brand of Islam.

Conservative media lashed out at President Obama for mentioning the Crusades and Inquisition at the National Prayer Breakfast after condemning the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) as a “death cult” that distorts Islam.

Republicans are apparently a little hysterical, with one Fox News host claiming that “essentially” the president argued “Christians were just as bad as ISIS.” Former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore ®, desperately trying to get attention as a presidential candidate, called Obama’s remarks “the most offensive I’ve ever heard a president make in my lifetime.”


That is exactly what he said.

I’m going to assume that the president’s critics aren’t really outraged, but instead are playing a cynical little game in the name of partisan theater. It must be the latest in an endless series of manufactured outrages, because the alternative – that the right is genuinely disgusted – is literally hard to believe.


The portion of Obama’s remarks that has drawn so much scrutiny isn’t ambiguous – while people have used religion to advance righteousness and justice, horrible acts have been made in God’s name, no one group should be too quick to condemn another while wrestling with their own misdeeds. Is this accurate? Of course it is. Is it offensive?


This country has it's share of wacko's and evil human beings as any country does so does that mean we should not find the inhuman burning alive of another human being offensive?

Hundreds of years ago the Inquisition was responsible for hideous acts so what the Hey, the burning to death of this man and the sawing heads off others should be just another day ? Maybe in Obama's world.I notice he didn't offer "If I had a son,this could have been my son" Wonder if this would have been his response had this been a child of his?

"Or well,it has been done before so get off your high horse"


Only to theists who believe their faith tradition has always been without flaw (or perhaps those who’ve convinced themselves the Crusades and the Inquisition were noble causes, worthy of defense.)

Again have to imply a lie,no one has claimed the Crusades and the Inquisition were noble causes,but it does attempt to shift the focus


It prompted Ta-Nehisi Coates to note the “foolish” and “historically illiterate” responses from the right to the president’s remarks.


Someone on the left should read a little more history so they don't sound so illiterate historically

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Maybe Obama Should Put The Crusades in Context
May 31, 2014
The Greatest Murder Machine in History
When one thinks of mass murder, Hitler comes to mind. If not Hitler, then Tojo, Stalin, or Mao. Credit is given to the 20th-century totalitarians as the worst species of tyranny to have ever arisen. However, the alarming truth is that Islam has killed more than any of these, and may surpass all of them combined in numbers and cruelty.


The enormity of the slaughters of the "religion of peace" are so far beyond comprehension that even honest historians overlook the scale. When one looks beyond our myopic focus, Islam is the greatest killing machine in the history of mankind, bar none.




Conservative estimates place the number at 80 million dead Indians.The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. -- Will Durant, as quoted on Daniel Pipes site.


80 Million?! The conquistadors' crimes pale into insignificance at that number. No wonder Hitler admired Islam as a fighting religion. He stood in awe of Islam, whose butchery even he did not surpass.

According to some calculations, the Indian (subcontinent) population decreased by 80 million between 1000 (conquest of Afghanistan) and 1525 (end of Delhi Sultanate). -- Koenrad Elst as quoted on Daniel Pipes site

Over 110 Million Blacks were killed by Islam.

Add just those two numbers alone together, and Islam has surpassed the victims of 20th-century totalitarianism. However, it does not end there. Add the millions who died at the hand of Muslims in the Sudan in our lifetime.

... a minumum of 28 Million African were enslaved in the Muslim Middle East.  Since, at least, 80 percent of those captured by Muslim slave traders were calculated to have died before reaching the slave market, it is believed that the death toll from 1400 years of Arab and Muslim slave raids into Africa could have been as high as 112 Millions.  When added to the number of those sold in the slave markets, the total number of African victims of the trans-Saharan and East African slave trade could be significantly higher than 140 Million people. -- John Allembillah Azumah, author of The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa: A Quest for Inter-religious Dialogue

Much of Islamic slavery was sexual in nature, with a preference for women. Those men who were captured were castrated. The mulatto children of the women were often killed, which explains why Islam was not demographically shifted towards the black race, unlike slaves in the West, who bore children to breed a mestizo class. Add in those dead children; and we arrive at well over 200 million.

Remember that in the 7th century, North Africa was almost totally Christian. What happened to them? 

What happened to those Christian millions? Some converted. The rest?  Lost to history.

