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Latest Poll in Iowa

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In the latest Monmouth University poll done in Iowa Ben Carson has pulled even with Donald Trump.  They are tied at 23% each and Carly Fiorna is third at 10%.  This leaves the professional political class to share the minority of the Republican vote.  This is pretty clear evidence that the silent majority is speaking and they want a constitutional government once more, instead of the slow slide into pure collectivism that has been going on at the institigation of both the Democrats and the establishment Republicans in the past 8 - 10 decades.

Ben Carson also holds the highest positives of all Republican candidates among Republican voters.  He is viewed positively by 81% and negatively by only 6% in the same poll.  This bodes very well for Carson's candidacy. 

If you want to understand this slide into collectivism and see the evidence for it I recommend 4 books.  "American Institutions and Their Influence by Alexis de Toqueville, freely available from Project Gutenberg in ebook format.  "Lies your Government has told you" by Andrew Napolitano which is available through the library system or through book retailers.  Last, but certainly not least, are two books by Friedrich Hayek:  The Road to Serfdom and a collection of his writings titled Individualism and Economic Order.  The Road to Serfdom must be purchased from book retailers or checked out from a local library.  The other book is a free download from the Mises Institute.  The first chapter of that book, Individualism: True and False is wonderful.  In it he unknowingly lays out how God set up the nation of Isreal as it functioned as a theocracy. 

de Toqueville was one of the greatest thinkers of his day.  Napolitano is strict Constitutionalist.  If he has any leanings politically in is toward Libertarianism.  Hayek is an Nobel Prize winning economist who wrote on a vast range of topics.  He was influenced by one of his professors at the university he attended towards socialism, but then began to think for himself and became of the leading opponents of socialism during his day.  His writings are still very relevant and show deep insight into human nature and how things work in this world.

Liberty cannot be established without morality, nor morality without faith.
Alexis de Tocqueville
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