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My friend's Car Accident


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Some good friends of mine just emailed me today the following. Please remember this family in your prayers!

Our family has been in a car accident. A car pulled out in front of me and I had no chance to slow down at all. We are all alive and inreasonable shape considerig, Praise God. Esther has 2 broken ribs and is not sure about how its healing will affect her ability to go on the India trip. Our son Jonnie had emergency surgery on his intestine caused by his seat belt (better than the injuries you get without a seatbelt). He is currently hospitalized for at least 10 days and where he will be in his recovery is as yet unknown. I am encouraging Esther to continue to plan on going to India at this time and barring circumstances turning for the worst I hope that will be the case. (Esther is coordinating a trip to India for evangelism much like I do with groups. They will be doing several evangelistic campaigns during mid January through early Feb. Please pray that God's will be done. Note from Taylor)

Pray for us. The devil seems to be throwing his wrenches into the works and needs to be overcome through Jesus. We have great trust that God will see us through this trial.

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Hello Taylor,

Yes, I will certainly pray for this family. It will certainly be difficult for Esther to travel with 2 broken ribs and knowing her son/family is at home recovering and dealing with the aftermath of this accident. Will certainly pray that her healing will be expedited and she can make the trip.

Our coordinator in Romania had been in an accident on another trip in Africa and had to walk with a lot of pain and her foot in a huge brace. Somehow God gives us the strength to endure many encumbrances.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

Taylor said:

The devil seems to be throwing his wrenches into the works and needs to be overcome through Jesus.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

The greater the potential of the person or campaign, the harder the old devil will work to stop it.

Our God is stronger than Satan and his army of followers!



If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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