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Prayer for Husband


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Please pray for my husband.

Once again a well-meaning church member has turned his new baby walk with Jesus into anger and rejection of Abba and Jesus... Since "if they follow God, I don't want to..."

And me, not knowing what had just occurred put my foot in it... and made it worse.

Please pray that he will have a softened, yielded heart that hears and responds to the Holy Spirit. Pray also that he will not harden his heart to the work the Spirit is doing.

Thank you.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Thank you.

Please add his health to the prayers. We spent last night in the Emergency Room.

I do know, though, that Jesus is going to be glorified. As I followed the Ambulance in to the hospital, it was quiet in the van, and I was praying aloud.

Suddenly, the radio came on by itself, and the song being played was from Handel's Messiah, and the specific words being sung were:

"The Glory of the Lord shall be established!" Over and over again.

I couldn't turn the radio down, much less off, and the fact that I tried tells you how dense I can be at times.

With his history, I take no chances when the circumstances devolve to where they were last night. He's resting easier, and I have him back home, but the next few days will most likely be touchy. They couldn't really find anything, but his symptoms are undeniable. Jesus knows and I know what's wrong... we've been there before.

PRAYER is the only thing that will help.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Thank you. Jesus is on the move again... His heart is softened, and the changes are miraculous. I am even seeing a physical improvement today, which I really didn't expect.

Thank you everyone for your prayers.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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It really is. When I followed the Ambulance to ER, I went prepared to be airlifted south again. Clothes for both of us, and some borrowed money already to be deposited into our account to get home on.

I am amazed at how Jesus intervened, and I have him home again instead of in a hospital 350 away. In spite of everything else, it's a wonderful Christmas. It could have been soooo much worse.

He even felt well enough last night to decorate 3 sugar cookies with icing.

I cherish the small things because the large things are so far outside his capability right now, they don't even register on my radar.

Clio thankyousign.gif

A heart where He alone has first place.

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Thank you puddles for the prayers and wishes.... I'm pretty excited. He is doing better than he has ever done following a trip to ER. It's clearly a Jesus thing.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Hi Clio,

You all have been in my thoughts and prayers. Glad to hear that DH is doing some better.


Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life.

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Hey MG!

Thanks so much for your prayers. I am so thankful and grateful for everyone's prayers. It really is amazing the power of prayer. DH was well enough Christmas day to come to the table, and to offer the blessing.

Jesus sure answered his prayers! He asked for a special portion of joy to be handed out to all those around his table. And it was... even as we ate. There was so much laughter and general happiness, that those who didn't cook, laughingly accused those of us who did of using "special seasonings" in the dishes of the feast. We agreed that we had seasoned each dish with love and good wishes, and if those ingredients qualified, then we had indeed used special seasonings.

It was notable enough that everyone hearkened back to his prayer and deemed it answered in full. smile.gif

Monday was not as good a day. He found it necessary to keep to his bed until around 4:00 pm, yesterday. But the evening was good. I am seriously suspecting we are fighting med issues and side-effects. We are eager to get him off as many of these meds as possible, but his doc wants him stable for a few months before we try and wean him off some of the drugs the docs have him on...

Thank you for your prayers, Morning Glory and all who are praying. That is by far the best present you could ever give, is the power of covering prayer.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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