By the year 750, a hundred years after the conquest of Jerusalem, at least 50 percent of the world's Christians found themselves under Muslim hegemony… Today there is no indigenous Christianity in the region [of Northwest Africa], no communities of Christians whose history can be traced to antiquity.-- "Christianity Face to Face with Islam," CERC

We know that over 1 million Europeans were enslaved by Barbary Pirates. How many died is anybody's guess.

In the Middle Ages…

...for the 250 years between 1530 and 1780, the figure could easily have been as high as 1,250,000 -  BBC

The same practice ran through Islamic Spain. North Europeans captured from raids up to Iceland, or purchased, were butchered in the castratoriums of Iberia. Many died from the operations that ran for centuries.

…many slaves were passed through Armenia and were castrated there to fill the Muslim demand for eunuchs. -- Slavery in Early Medieval Europe.

The number of dead from the Muslim conquest of the Balkans and Southern Italy is unknown, but again the numbers add up, surely into the millions over the centuries. Don't forget the 1.5 million Armenian Christians killed by the Turks during WWI. We do know that over five centuries, vast numbers of Christian boys were kidnapped to become Islamic Janissary mercenaries for the Turks. Add those in, too.

Muslims prized blonde women for their harems; and so enslaved Slavic women were purchased in the bazaars of the Crimean Caliphate. In Muslim Spain, an annual tribute of 100 Visigothic [blonde] women was required from Spain's Cantabrian coast.

Add in the death toll from the Reconquista and the numbers climb higher. 

For decades, 100 virgins per year were required by the Muslim rulers of Spain from the conquered population.  The tribute was only stopped when the Spaniards began fighting back -- Jihad: Islam's 1,300 Year War Against Western Civilisation

Research has shown that the Dark Ages were not caused by the Goths, who eventually assimilated and Christianized:    

Add in those unknown millions who died as a consequence.

…the real destroyers of classical civilization were the Muslims. It was the Arab Invasions... which broke the unity of the Mediterranean world and turned the Middle Sea -- previously one of the world’s most important trading highways -- into a battleground. It was only after the appearance of Islam... that the cities of the West, which depended upon the Mediterranean trade for their survival, began to die. -- Islam Caused the Dark Ages

How many know the horrors of the conquest of Malaysia? The Buddhists of Thailand and Malaysia were slaughtered en masse.

We may never know the numbers of dead.

When attacked and massacred by the Muslims, the Buddhists initially did not make any attempt to escape from their murderers. They accepted death with an air of fatalism and destiny. And hence they are not around today to tell their story. – History of Jihad.org

In the same manner, Islam arrived in the Philippines. Only the appearance of the Spanish stopped a total collapse, and confined Islam to the southern islands. 

After Muslims came to power in the early 15th century, animist hill peoples eventually disappeared due to their enslavement and ‘incorporation’ into the Muslim population of Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo, and Java via raids, tribute and purchase, especially of children. Java was the largest exporter of slaves around 1500. -- Islam Monitor

Again, the number of dead is unknown; but add them to the total.

The coming of the Spanish saved the Philippines from Islam, except for the Southern tip where the population had been converted to Islam.-- History of Jihad.org

The animist Filipinos were eager to ally with the Spanish against Islam. In fact, much of Southeast Asia welcomed the Spanish and Portuguese as preferable to Islam. 

A few galleons and muskets were not enough to conquer Asia. Islam had made the Europeans initially appear as liberators; and to a certain extent they were. Who were the real imperialists?

...from the 17th century successive Thai kings allied themselves with the seafaring Western powers – the Portuguese and the Dutch and succeeded in staving off the threat of Islam from the Muslim Malays and their Arab overlords.-- History of Jihad.org  

Even today...

Add this all up. The African victims. The Indian victims. The European victims. Add in the Armenian genocide. Then add in the lesser known, but no doubt quite large number of victims of Eastern Asia. Add in the jihad committed by Muslims against China, which was invaded in 651 AD. Add in the Crimean Khanate predations on the Slavs, especially their women.

...Malaysian Jihadis are plotting to transform multi-ethnic Malaysia into an Islamic Caliphate, and fomenting trouble in Southern Thailand.-- History of Jihad.org

Though the numbers are not clear, what is obvious is that Islam is the greatest murder machine in history bar none, possibly exceeding 250 million dead. Possibly one-third to one-half or more of all those killed by war or slavery in history can be traced to Islam; and this is just a cursory examination.

