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Please pray for me, that the Lord will make His will clear for me very soon. I am no longer working my most recent job, and have less than two weeks to move from the place where I currently live. I have bills to pay (though one less bill this month, for which I am thankful to God), and no drivers' license or a vehicle even if I had one to drive. I do have some money in the bank, but if I have to travel far when I move, it may not stretch very far. I do plan to ask for help, when I know where I am going, if I will need the help.

I hope to have an interview this or early next week, and have also been looking for work in other places, too. Please pray that the Lord will provide, and make His will very clear, and that He will strengthen me to trust in Him, and not to worry nor to panic. I believe my faith is being tested. Please pray that, by His grace, I pass. 

And also that if my worse fears are realized, He will sustain me and strengthen me, and supply my needs even in those places.

And that, either way, He'll give me the courage that I need to get through.

Of course, I am praying for these things, too. I trust Him and I know that He will provide something and do something in my life. I am hoping and trying to believe that, if it's His will, this interview will yield positive results. 

Right now, I'm in that period of not knowing, though. My brothers and sisters in Christ, please pray that I will know soon, that He will reveal it to me, and that He will be at work on the hearts of all those who He has chosen to help fulfill His will in my life. 

Thank you.

Edited by Jessie-Jess
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Please pray for me, that the Lord will make His will clear for me very soon. I am no longer working my most recent job, and have less than two weeks to move from the place where I currently live. I have bills to pay (though one less bill this month, for which I am thankful to God), and no drivers' license or a vehicle even if I had one to drive. I do have some money in the bank, but if I have to travel far when I move, it may not stretch very far. I do plan to ask for help, when I know where I am going, if I will need the help.

I hope to have an interview this or early next week, and have also been looking for work in other places, too. Please pray that the Lord will provide, and make His will very clear, and that He will strengthen me to trust in Him, and not to worry nor to panic. I believe my faith is being tested. Please pray that, by His grace, I pass. 

And also that if my worse fears are realized, He will sustain me and strengthen me, and supply my needs even in those places.

And that, either way, He'll give me the courage that I need to get through.

Of course, I am praying for these things, too. I trust Him and I know that He will provide something and do something in my life. I am hoping and trying to believe that, if it's His will, this interview will yield positive results. 

Right now, I'm in that period of not knowing, though. My brothers and sisters in Christ, please pray that I will know soon, that He will reveal it to me, and that He will be at work on the hearts of all those who He has chosen to help fulfill His will in my life. 

Thank you.

Jessie-Jess, we will be praying that this promise for you be fulfilled. 

28  And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose....Romans 8

Keep looking up!

God is Love!  Jesus saves!  :prayer::offtobed:

Lift Jesus up!!

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I have not said to the seed of Israel, seek ye me in vain,

Seek and you will find, ask and it will be given, knock and it will be opened.

Look unto me and be ye saved all ends of the earth.

Trust int he Lord with all of your heart and lean not unto your own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your paths.

He is faithful who has promised.

God Bless you Jessie in this time of test and trial.

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Love awakens love.

Let God be true and every man a liar.

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If you are still looking for a job and do not have a specific direction, you might want to consider taking care of an elderly woman in Florida, a state with a big aging middle class population. Often these positions come with a place to live, food and utilities paid for and maybe the use of a car if you get a license. Orlando is a good place to look because they have a low unemployment rate due to the huge tourist industry- it is the most visited tourist destination in the world. This also means there are other jobs in car rental places, restaurants, tourist attractions, office temps,  and the hospitality industry although  not all may be suitable for SDAs but at least the hospitality industry is mostly family centered here. It was MUCH easier for me to get a job here than other places I applied- I got 1 full time and 2 part time out of maybe 10 applications.

Also you could maybe take nursing or other health program like health information technology at a community college such as Valencia there if you do not have a degree- Pell grants would pay for it in full, and some programs may be part time, at least for LPN training.

You could look on Craigslist Orlando for caregiver companion positions but they may want you to be in the area to interview. Read them carefully for the occasional sleazeball but most are legitimate.

Orlando also has a huge Adventist population- I attended Kress Memorial and visited Forest Lake and Apopka because I felt these churches were a good fit in terms of my moderately conservative perspective.

Edited by Lauralea
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Behold what manner of love the Father hath given unto us.

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PS it looks like there are not a lot of live in caregiver positions in Orlando on Craigslist right now, but Orlando still has 3x the amount of positions on Indeed.com  in 25 miles as where I live and has a comparable population.

Behold what manner of love the Father hath given unto us.

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Thank you all for your prayers. Please keep praying. I do not feel called to the work as a nurse or caregiver. It's not that I don't care about the elderly, but I'm too squeamish, when it comes to bodily secretions and other things. 

