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Windows 10 Is Here--For Some

Gregory Matthews

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Windows 10 is here and I have installed it on my main computer.

Many people will install W-10 through their Windows Upgrade feature.  Under this feature Microsoft decided on a date/time for you to upgrade and sends you a notice that you can upgrade when that time comes.

My time had not come so I googled "Windows 10 Upgrade" and went to a Microsoft website that allowed me to upgrade at that time.  MS says that the process will take an hour. Some may be able to do it in less and others will take more time.  It simply depends on your computer an all that needs to be done.  I did not time the process on my main  computer, but it was probably two (2) hours in length.  It was simple.  It was easy. Other than a couple of clicks it was installed without  input from me. 

I will probably install it on my laptop next week.  For now, I am getting used to it.

My installation of the Pro version  was without any charge to me.

If you are a user of Windows Media Center, it will be removed in the installation of Windows 10.  The majority of people probably only used Media Center to play DVDs.  MS says that at a later time  they will supply a DVD player for Windows 10 users, free of charge.  But, that is not available now.  If you need one now there are several available that you can purchase.  However, VLC is an excellent free one hat is available.

For you MAC users, W-10 is not for you.

It appears that my personal files and apps were save.  (I had Windows 8.1.)

So, far, I have only noticed one program,  other than Media center, that does not work with W-10.  My Internet provider gives me a free antivirus.  It does not work with W-10.  I called their tech service people and they are working to get a compatible version out.  In the mean time I am using Defender, supplemented with a couple of others that I used along with the one provided by my Internet service provider.  NOTE:  You should have only one active antivirus on your computer.  If you have more than one active one you will likely have major problems.




Edited by Gregory Matthews


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Thanks, Gregory, this is good to know. I use Mac at work but have a few Windows machines at home and am tossing up whether or not to update from Windows 7. I probably should, because it's going to run out of support soon. Maybe I'll upgrade one non-crucial machine first and try it out before upgrading them all.

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Have read a lot of good reviews of the new OS for windows machines. My wife's PC is running 7, but have heard many bad reports of 8! A little while back I did a pre-install check on her computer and it said we could update to 8, but not positive. Will recheck when I get a chance.


By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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The actual installation of Windows 10 on my computer went like a charm.  It could not have been better.

I wanted to have both a Boot disk and an Installation disk:

Boot Disk:  I googled "Windows 10 Boot disk" and went to a company who sells software that will write a DVD boot disk for your operating system.  Depending on your OS and whether you need a high level for a repair business, their software typically  sells for  $20 to $30.   However, for an unstated limited time, they are giving away free the software to write an ISO disk for Windows 10.   I downloaded their software and found it very easy to use to write an ISO Boot Disk.

Installation Disk:  Microsoft makes if very easy to log on to their website and do what is needed to be done to download an ISO file that can be written to an ISO installation disk.  I an not experienced in the use of ISO files and writing them to DVDs.    So, it took me a bit longer to do it successfully.  But I worked at it until it accomplished the task.


NOTE:  For both of the above, you will need a program that will actually write the ISO File to the DVD.  There are many commercial software programs that will do that with ISO files.  If you do not have one of those a free one that is very easy to use in IMGburn I used it for one and a commercial program that I have for the other.


All in all, I believe that Microsoft is to be commended for the ease and quality of what they are providing for people to use in moving to Windows 10.







Edited by Gregory Matthews


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If you install Windows 10, you may want to learn about a new feature--Cortana.  To many of you the idea will be old news.  So, I am not going to describe it.  If it is new to you, google and read up on it.



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Thank you for this information Gregory, it is helpful and gives me confidence.  I have been notified that I have free upgrades available, effective 8/1, I am uncertain which machine to upgrade first.  Also, considering doing an upgrade on my windows 7.  I did notice that Cortana is available for Windows 10

I have not used IMGBurn do you have any tips concerning the program?

Thanks again

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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1) IMGBurn:  To use:   It is free.

a) Click on the Write Image file icon, if you are wanting to   write an ISO file to a disk.