Now consider the over 125 Million women today who have been genitally mutilated for Islamic honor's sake. In spite of what apologists tell you, the practice is almost totally confined to Islamic areas. 

Once thought concentrated in Africa, FGM has now been discovered to be common wherever Islam is found. 

New information from Iraqi Kurdistan raises the possibility that the problem is more prevalent in the Middle East than previously believed and that FGM is far more tied to religion than many Western academics and activists admit. – “Is Female Genital Mutilation an Islamic Problem?” ME Quarterly

Remember that this has gone on for 1400 years; and was imposed on a population that had been formerly Christian or pagan.

There are indications that FGM might be a phenomenon of epidemic proportions in the Arab Middle East. Hosken, for instance, notes that traditionally all women in the Persian Gulf region were mutilated. Arab governments refuse to address the problem. -- "Is Female Genital Mutilation an Islamic Problem?" ME Quarterly

FGM is practiced on large scale in Islamic Indonesia; and is increasing.

The horrified British author of that Guardian article is still deluded that Islam does not support FGM, when in fact it is now settled that FGM is a core Islamic practice. Islamic women have been brainwashed to support their own abuse.

...far from scaling down, the problem of FGM in Indonesia has escalated sharply. The mass ceremonies in Bandung have grown bigger and more popular every year. -- Guardian

What other tyranny does this? Not even the Nazis mutilated their own women!

Abu Sahlieh further cited Muhammad as saying, "Circumcision is a sunna (tradition) for the men and makruma (honorable deed) for the women."  -- “Is Female Genital Mutilation an Islamic Problem?” ME Quarterly

Unlike the 20th-century totalitarians whose killing fury consumed themselves, reducing their longevity, Islam paces itself. In the end, though slower, Islam has killed and tortured far more than any other creed, religious or secular. Unlike secular tyranny, Islam, by virtue of its polygamy and sexual predations, reproduces itself and  increases. 

Other tyrannies are furious infections, which burn hot, but are soon overcome. Islam is a slow terminal cancer, which metastasizes, and takes over. It never retreats. Its methods are more insidious, often imperceptible at first, driven by demographics. Like cancer, excision may be the only cure.

So whenever you read about this or that Israeli outrage -- and there may be truth to the complaint -- place the news in context. Look whom the Israelis are fighting against. Islam is like nothing else in history.

Mike Konrad is the pen name of an American who is not Jewish, Latin, or Arab. He runs a website, http://latinarabia.com, where he discusses the subculture of Arabs in Latin America. He wishes his Spanish were better.

When one thinks of mass murder, Hitler comes to mind. If not Hitler, then Tojo, Stalin, or Mao. Credit is given to the 20th-century totalitarians as the worst species of tyranny to have ever arisen. However, the alarming truth is that Islam has killed more than any of these, and may surpass all of them combined in numbers and cruelty.

The enormity of the slaughters of the "religion of peace" are so far beyond comprehension that even honest historians overlook the scale. When one looks beyond our myopic focus, Islam is the greatest killing machine in the history of mankind, bar none.

Conservative estimates place the number at 80 million dead Indians.

The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. -- Will Durant, as quoted on Daniel Pipes site.

80 Million?! The conquistadors' crimes pale into insignificance at that number. No wonder Hitler admired Islam as a fighting religion. He stood in awe of Islam, whose butchery even he did not surpass.

According to some calculations, the Indian (subcontinent) population decreased by 80 million between 1000 (conquest of Afghanistan) and 1525 (end of Delhi Sultanate). -- Koenrad Elst as quoted on Daniel Pipes site

Over 110 Million Blacks were killed by Islam.

Add just those two numbers alone together, and Islam has surpassed the victims of 20th-century totalitarianism. However, it does not end there. Add the millions who died at the hand of Muslims in the Sudan in our lifetime.

... a minumum of 28 Million African were enslaved in the Muslim Middle East.  Since, at least, 80 percent of those captured by Muslim slave traders were calculated to have died before reaching the slave market, it is believed that the death toll from 1400 years of Arab and Muslim slave raids into Africa could have been as high as 112 Millions.  When added to the number of those sold in the slave markets, the total number of African victims of the trans-Saharan and East African slave trade could be significantly higher than 140 Million people. -- John Allembillah Azumah, author of The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa: A Quest for Inter-religious Dialogue

Much of Islamic slavery was sexual in nature, with a preference for women. Those men who were captured were castrated. The mulatto children of the women were often killed, which explains why Islam was not demographically shifted towards the black race, unlike slaves in the West, who bore children to breed a mestizo class. Add in those dead children; and we arrive at well over 200 million.

