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University of New Hampshire Tries to Ban the Word ‘American’ Because America is Bad

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Oh please! - UNH didn't put "American" on the list "because America is bad".

The UNH biased speech list is ridiculous enough on its own. Why then is there this insatiable need to use embellished headlines, misrepresenting the truth?

God never said "Thou shalt not think".

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"So, I am cool with the "N" word not being racist from one black to another, but when a white person uses the word and loses his job, that is racism."

This statement seems to misunderstand what racism is or indicates resentment that a white person can't use the N word.

"BTW, I would prefer if you would stop your derogatory remarks regarding the people of Kentucky or anything to do with Kentucky."

I don't know anyone from Kentucky except you. I'm sure there are very nice people in Kentucky.


Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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This statement seems to misunderstand what racism is or indicates resentment that a white person can't use the N word.

When the outcomes of the action are determined by race, then it is racism. You are not the only person who has any understanding about what racism is.

I don't know anyone from Kentucky except you. I'm sure there are very nice people in Kentucky.

Then I will have to conclude that you derogatory remarks are directed at me personally. This is sad, because unless I am very mistaken, you listed yourself as a pastor in one post here at C/A. And then make derogatory remarks about another poster?

As one person wrote, "You can't preach holy, unless you are holy."

                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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Then I will have to conclude that you derogatory remarks are directed at me personally. This is sad, because unless I am very mistaken, you listed yourself as a pastor in one post here at C/A. And then make derogatory remarks about another poster?

As one person wrote, "You can't preach holy, unless you are holy."

Oh give me a break! Every opportunity you get you'll post something negative about black folks and then you expect me to play nice because I'm a Pastor. Get real!

Read Matthew 23 and see what derogatory looks like.

"When the outcomes of the action are determined by race, then it is racism. You are not the only person who has any understanding about what racism is"

If you can't understand the difference that race makes when using the N word then you have not begun to understand what racism is. Check out the thread that deal with talking to white people about racism.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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Oh give me a break! Every opportunity you get you'll post something negative about black folks and then you expect me to play nice because I'm a Pastor. Get real!

If someone behaves in a less than ideal manner such as looting, rioting, and/or fighting with police until they are shot, yeah, it might be negative, but it is truthful. And like it or not, even some in the black community say the same thing. 

The thing about playing nice because you are a pastor .....
    ::Nuff said. Stepping away from that topic, carefully!::

If you can't understand the difference that race makes when using the N word then you have not begun to understand what racism is. Check out the thread that deal with talking to white people about racism.

While I note previously that you may have been targeting me directly by your comments regarding the Kentucky issue, the reason you even brought it up was an attempt to use some unfavorable attitudes regarding the mountain people of Kentucky to disparage me. Apparently you are unaware of the history of the mountain people of Appalachia and their history of being used by big corporations in their plundering of the natural resources of the mountains and the theft of the property rights of the mountain people. Many who lived in the coal mining camps were not even paid in cash. They received script to the company store where they bought their supplies for daily living at inflated prices and soon fell into debt to the company. Often times, the companies had gaurds to prevent them from leaving because of their "debt" to the store. Even the mountain people were virtual slaves to the coal companies and without a doubt you have benefitted from the near slave labor of the miners.

I suspect that sometimes you or many in the Black community think you own the subject of racism. Or any kind of maltreatment by another group in society be it skin color, the amount of money you have in the bank, your sex, your age, your religion, your political thought, and so on to any other thing you can dream up including to even what state you live in. It kind of reminds me of the song from the 70s, "You're so vain" by Carly Simon. Many are so vain, they think that the topic of racism is only about them and can't even see they are participating in the continued practices of racism.


What concerns some in the Black and other communities is the history of the party the Black community overwhelmingly supports. And out of that party came the Dixiecrats, the Klu Klux Klan, Planned Parenthood with Margaret Sanger. And all these "side groups" were deeply racist organizations. 

Today people are going nuts over the confederate flag because a few people got killed in a church by a mentally disturbed individual. But who is upset over Planned Parenthood who "terminates" tens of thousands of black babies every year. It is said that in Atlanta, 6 black babies are terminated for every 5 born alive. The numbers are far more dismal in New York City.


And the political party which has a very good chance to put up Hillary Clinton as it's nominee next year (although I tend to think her campaign is slowly imploding!), ignores the fact that she admires one of the 20th centuries most racist human beings in this country! Unfortunately, Margaret Sanger wanted the preachers in the black community to assist in her holocaust against the black community. As a result of Sanger's and Planned Parenthood's activities, the black community is now the third largest community and is on it's way to becoming an even lower and lower sized community by percentage as time goes by.


So, as I see it, and you can do what you want, perhaps you can find someone other than Al and Jesse to get your political philosophy from. There are really thoughtful intelligent thinkers in the conservative black community. And don't forget, Sojourner Truth, Frederick Douglas, Martin Luther King and his father and his grandfather were all Republicans!


Edited by B/W Photodude

                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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If someone behaves in a less than ideal manner such as looting, rioting, and/or fighting with police until they are shot, yeah, it might be negative, but it is truthful.

