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Hillary Goes Off On Republicans For Talking About Her Private Email Server

cd450b939c590d56f0005e42cc6f48d8?s=64&d=Hannah Bleau
August 15, 2015 5:51 pm

And by “goes off,” I mean she scolded them like an old, cranky grandma.

At the Iowa Democratic Wing Ding Friday, Hillary told a crowd that she wasn’t going to sink as low as Republicans and “play politics.”

I’ll give you a moment to wipe away your tears of laughter. Because what a joke!

She said that Republicans are only talking about private email server to score political points and only use Benghazi as a way to demonize her.


From the Daily Caller:

“[Republicans will] try to tell you this is about Benghazi, but it is not,” Clinton told an audience at the event, her voice fraught with anger and her finger wagging in the air.

“Benghazi was a tragedy. Four dedicated public servants lost their lives,” she added. “And we have to be focused on how to prevent future tragedies.”

Yes. Forget about Benghazi. Forget about how they reached out to her for help and requested additional security months before the attack. Forget about how her State Department crafted the lie about the “offensive” video. Forget about how Hillary and her minions actually sought assistance from foreign jihadists to help them spread the video lie.

Those are all just a bunch of nonsensical political talking points.

Hillary would also like us all to forget about the shadiness surrounding her use of a private email server. Really, it’s not about that.

“And you know what, it’s not about emails or servers, either,” she continued. “It’s about politics.”

“I won’t play politics with national security or dishonor the memories of those we’ve lost. I won’t pretend that that is anything other than what it is — the same old partisan games we’ve seen so many times before.”

She’s SO above that, you guys. She’s just another “ordinary American” doing “ordinary American” things like wiping private servers clean, giving $250K+ speeches and lying to everyone.

Nothing to see here. Move along minions.




msnbc Live, 8/15/15, 12:08 PM ET

In Iowa, Hillary Clinton stands firm on email controversy


A sunny day at the state fair didn’t stop reporters from grilling Hillary Clinton – about Benghazi, about Iraq, and of course, about her email server controversy.

I never sent classified material on my email, and I never received any that was marked classified,” Clinton said on Saturday, defending her use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state – a scandal that has plagued her campaign from its onset. Recently, Clinton turned the server over to the FBI to investigate its security.

The comments marked a small but noteworthy departure from prior statements Clinton has made about her use of the server. Previously, she said she never sent or received classified emails on that server, period. Saturday, she said she never sent or received emails that were marked as classified. The distinction appears to be an implicit acknowledgment of the inspector general’s recent findings that the content of at least four emails out of a randomly selected batch of 40 were classified.

RELATED: GOPers pounce on Clinton amid latest email revelation

During a 90-minute stop at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines, the Democratic front-runner fielded several tough questions from the press before grabbing a bite to eat. She was introduced by one of her biggest fans – retired Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa – who on Friday became the latest high-profile figure to endorse Clinton for president.


Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton holds a Pork Chop on a Stick as she takes a selfie with booth worker while touring the Iowa State Fair, Aug. 15, 2015 in Des Moines, Ia. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty)
Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton holds a Pork Chop on a Stick as she takes a selfie with booth worker while touring the Iowa State Fair, Aug. 15, 2015 in Des Moines, Ia. 
Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty

Harkin proudly introduced Clinton to the crowd, calling her “a great friend of almost 25 years.” The affection between the two politicians was apparent, as they exchanged smiles throughout Clinton’s appearance.


RELATED: Dueling chants prepare Iowa for the annual Wing Ding

The warmth between Clinton and Harkin was overshadowed, however, by heat from the press. On Benghazi, Clinton blamed partisanship: “Republicans in Congress, the ones running for president,” are resorting to their “unfortunate tendency to make partisan the tragedy in Benghazi.” Nobody on the campaign trail has asked her about it, she said.

Clinton also dismissed GOP rival Jeb Bush’s recent criticism of her with regard to the rise of ISIS in Iraq. “[I find it] somewhat curious that Jeb Bush is doubling down on defending his brother’s actions in Iraq. If he’s going to do that he should present the entire picture,” Clinton said.


Democratic presidential hopeful and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton eats a Pork Chop on a Stick as she tours the Iowa State Fair on Aug. 15, 2015 in Des Moines, Ia. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty)
Democratic presidential hopeful and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton eats a Pork Chop on a Stick as she tours the Iowa State Fair on Aug. 15, 2015 in Des Moines, Ia. 
Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty

Asked about the timing of Harkin’s endorsement, Clinton turned over the mic to Harkin, who balked over speculation that it had anything to do with rumors of Vice President Joe Biden gearing up to run, and reiterated that he’d been away on vacation for much of the summer with his grandkids.


Also at the fair, 17 other presidential candidates vied for voter attention: Donald Trump, Lincoln Chafee and Rick Santorum, to name a few.

Asked what she considers her biggest campaign mistake thus far, Clinton replied, “I’m just having a good time.” It appeared to be true: Not long after addressing the press, Clinton was seen waiting in line for a pork chop on a stick – one of the fair’s signature delights. 

“Highly recommend it!” Clinton said with a smile. 








For all Eternity God waited in anticipation for  You  to show up to give You a Message - YOUR INCLUDED !!! { a merry dance }?️‍?

" If you tarry 'til you're better
You will never come at all "   .. "I Will Rise" by the late great saved  Glen Campbell

If your picture of God is starting to feel too good to be true, you're starting to move in the right direction. :candle:


"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite."

Romeo and Juliet


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