Remember that in the 7th century, North Africa was almost totally Christian. What happened to them? 

What happened to those Christian millions? Some converted. The rest?  Lost to history.

By the year 750, a hundred years after the conquest of Jerusalem, at least 50 percent of the world's Christians found themselves under Muslim hegemony… Today there is no indigenous Christianity in the region [of Northwest Africa], no communities of Christians whose history can be traced to antiquity.-- "Christianity Face to Face with Islam," CERC

We know that over 1 million Europeans were enslaved by Barbary Pirates. How many died is anybody's guess.

In the Middle Ages…

...for the 250 years between 1530 and 1780, the figure could easily have been as high as 1,250,000 -  BBC

The same practice ran through Islamic Spain. North Europeans captured from raids up to Iceland, or purchased, were butchered in the castratoriums of Iberia. Many died from the operations that ran for centuries.

…many slaves were passed through Armenia and were castrated there to fill the Muslim demand for eunuchs. -- Slavery in Early Medieval Europe.

The number of dead from the Muslim conquest of the Balkans and Southern Italy is unknown, but again the numbers add up, surely into the millions over the centuries. Don't forget the 1.5 million Armenian Christians killed by the Turks during WWI. We do know that over five centuries, vast numbers of Christian boys were kidnapped to become Islamic Janissary mercenaries for the Turks. Add those in, too.

Muslims prized blonde women for their harems; and so enslaved Slavic women were purchased in the bazaars of the Crimean Caliphate. In Muslim Spain, an annual tribute of 100 Visigothic [blonde] women was required from Spain's Cantabrian coast.

Add in the death toll from the Reconquista and the numbers climb higher. 

For decades, 100 virgins per year were required by the Muslim rulers of Spain from the conquered population.  The tribute was only stopped when the Spaniards began fighting back -- Jihad: Islam's 1,300 Year War Against Western Civilisation

Research has shown that the Dark Ages were not caused by the Goths, who eventually assimilated and Christianized:    

Add in those unknown millions who died as a consequence.

…the real destroyers of classical civilization were the Muslims. It was the Arab Invasions... which broke the unity of the Mediterranean world and turned the Middle Sea -- previously one of the world’s most important trading highways -- into a battleground. It was only after the appearance of Islam... that the cities of the West, which depended upon the Mediterranean trade for their survival, began to die. -- Islam Caused the Dark Ages

How many know the horrors of the conquest of Malaysia? The Buddhists of Thailand and Malaysia were slaughtered en masse.

We may never know the numbers of dead.

When attacked and massacred by the Muslims, the Buddhists initially did not make any attempt to escape from their murderers. They accepted death with an air of fatalism and destiny. And hence they are not around today to tell their story. – History of Jihad.org

In the same manner, Islam arrived in the Philippines. Only the appearance of the Spanish stopped a total collapse, and confined Islam to the southern islands. 

After Muslims came to power in the early 15th century, animist hill peoples eventually disappeared due to their enslavement and ‘incorporation’ into the Muslim population of Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo, and Java via raids, tribute and purchase, especially of children. Java was the largest exporter of slaves around 1500. -- Islam Monitor

Again, the number of dead is unknown; but add them to the total.

The coming of the Spanish saved the Philippines from Islam, except for the Southern tip where the population had been converted to Islam.-- History of Jihad.org

The animist Filipinos were eager to ally with the Spanish against Islam. In fact, much of Southeast Asia welcomed the Spanish and Portuguese as preferable to Islam. 

A few galleons and muskets were not enough to conquer Asia. Islam had made the Europeans initially appear as liberators; and to a certain extent they were. Who were the real imperialists?

...from the 17th century successive Thai kings allied themselves with the seafaring Western powers – the Portuguese and the Dutch and succeeded in staving off the threat of Islam from the Muslim Malays and their Arab overlords.-- History of Jihad.org  

Even today...

Add this all up. The African victims. The Indian victims. The European victims. Add in the Armenian genocide. Then add in the lesser known, but no doubt quite large number of victims of Eastern Asia. Add in the jihad committed by Muslims against China, which was invaded in 651 AD. Add in the Crimean Khanate predations on the Slavs, especially their women.

