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Obama’s Summit Speech On Muslims Is ‘So Divorced From Reality’

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Krauthammer: Obama’s Summit Speech On Muslims Is ‘So Divorced From Reality’ Fox News contributor: Obama thinks the problem is the lack of understanding of Muslim grievances

On Wednesday’s Special Report with Bret Baier, Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer commented that President Barack Obama’s speech at the White House’s violent extremism summit sounded more like a community organizer than a president in the way he emphasized Islamic grievances. Dr. Krauthammer said that Obama’s speech made it sound like Christians beheaded Muslims.


It was the president himself who called the three-day summit. And it sounds like a community organizer talking about outreach to aggrieved communities. If you listen to the president today and his emphasis on Islamic grievances on reaching out, on making the Muslims feel comfortable and not excluded, you would think that we are responding to the execution and the beheading of 21 Muslims on behalf of 21 extreme Christians somewhere in the world. It is so divorced from reality, as if the problem is the lack of understanding of Muslim grievances, particularly in the Middle East.

We talk about root causes as if that’s going to make any difference whatsoever. There are rich people in ISIS, there are poor; there are educated, there are uneducated. The idea that somehow if you can attack, eradicate poverty which in and of itself is an absurdity as if it’s going to make any difference is sort of a fantasy. And it’s a way to avoid the issue, as is the president’s language. I mean, he said I don’t want to legitimize these people by using the word Islamist. It’s as if you refused to call Nazis Nazis because they were not authentic socialists and they had a perverted idea of nationalism. I mean, you simply have to say, of course they are a branch of Islam, a very important one. They are all over the world, and unless you address the Islamic roots of it, you will get absolutely nowhere in trying to stop the recruiting and to stop their advances.

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Read more at http://www.westernjournalism.com/krauthammer-obamas-summit-speech-muslims-divorced-reality/#KoLLftUDkPOqUotE.99


Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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