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The failure of the Mission of the Church


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The community connection for Christ, of a Church, is not measured by the intention but by the results. If the connection fails, it is not the fault of the community.

That's just how it rolls.

Edited by Stan

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  • 5 weeks later...

One of the problems that we face is that religions create walls that separate classes of humans. Jesus Christ didn't belong to a religion, and therefore, did not have to worry about contaminating himself by mingling with sinners in their homes. He had no particular religion to promote, only obedience to his and his Father's commands. The teachings of Christ transcend all religions and are the key to eternal life if they are followed.

When we isolate ourselves in Saturday morning churches, mainly for entertainment, for some, we put up roadblocks on the path to the Kingdom. If we can put our brain-washing denominationalism behind us, then we can become wide-open workers for the Kingdom of YHVH.

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Sorry, just can't resist .... "When we isolate ourselves in Saturday morning churches, mainly for entertainment, for some, we put up roadblocks on the path to the Kingdom"  Did Jesus go to worship on Sabbath?????

What about the rest of the week?  Our interaction with coworkers, friends, neighbors?  Opportunities for witnessing?  Possibility of Bible Studies ...

The choice of how we spend the days of our lives is up to us.


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Anyway, God does not mind hanging around with us. He hung around with donkey caravanier Abraham (granted a "king" or "Chief of a nomadic tribe, but still a smelly donkey caravanier). With escaped slaves who needed to be taught how to go to the bathroom. With giving King Hezekiah the  chance to give to Babylon his true riches, his God which would have lead to a world wide evangelism and setting up his kingdom. With the people in exile hoping they would share their God with their neighbors so that the exile could have ended in a glorious second exodus lead by the Messiah. But still crying with them with a great disappointment that it was not a second great exodus lead by the messiah but still took them home. Describing the death of Jesus as "I was wounded by my friends" (We have not studied Deuteronomy 4 enough. It gives 2 plans for Israel, one faithful in the land the other in exile. We either want "replacement theology" where we replace Israel with the church. Or we want the church raptured away and a return to land theology (Land theology made sense when that was the crossroads of the world but not in our modern world). God wants to use Jews in the same way he used people like Abraham Joshua Heshel, Yigael Yadin, and others. God still does not mind hanging around with them. God does not mind hanging around Millerites looking for the second coming in the mid 1800s and still is our friend and hanging around with us today despite our quarreling and unfair treatment to women who he has called into ministry. We are all an interesting lot of people, but God calls us his friends....

Jesus said that God was like a farmer who planted mustard seed which grew to attract birds and critters. Mustard seed is a weed that grows all over Israel and is a pain in the neck for farmers to try to get rid of. And we put up scare crows and other things to keep birds and critters out of our garden. But Jesus pictures God as a crazy gardener who is proud of his garden of weeds and over run by critters. Sometimes I feel like a weed or critter but God is still proud of me and says I'm someone he enjoys hanging around.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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The failure is  partly due to the fact that we have become too comfortable, too PC correct to disturb the waters or ruffle feathers.  We even now criticize those brave enough to mail a book that could unsettle some people.

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The work of God's people is to glorify Him by giving of ourselves, denying ourselves for the benefit of others. Have I been doing that? Some of those people don't look good or smell great and some are downright ornery and don't deserve it.

Those are the VERY ones we are to touch.

Edited by Gail

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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One of the problems that we face is that religions create walls that separate classes of humans. Jesus Christ didn't belong to a religion, and therefore, did not have to worry about contaminating himself by mingling with sinners in their homes. He had no particular religion to promote, only obedience to his and his Father's commands. The teachings of Christ transcend all religions and are the key to eternal life if they are followed.

When we isolate ourselves in Saturday morning churches, mainly for entertainment, for some, we put up roadblocks on the path to the Kingdom. If we can put our brain-washing denominationalism behind us, then we can become wide-open workers for the Kingdom of YHVH.

Iit is not religion that creates walls between classes or groups of people, it is the flesh, the fallen human nature that will do this.  and if your religion does not enable you to rise above your flesh, your fallen nature, you will still do this.

We escape from this by the indwelling power of God's love, God's spirit that sees all people as in the same boat of being sinners in need of redemption.

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Love awakens love.

Let God be true and every man a liar.

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I so hear ya! I don't know how many times I have been a stumbling block to someone. It is shameful, but I guess awareness is the first step toward change. 

A real challenge is to surrender personal comfort for the Biblical principles that we read about and look for in others. It's US that need to share mercy and kindness and all the stuff the church is to be. The dysfunction doesn't go away on its own.

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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I would disagree with your usage of US.  If I fail to bring someone to Christ that failure has nothing to do with anyone other than myself.  We are responsible to God as individuals, not as we or us.  Christianity is not collective.  It is individual. If each of us takes our individual responsibilities to God seriously then WE succeed, but WE are not responsible for any individual but ourselves. 

If the church fails in its mission it is because the individuals in church have failed in their own personal responsibilities to God.

Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.
Alexis de Tocqueville
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We have individual responsibility.  The church has corporate responsibility.  Either can fail in its mission.

Edited by Gregory Matthews


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The failure is  partly due to the fact that we have become too comfortable, too PC correct to disturb the waters or ruffle feathers.  We even now criticize those brave enough to mail a book that could unsettle some people.


And besides, I'd rather spend my time reading the Bible or even listening to Preachers of the Word than try to disentangle the bickering that takes place. I'm still of the position that we could learn more by conversing with an "and/and position or even, "have you thought about this possibility", instead of "that's wrong/this is right.

8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord....Isaiah 55
God is Love!  Jesus saves!  :D

Lift Jesus up!!

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