'b) click on the "select a File " Brouse" icon top select the file you want to write to the disk.

c) If you have a disk in your optical reader (DVD) IMGBurn will have selected that as the destination for the file to be written.

d) Check "Verify."  Click on the "transfer file" icon.  Let her go.  Just sit back and wait until it is finished.  NOTE: You may think that it is finished before it is.   So, wait for the message telling you that it is finished.


2) Cortana:  Is a part of Windows 10.  You simply have to set it up.  It will ask you for your Microsoft Account information.  To most fully use Cortana you will need to provide it.  However, you can use Cortana in a more limited fashion without providing any Microsoft Account information.  To set it up:

a) push Start button on your keyboard.

'b) click on "all Apps."

c) scroll down to "Cortana and click on it.  Then simply enter the requested information.


Edited by Gregory Matthews


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Back in the old days, Windows typically had a recovery partition which was used to recover from major system errors which could bring your compute down. The in more recent Windows OS this recovery partition was sometimes absent.  This caused major problems in recovery from system errors--as once happened to me.

In Windows 10 a new form of the old recovery system has been added.  Now it is a compressed file that rests in the main OS partition and does not have its own partition.  This has saved a lot of disk space and makes W-10 more compatible with devices other than computers.




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In an earlier post, I mentioned a company that was giving away, for a limited time, free software that allowed me to produce an ISO W-10 boot disk.   That company is Neo smart Technologies.  You may want to take a look at the software that they produce.


In any case, the URL for their free W-10 software that I cited is:



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Even though this person is correct for the most part, I find the biggest problem with people that upgrade, is that they think its very simple and don't really pay attention to what there doing. I have upgraded and updated many computers and have actually never had a problem. I will agree though that some OSs, be it for Mac, PC, etc., do sometimes made the computer run slower, that's because the new OS is a memory hog, especially PCs.


By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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Okay, Ted please tell me what is happening  Two times I have went to your link and both times I get the "Slashdot is  ... due to .... long running script ...."  and computer is being really weird.  I am close to using bad, bad words.

If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Okay, Ted please tell me what is happening  Two times I have went to your link and both times I get the "Slashdot is  ... due to .... long running script ...."  and computer is being really weird.  I am close to using bad, bad words.

Oy Vey!!! teehee


By the decree enforcing the institution of the papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism, when, under the influence of this threefold union, our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and republican government, and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions, then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and that the end is near. {5T 451.1}
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One can expect some minor issues that will need to be resolved with an upgrade to Windows -10.


Microsoft Outlook commonly has some issues anytime it is upgraded.   It may not, but it is common for Outlook to have some.  I had some following my upgrade to W-10.  I ran ScanPst.  Scanpst is a repair program that is a part of all modern versions of Outlook.  You simply go to the file and click on it.  Where that file is located depends upon your version of Outlook.   If you have a 64-bit version it may be in a different location from the 32-bit version of the same edition of Outlook.

So, if you do not know where ScanPSt is located, you may need to go on the Internet and find out.  Simply google "repair Outlook."


It is a good program for the repair of Outlook anytime.  Once you have clicked on the file, it runs itself.


We are talking windows.  ScanPst may not be a part of Mac.





Edited by Gregory Matthews


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    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


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Correction of some misinformation:

Windows 10 has replaced Internet Explorer with  Edge  Some are telling you that you cannot now use IE with W-10.


When I installed W-10, it also installed Edge and I can access it and use it.  However, it retained IE as my default and I have no problem using it at any time and it remains my default.  It also retained my ability to use Firefox and Chrome as I also occasionally use them.




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I've installed it.  Functionally it's all right.  If you want to maintain control of privacy, Ted's links explain most of it, but also worth noting is this:

If you choose to keep a local user profile for Windows, not directly connected to a Microsoft online account, you will still have to log in to your Microsoft account for many Microsoft apps.  That much doesn't bother me. 

However, after logging in, it also prompts you to merge your user profile with your Microsoft account, which is never required, but if it's something you've already decided you don't want to do, is rather annoying to keep getting that screen. 

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