...Malaysian Jihadis are plotting to transform multi-ethnic Malaysia into an Islamic Caliphate, and fomenting trouble in Southern Thailand.-- History of Jihad.org

Though the numbers are not clear, what is obvious is that Islam is the greatest murder machine in history bar none, possibly exceeding 250 million dead. Possibly one-third to one-half or more of all those killed by war or slavery in history can be traced to Islam; and this is just a cursory examination.

Now consider the over 125 Million women today who have been genitally mutilated for Islamic honor's sake. In spite of what apologists tell you, the practice is almost totally confined to Islamic areas. 


New information from Iraqi Kurdistan raises the possibility that the problem is more prevalent in the Middle East than previously believed and that FGM is far more tied to religion than many Western academics and activists admit. – “Is Female Genital Mutilation an Islamic Problem?” ME Quarterly

Once thought concentrated in Africa, FGM has now been discovered to be common wherever Islam is found. 


Remember that this has gone on for 1400 years; and was imposed on a population that had been formerly Christian or pagan.

There are indications that FGM might be a phenomenon of epidemic proportions in the Arab Middle East. Hosken, for instance, notes that traditionally all women in the Persian Gulf region were mutilated. Arab governments refuse to address the problem. -- "Is Female Genital Mutilation an Islamic Problem?" ME Quarterly

FGM is practiced on large scale in Islamic Indonesia; and is increasing.

The horrified British author of that Guardian article is still deluded that Islam does not support FGM, when in fact it is now settled that FGM is a core Islamic practice. Islamic women have been brainwashed to support their own abuse.

...far from scaling down, the problem of FGM in Indonesia has escalated sharply. The mass ceremonies in Bandung have grown bigger and more popular every year. -- Guardian

What other tyranny does this? Not even the Nazis mutilated their own women!

Abu Sahlieh further cited Muhammad as saying, "Circumcision is a sunna (tradition) for the men and makruma (honorable deed) for the women."  -- “Is Female Genital Mutilation an Islamic Problem?” ME Quarterly

Unlike the 20th-century totalitarians whose killing fury consumed themselves, reducing their longevity, Islam paces itself. In the end, though slower, Islam has killed and tortured far more than any other creed, religious or secular. Unlike secular tyranny, Islam, by virtue of its polygamy and sexual predations, reproduces itself and  increases. 

Other tyrannies are furious infections, which burn hot, but are soon overcome. Islam is a slow terminal cancer, which metastasizes, and takes over. It never retreats. Its methods are more insidious, often imperceptible at first, driven by demographics. Like cancer, excision may be the only cure.

So whenever you read about this or that Israeli outrage -- and there may be truth to the complaint -- place the news in context. Look whom the Israelis are fighting against. Islam is like nothing else in history.

Mike Konrad is the pen name of an American who is not Jewish, Latin, or Arab. He runs a website, http://latinarabia.com, where he discusses the subculture of Arabs in Latin America. He wishes his Spanish were better.


Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2014/05/the_greatest_murder_machine_in_history.html#ixzz3R1OsoqNX 
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Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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There is not much that Obama can say without the politico's finding fault, tis the nature of the game. FOX and such get righteously indignant about everything the Pres has to say...so what is new? If FOX and those websites/bloggers/quasi news sites were really concerned about America they might just stop yapping, stop all the demagoguery, and demand that all politicians be honest in every thing they do. But no....thats not the American way! Complain, complain, ring hands, then sit on them! 


Tis all just a bunch of 'trash talking'! Why would anyone give them any credence?????

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It really gets tiresome that someone who claims to be a christian is always suspected of being a Muslim. But then, that is what takes place most everywhere, when people have opposing view points....attack them anyway you can. I think it is commandment #12, Thou shall castigate all those who differ, chisled in stone by Moses, I think!

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There is not much that Obama can say without the politico's finding fault, tis the nature of the game. FOX and such get righteously indignant about everything the Pres has to say...so what is new? If FOX and those websites/bloggers/quasi news sites were really concerned about America they might just stop yapping, stop all the demagoguery, and demand that all politicians be honest in every thing they do. But no....thats not the American way! Complain, complain, ring hands, then sit on them! 