I'm not sure what you are saying in this sentence. It's truthful that they are shot?

"The thing about playing nice because you are a pastor .....
    ::Nuff said. Stepping away from that topic, carefully!::"

Again, I'm not sure what your point is.

"It kind of reminds me of the song from the 70s, "You're so vain" by Carly Simon. Many are so vain, they think that the topic of racism is only about them and can't even see they are participating in the continued practices of racism."

BW, Is this you talking? Who raises the subject of women and their abuse of men at every opportunity? Come on son, have some insight. Recently, you confirmed in another thread what I suspected. Something which is understandable. Your passion for men's rights comes from you own experience and struggle. To others it seems like a unfounded preoccupation but to you it is a painful reality. Can you see any parallels?

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Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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I'm not sure what you are saying in this sentence. It's truthful that they are shot?

"The thing about playing nice because you are a pastor .....
    ::Nuff said. Stepping away from that topic, carefully!::"

Again, I'm not sure what your point is.

"It kind of reminds me of the song from the 70s, "You're so vain" by Carly Simon. Many are so vain, they think that the topic of racism is only about them and can't even see they are participating in the continued practices of racism."

BW, Is this you talking? Who raises the subject of women and their abuse of men at every opportunity? Come on son, have some insight. Recently, you confirmed in another thread what I suspected. Something which is understandable. Your passion for men's rights comes from you own experience and struggle. To others it seems like a unfounded preoccupation but to you it is a painful reality. Can you see any parallels?

Exactly, right on :thumbsup:


Obstinacy is a barrier to all improvement. - ChL 60
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I'm not sure what you are saying in this sentence. It's truthful that they are shot?

Normally when someone says something like this, I would think they are playing dumb. You accused me of saying negative things about black people. But if I note that some are out in the street rioting, burning, and looting, is it truth or just a conservative lie?

"The thing about playing nice because you are a pastor .....
    ::Nuff said. Stepping away from that topic, carefully!::"

Again, I'm not sure what your point is.

Somehow, I have always thought that people who claim to be pastors would live an exemplary life. When you start targeting people out of a rage for something they said, it makes me wonder. As one Christian writer said, "You can't preach holy, unless you are holy."

BW, Is this you talking? Who raises the subject of women and their abuse of men at every opportunity? Come on son, have some insight. Recently, you confirmed in another thread what I suspected. Something which is understandable. Your passion for men's rights comes from you own experience and struggle. To others it seems like a unfounded preoccupation but to you it is a painful reality. Can you see any parallels?

First of all, don't call me son. Second of all, I have not confirmed any such thing regarding myself in any thread. If someone else tries to throw it on me, it does not mean it is true. Enough of the armchair shrinks! Stick to the topics.

And as I have said before, the subject of family violence is far more widespread than many believe. I find it sad that the SDA church follows the mantra of the radfem movement in trying thru conferences, publications, and the pulpit to make men the villains in societies problems. And then people sit around wondering why men are less likely to come to church, in increasing numbers are no longer willing the play the marriage/family game with it's social penalties if they come up to the situation of a family dissolution, and a number of other responses that have many women upset.

And your followers who liked your post, it can't be right on if the premise of the post was false to begin with.

Edited by B/W Photodude

                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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 Second of all, I have not confirmed any such thing regarding myself in any thread.

You are correct. I misread the thread. I apologize.

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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Margaret Sanger never wrote that, nor did she say that... it appears that the misattribution began around 2007...

Pam     coffeecomputer.GIF   

Meddle Not In the Affairs of Dragons; for You Are Crunchy and Taste Good with Ketchup.

If we all sang the same note in the choir, there'd never be any harmony.

Funny, isn't it, how we accept Grace for ourselves and demand justice for others?

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First of all, don't call me son

Take a walk down an East London street. It's a term of endearment.

When you start targeting people out of a rage for something they said, it makes me wonder.

Targeted? Rage? Those are strong words. I'm surprised you feel that way. I would wonder if you are projecting here. 

And as I have said before, the subject of family violence is far more widespread than many believe. I find it sad that the SDA church follows the mantra of the radfem movement in trying thru conferences, publications, and the pulpit to make men the villains in societies problems.

Domestic violence impacts both sexes and all ages but the majority of incidents are committed by men. You agree with that right? Men murder women at significantly higher rates than women murder men? Correct? 

A total of 215,273 homicides were studied, 77% of which involved male victims and 23% female victims. Although the overall risk of homicide for women was substantially lower than that of men (rate ratio [RR] = 0.27), their risk of being killed by a spouse or intimate acquaintance was higher (RR = 1.23). In contrast to men, the killing of a woman by a stranger was rare (RR = 0.18). More than twice as many women were shot and killed by their husband or intimate acquaintance than were murdered by strangers using guns, knives, or any other means. Although women comprise more than half the U.S. population, they committed only 14.7% of the homicides noted during the study interval. In contrast to men, who killed nonintimate acquaintances, strangers, or victims of undetermined relationship in 80% of cases, women killed their spouse, an intimate acquaintance, or a family member in 60% of cases.


Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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