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Chattanooga Marine Unleashes BRUTAL Video On Obama, Says 9 Words That Are Going Viral

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Chattanooga Marine Unleashes BRUTAL Video On Obama, Says 9 Words That Are Going Viral

"If you want our respect, earn it, because right now all you have is our resentment."


A U.S. Marine offered President Barack Obama a tough lesson in what it means to show respect for his fallen brothers-in-arms.

In the 11 minute video, the unnamed veteran, who said he is from Chattanooga, first called out the president on the manner he chose to speak following the Chattanooga shootings.

“The day of the attack, you delivered a statement. You didn’t even have the decency to stand up,” he said.

The Marine then ticked off a list of shootings or deaths that Obama did stand up for while he spoke to the nation, including the Charleston shooting, the Boston bombings, the Baltimore riots, Michael Brown’s death, and the Washington Naval Yard shooting. He even stood up when singer Whitney Houston passed.

Rather than standing out of a sign of respect for the warriors who just gave their lives in military service to their country, “You sit slumped down in a chair and ramble through some poorly scripted apology that sounds as sincere as ‘if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,’” he stated.

The Chattanooga resident then stood up and gave a short bio of each of the fallen and offered his condolences and prayers to their families. Some of the Marines had served multiple tours of duty overseas.

The veteran did not limit his criticism to Obama’s lack of respect for fallen soldiers, but also accused him of having a lack of respect for American history and the institutions established at the nation’s inception.

“Our Founding Fathers knew this day would come, so they left us, the people, the power to overcome,” he said. “Mr. Obama, you are a tyrant and nothing more.”

He called on the commander-in-chief to “step up and do what a president is supposed to do….If you want our respect, earn it, because right now all you have is our resentment.”


Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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