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Would you wear Denim Jeans and a T Shirt to your Sabbath Service?


Would you wear Denin Jeans and a T Shirt to your Sabbath Service?   

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I am reminded of a story about a mother and her young son. I can't remember exactly how the story goes, but the sum of it is that the mother often took walks with her son to the local park while she was dressed in her "prettiest" clothes. The clothes she wore were the Halloween costume she wore the previous year--a Disney princess outfit. She felt ridiculous, but proud because these were the clothes her son chose for her to wear. He thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world and that she looked her prettiest when she wore the princess outfit. The son would wear his costume as well because it made him feel dressed up. The neighbors and passers-by would stare at the two of them walking to the park, but the mother didn't care. She was happy that she was helping her son to be happy.  She dressed for the one most important to her, not for the people who criticized and judged her because she was inappropriately dressed in their opinions.


What apparel does God want His sons and daughters to wear on their special day together?


It is my personal opinion that God doesn't really care what Christians wear on the outside so long as it's modest, weather-appropriate, non-constricting of our physical bodies, and does not cause a distraction to other believers. 

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I must admit that I am apparently unconscious as to observing what others are wearing in church.  This morning I was in a church that I have spoke in several times and I happen to notice that the girl who led the singing was wearing jeans.  I then though about it and realized that this beautiful, sweet young lady always wore the blue jeans ... clean and pressed.  I know a bit about her family and feel sure that they do the best they can and dress their children accordingly. 


The thing that struck me most was looking around and seeing quite a bit of denim;  had it not been for this thread I would probably never have given it a thought. 


Just sayin' 



The question of would you....................?  If I had to go into debt to wear something else then, yes, I would wear denim.

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If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Aubrey, on 28 Mar 2015 - 10:20 AM, said:

What apparel does God want His sons and daughters to wear on their special day together?


It is my personal opinion that God doesn't really care what Christians wear on the outside so long as it's modest, weather-appropriate, non-constricting of our physical bodies, and does not cause a distraction to other believers. 


she was inappropriately dressed in their opinions. 


I was especially impressed with this train of thought.


God is Love!  Jesus saves!  :smiley:

Lift Jesus up!!

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To paraphrase Zig Ziegler, "If you wanta feel better about yourself, Get Up, Clean Up, fix up and things will Look Up,   I submit that perhaps when we put on our Sabbath Best for church that we will experience an uplift in mental & spiritual health.

Here's the thing though, when we ditched the fancy clothes, we found that a lot of pretence went with them. That is, we started to feel comfortable admitting that we all had problems and needed support. Somehow suits send the signal that we have it all together. 

insx, in Essex :)

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sometimes it's gets to be annoying when I say I prefer to dress up for church - because automatically people who *don't* like to do it start in on how God doesn't care what we wear, blah, blah, blah - along with some implied notion that I must be condemning of those who come to church wearing a barrel and suspenders.


Wear what what you think is appropriate!!!

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Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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Here's the thing though, when we ditched the fancy clothes, we found that a lot of pretence went with them. That is, we started to feel comfortable admitting that we all had problems and needed support. Somehow suits send the signal that we have it all together. 

On the flip side,do those that wear jeans and a t-shirt look down on those that choose not to dress in what they see as inappropriate? Does wearing a suit indicate to you that those that do are without problems?

What is pretentious about wearing something better than t-shirt and jeans if you have such clothing and most of us do? Is your "christian attitude" superior to those that wear what they consider more appropriate for church?

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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sometimes it's gets to be annoying when I say I prefer to dress up for church - because automatically people who *don't* like to do it start in on how God doesn't care what we wear, blah, blah, blah - along with some implied notion that I must be condemning of those who come to church wearing a barrel and suspenders.


Wear what what you think is appropriate!!!


Did someone directly reply to you on this thread?

insx, in Essex :)

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On the flip side,do those that wear jeans and a t-shirt look down on those that choose not to dress in what they see as inappropriate? Does wearing a suit indicate to you that those that do are without problems?

What is pretentious about wearing something better than t-shirt and jeans if you have such clothing and most of us do? Is your "christian attitude" superior to those that wear what they consider more appropriate for church?

We don't look down on anyone, I'm just saying how we felt when we made the collective decision as a group. Sometimes people visit in suits and that's fine although we do find that people from the local community never dress up and it's them we are trying to attract.

insx, in Essex :)

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Did someone directly reply to you on this thread?


would you like fries with that question?

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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would you like fries with that question?