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I pray that God will give you this day your daily bread  :) 

Father, You certainly know the needs of all of us and especially Your daughter here as she turns to You in her moment of uncertainty. I pray for Your care for her, that her trust in You may be strengthened as exercised. May she not suffer is my prayer in Jesus' name- amen :)


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Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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 ...no drivers' license or a vehicle even if I had one to drive...

A person could save a lot of money by not having a vehicle, but that does limit employment possibilities. I have a pickup truck which I infrequently drive because I live a block from the supermarket a two blocks from work. I used to ride a bicycle when living a mile from work, but now I just walk for the exercise.

I'm guessing you may need some kind of live-in kind of job opportunities where driving is not required. Maybe caretaking and house-sitting are options. That would keep a person from staying in one place for long.

The Parable of the Lamb and the Pigpen https://www.createspace.com/3401451

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I'm guessing you may need some kind of live-in kind of job opportunities where driving is not required. Maybe caretaking and house-sitting are options. That would keep a person from staying in one place for long.

Has anyone here had any success on at home online computer employment opportunities?

God is Love!  Jesus saves!  :D

Lift Jesus up!!

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Has anyone here had any success on at home online computer employment opportunities?

There are many that work from home, but I doubt you will find many jobs in the newspaper for these kind of jobs. Often they are people who work for a company and transition to home based computer work. I have known at least one person who was a work from home Apple Computer programmer. I do know that there was a training program for work at home computer types with the info given thru a job club here in Ky. I will look for that info.

I think I would avoid many advertisements for these kind of jobs as there are many that are just ripoffs. 

Unfortunately, there are many tech support jobs out there, but they mostly seem to be in India! I have talked with tech support people in India, the Phillipines, Uruguay, Argentina. I try very hard to not be rude, but I usually will ask what country they are speaking from and then ask to speak to someone in America and they will usually without hesitation put me thru to an American tech support person. One time I was calling DishTV regarding football schedules. Tech support in the Phillipines hardly knew what football was! He was trying to hook me up with soccer games, then college football. (No, NFL!)

                          >>>Texts in blue type are quotes<<<


    And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

       --Shakespeare from Hamlet


Bill Liversidge Seminars

The Emergent Church and the Invasion of Spiritualism

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: The door that I had been so desirous to go through is closed right now. It's not that it had been opened and then closed, but it seems as though it was never open. I feel foolish for making the commitment to go there when the door was not yet open. At least I know I need to seriously consider my other options. I am not sure if the options are really open doors or not, though. It will take some doing and some miracles (probably) to go through them, but if the Lord is leading, I know He will prepare a way and provide for my needs. I am thankful for how He is providing now, and for the generosity and kindness of the ministry for which I was working. Right now I have shelter, food, and they are paying me for the vacation/sick time that I did not use, in addition to other things. Praise God. Please pray that I will use this time and the little savings that I have wisely. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: The door that I had been so desirous to go through is closed right now. It's not that it had been opened and then closed, but it seems as though it was never open. I feel foolish for making the commitment to go there when the door was not yet open. At least I know I need to seriously consider my other options. I am not sure if the options are really open doors or not, though. It will take some doing and some miracles (probably) to go through them, but if the Lord is leading, I know He will prepare a way and provide for my needs. I am thankful for how He is providing now, and for the generosity and kindness of the ministry for which I was working. Right now I have shelter, food, and they are paying me for the vacation/sick time that I did not use, in addition to other things. Praise God. Please pray that I will use this time and the little savings that I have wisely. 

Perhaps some form of further training that would open doors for employment would be appropriate.

Behold what manner of love the Father hath given unto us.

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There are many that work from home, but I doubt you will find many jobs in the newspaper for these kind of jobs. Often they are people who work for a company and transition to home based computer work. I have known at least one person who was a work from home Apple Computer programmer. I do know that there was a training program for work at home computer types with the info given thru a job club here in Ky. I will look for that info.

I think I would avoid many advertisements for these kind of jobs as there are many that are just ripoffs. 

Unfortunately, there are many tech support jobs out there, but they mostly seem to be in India! I have talked with tech support people in India, the Phillipines, Uruguay, Argentina. I try very hard to not be rude, but I usually will ask what country they are speaking from and then ask to speak to someone in America and they will usually without hesitation put me thru to an American tech support person. One time I was calling DishTV regarding football schedules. Tech support in the Phillipines hardly knew what football was! He was trying to hook me up with soccer games, then college football. (No, NFL!)


Much oblioged, B/W Photodude.

That info pretty much tells me that holding a 24/7 caretaker's  responsibilities probably eliminates the necessary time for other avenues online, that would be of any great consequence.

God is Love!  Jesus saves!  Shabbat Shalom!  :D

Lift Jesus up!!

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Perhaps some form of further training that would open doors for employment would be appropriate.

That's kind of the plan right now, Lord willing. 

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