Tis all just a bunch of 'trash talking'! Why would anyone give them any credence?????



Many people would love to see complete honesty in all politicians. That would be great,however has nothing to do with the statements made by Obama.

Trying to deflect away from the actions of those that claim to be following Islam by false statements concerning history is what most  object to 

He is either deliberately shading history to make his deflection away from these atrocities more acceptable. He forgot to add that the Crusades were a defensive response against years and years of peaceful,loving Islam aggression.

The crusades were most assuredly  brutal and I don't think most people believe that the crusades were led by Christ. Islam was led by Mohammad ,not Christianity. So if he wants to wave the actions during the crusades,he shouldn't forget the loving peaceful religion that was responsible for the atrocities committed in the name of Allah.There isn't any authority in scripture for behaving as the "crusaders" did. There is authority in the Koran for beheading the infidels 

Maybe Obama should get of his high horse and read history before he starts explaining religious history. Jim Crowe was a product of democrats using the strong arm of that "christian" group the KKK.

He loves the slavery issue but again this brilliant scholar skips a lot of it to dwell on the white race. Were the Africans that captured and sold other africans into such inhumane conditions following Christ or claiming christianity.  I don't think so.I don't think the slave ship captains began their journey asking the blessings of Christ. It was greed and power.


The issues of long past centuries doesn't have a thing to do with how burning a man alive or beheading in this century. Unless it is deflect the hideous behavior of those that behave worse than animals




Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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It really gets tiresome that someone who claims to be a christian is always suspected of being a Muslim. But then, that is what takes place most everywhere, when people have opposing view points....attack them anyway you can. I think it is commandment #12, Thou shall castigate all those who differ, chisled in stone by Moses, I think!

Burning a man alive is a little more than a difference in belief. So is trying to deflect the current hideous behavior by reaching back centuries. Many people claim to be christian. Based on behavior of the one claiming to be a christian,others are not obligated to accept that as true as they define christian

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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Doesn't matter what religion you belong human nature is there....The constitution guards against gaining absolute power.  Hence the separation between church and state.  Let the state be controlled by the church and we shall see atrocities done in the name of God.  

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Doesn't matter what religion you belong human nature is there....The constitution guards against gaining absolute power.  Hence the separation between church and state.  Let the state be controlled by the church and we shall see atrocities done in the name of God.  

I think most SDA's and others understand that. The actions of ISIS doesn't have any bearing on the separation of church and state in the US.  No one is suggesting the church control the state.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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I think most SDA's and others understand that. The actions of ISIS doesn't have any bearing on the separation of church and state in the US.  No one is suggesting the church control the state.

I think part of the problem with the Muslim religion is that their religion does control the state?

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I think part of the problem with the Muslim religion is that their religion does control the state?

There isn't much doubt about that. That isn't as frightening as people in the US and other civilized countries seem as if this is not a big deal. After all look to past centuries,yawn

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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And that has been in the past in Christianity, too, sad to say. That is why the sufferings of the ones who have beheaded and this pilot who was burned, have been real to me. It is shocking beyond words- horrible- and thankfully we have not had to view much of these scenes until now. But they have been there. History repeats itself more often than I would like.

Any faith can go in this direction in the hands of certain men. It just needs the right circumstances.

I'm not sure I would agree with you all the way.  I would say that any organization run by men can go this way.  The Catholic church is an organization, it isn't the "Christian faith".  ISIS is an organization, a splinter of Islam, and it is doing the same thing the Catholics did.  Just as I'm sure there were many people of the Christian faith made sick to their stomach by the Inquisition I'm sure there are Mulisms who are made sick to their stomach by ISIS. 


This just goes to show that any time a religious organization tries to attain political power, the power of the state, that only evil can come from it.  That's what it tells me. l think there are reasons for this that are found in human nature, not in religion. 

Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.
Alexis de Tocqueville
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It really gets tiresome that someone who claims to be a christian is always suspected of being a Muslim. But then, that is what takes place most everywhere, when people have opposing view points....attack them anyway you can. I think it is commandment #12, Thou shall castigate all those who differ, chisled in stone by Moses, I think!


CoAspen, psychologically, folks have to do something to justify their inability to accept the President as the president. He's a socialist, a Muslim, born in Kenya, etc. It's a way of de-legitimizing your enemy. He is in fact continuing Bush's agenda. The next president will continue his agenda. I guarantee it.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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