I'm not sure what that means, but I think you are asking what I meant. I understood that you were only giving your opinion and didn't expect or demand that others agree and I found your first post refreshing. What I didn't understand is that you seemed to be saying that the later posts from the dressdowners were somehow a response to you and a reason for your annoyance. I think the dressuppers and dressdowners would have given their views whether you posted or not.

insx, in Essex :)

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The question in the OP is 'what would you wear?' Not 'what would you judge others for wearing?'

Sometimes we do tend to hear "I prefer to do this" as "and you should too", when that is not what is intended.

Perhaps, much more than what we wear, it is in our attitude to our brothers and sisters who choose differently where the rubber hits the road?

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Truth is important

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Here's the thing though, when we ditched the fancy clothes, we found that a lot of pretence went with them. That is, we started to feel comfortable admitting that we all had problems and needed support. Somehow suits send the signal that we have it all together. 


What I was attempting to say in #28 is that if a person wears denim to church is (for whatever reason) is  personal option.  In answer to the Topic, I would only wear jeans to church if I had no other alternative and then would probably wear a blouse and jacket.  OTOH I do not judge or question if another wears denim.   


We all have to walk our own road.........................

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If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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I think in many respects people are more uncomfortable just being different no matter the occasion or circumstances. If you show up at a costume party wearing ordinary clothes you feel like the odd man out. So showing up at casual church wearing a suit you feel conspicuous, just as showing up at traditional church wearing motorcycle leather.

I have to say that one thing I do appreciate about the one church I attend is that it really does not matter. People come in all manner of attire and everyone is just happy you are there. I don't think anyone gives it a second thought that they look different on the outside, because everyone is different. It is probably one of the most diverse churches I have ever been a part of.

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"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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The sacrafices required in the Old Testament required cattle sheep etc which were the best. I have often stood looking at a fine looking Santa Gertrudis calf yearling in the cattle yards imagining those biblical days .Thinking  I would love to keep this animal my love for God would see me gladly sacrafice it to the Lord.

I believe every presentation to the Lord should gladly be our best even if our first thoughts may be otherwise.

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So, then, our *best* denim jeans and t-shirt?

'Best' does not necessarily mean 'most traditional' or 'most like what the world wears on formal occasions'.

If someone only owns jeans and t-shirts... and perhaps shorts, then choosing their best jeans and t-shirt is what they do to honor God.

The widow's two mites were the most acceptable offering...

Truth is important

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That reminds me of part of the silliness of worrying over dressing up for church.  Where a suit and tie was for so long engrained in us that it became a factor of our missionary movement.  While not universally done by all missionaries it was widespread enough that our brothers and sisters in the tropical zones were indoctrinated to the western style of church going attire to a ridiculous degree.  While native garb had some climate appropriate "formal" wear that would have presented the "best", the pressure to wear a suit meant sitting in an unfair conditioned church in the tropics wearing a suit and tie, especially if you were to be on the platform.


I am am not sure God appreciates a sweat soaked look so well that he really expected that!

"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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I would wear my best clothes appropriate for the setting and occasion.  If a denim and T shirt is the best I have, I would  have no problem wearing them for church.  At least 2x a year, our church has a camp out. A suit and tie for either the preacher or parishioners would not be appropriate in that setting.

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Pretty sure that a seamless robe wasn't a posh garment. One simple enough not to require a tailor, more like. I don't think Jesus used his style of dress to impress: indeed, the word says he 'had no beauty that people would desire him'.

If it wasn't posh, what would a reason be for the persons carrying out the sentence against Jesus, for gambling to see who could claim it as opposed to just walking away from anothers' desire to have it?


God is Love!  Jesus saves!  :smiley:

Lift Jesus up!!

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A few years ago I preached a sermon on the subject of dress, wearing a suit and with jeans and a t-shirt underneath. Half way through I took my suit off. I should have videoed the reactions. I guess some were worried about how much I was going to take off! It was fun to do and I think it made a point. I dress depending on the group and the setting. I spoke at a camp a couple of years ago. I wore shirt, dress pants and bow tie. I spoke at the same same camp the next year. I wore jeans and an Nigerian traditional shirt. Same setting two different groups. Once in a while I like to scare my congregation so I'll wear something many of them might feel is inappropriate just for the sake of it! It's good to make church folk uncomfortable sometimes.


God is primarily concerned with the condition of the heart. Too often we are concerned with the condition of the clothing. In my few years in church work I have seen all too often the devil come to church in a nice suit.

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Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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"God is primarily concerned with the condition of the heart. Too often we are concerned with the condition of the clothing. In my few years in church work I have seen all too often the devil come to church in a nice suit."

Amen, Laz!  Personally, I can't think of anything I could wear that wouldn't look shabby compared to the robe of glory worn by the Father and Son.  A $5,000 Armani suit or cargo shorts and a t-shirt would both be on the same level compared to how snappy God probably looks.

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