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Dangerous, but Necessary Medical Issue


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After months of being on a high dose of Fentanyl via a trans-dermal patch, the doctors have finally listened to us, and agree that he is not tolerating the drug well at all.

We have to take him off it.

The problem:

Fentanyl is a synthetic narcotic, and he's extremely addicted now. They have given us some meds to help with symptoms, but we know from past experience, that the withdrawals from this drug are what have put him in ER the last two times.

They have loaded me up with nitroglycerin pills, clonidine, hydrocodone-apap, and phenergan to try and manage the problems for him this next week.

Please, keep us in prayer for the next 7 days. We see the doc again on Friday.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Thanks DG. I've been praying and fasting, and claiming Sabbath peace and healing on him all day. So far he's gone 7 hours without a patch, and appears to be doing "ok". I wouldn't say fine, by a long shot, but I'm cautiously optimistic that with the drugs we've got to help cushion the withdrawals, we might get through the week without a trip to ER.

Please keep praying, cuz this is only day one.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Tough stuff, there. I will be keeping you both close in thought and prayer.

God Bless, 1_prayer001.gif


Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life.

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I'll be praying too Clio. Praying that he gets through the withdrawal and also, he must've been on the duragesic for a reason. So I'm worried that without the patch, he may be in pain. And so I'll be praying his pain will be removed.

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Thank you, Sid. Yes... I have that concern as well. He insists that he'd rather have the pain than what the duragesic is doing to him... but I am concerned that he has forgotten how bad the pain was... that got him on the duragesic in the first place.

And I'm pretty sure that issue hasn't been healed yet.

But Jesus is doing awesome things. I'm standing on His promise that Mike will be healed.

Thanks for praying for us.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Thanks MG.

We're 12 1/2 hours without the patch now. He's uncomfortable, but the clonidine, phenergan, and vicodin appear to be doing their jobs and taking the edge off for him.

He's very uncomfortable, but he's not having any of the symptoms that have sent us to ER in the past. Keep us in prayer...


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Yes, Clio, I will be praying.


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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THanks Naomi.

He's sleeping right now... so I have a few minutes to relax and read here.

We're coming up on 24 hours now... I can't believe how smoothly this is going. Jesus clearly and obviously has His Hand in this. Mike is sleeping, and we are trying to keep him asleep as much as possible to sleep through it.

But the doc says if we can get through 7 days, we can probably start stepping down on the clonidine slowly to avoid a hypertensive rebound and once he's off that start stepping down on the phenergan and the vicodin.

Thanks for your prayers.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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How are things going now, Clio?

Dear Father, please hear the cries of those who intercede on behalf of Mike at this crucial time. You are the Lord of our bodies and nothing is too big for You

Lord, we ask that Mike's suffering will be superceded by Your grace

In Jesus' name

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Gail said:

How are things going now, Clio?

Dear Father, please hear the cries of those who intercede on behalf of Mike at this crucial time. You are the Lord of our bodies and nothing is too big for You

Lord, we ask that Mike's suffering will be superceded by Your grace

In Jesus' name

Jesus, my precious Bridegroom, I unite my faith with Gail's in asking this of You, and with all those who choose to lift Mike up to You.

I thank You for Your blessings so far, that we have not had to go to the hospital and that You have blessed Mike with sleep as his body fights this out. Watch over him today, especially, as I am not there to do so.


Well, Gail. Last night was harder than I anticipated it would be, but not nearly as bad as it could have been. We have not needed to go to the hospital yet. And noon today will be 48 hours. There seems to be an unnatural sleep that pervades his body and mind right now. He can't stay awake, and is sleeping 20+ hours a day.

When he wakes up, I pour his meds into him, feed him if he's awake long enough to eat, and get fluids into him so he doesn't become dehydrated.

He tossed and turned and fought the covers all night last night. I woke him up once to give him more meds, and get some gatorade into him because he was sweating so hard.

I've been sleeping in my easy chair for two years now, so it's fairly easy to get up and down in the middle of the night. I'm praying Jesus blesses me with strength today, since I didn't get much sleep last night. Work stretches before me interminably already and I've only been here an hour.

Mike's PCA (personal care attendant) will be at the house before he wakes up, and she's been briefed on where he's at. If he's sleeping, just let him sleep! If he's not sleeping, get liquids and some nourishment into him.

Tomorrow we go for an MRI to see if the issue with his optic nerve is stroke related.... *sigh* never-ending battle it seems.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Last night was the worst night so far.

I'm not sure, but I think maybe the clonidine is pulling his BP too low. It slows your heart rate, and reduces BP, and it's important to make sure it's not TOO slow and too low.

I gave him a half dose this morning, and left the other half dose for him beside his bed. I'm calling his physician, and if she says that's fine, then great. If not, he'll take the other half right away.

His missed his morning meds yesterday, and felt pretty good most of the day. Realized he had missed his meds, and took them, and next thing you know was so weak he nearly passed out on his way to the bathroom.

He also had the creepy-crawlies last night worse than anything so far. And that was AFTER his meds. So... Gotta talk to the doc.

And today is his MRI.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Am on pins and needles here. Still praying that he gets thru this withdrawal OK. Let us know how the MRI turned out. What an ordeal for both of you to endure.

Prayers, smilie_liebe9.gif


Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life.

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Well, the MRI went terrible. He couldn't hold still enough, because the withdrawals had him kinda shaky.

So we will have to do it again, when he's through this. We were able to reduce his clonidine dose by half today, so I'm hoping tonight will be better. He's also cut way back on other pain meds, and is noticing a lot of pain in his left side.

This is residual, chronic pain (I hope and pray) from the surgeries related to the bone necrosis of 20 years ago. But of course it will still have to be checked out.

He was hungry when I got home, and that's a GOOD thing. It's getting better... slowly.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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</font><blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr />

He was hungry when I got home, and that's a GOOD thing. It's getting better... slowly.

<hr /></blockquote><font class="post">

So glad you can notice this improvement. It's amazing what humans are called to go through sometimes...

Thank you for keeping us updated, Clio. When do you anticipate the withdrawal finally subdue a bit?

Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Well, I'm hoping tonight... Last night was horrible, most of the night. I went to bed at 11:30, and he got me up again at 2:30 needing meds, respiratory assistance, and for me to sit with him while he sat in the shower. And I've been up ever since.

A warm shower seems to help with the creepy crawlies, but he's so weak from the meds and the withdrawal, someone (me) has to sit in there with him.

BUT I got an email from a friend of mine this morning telling me as she was praying she felt a tremendous lightening in her spirit regarding Mike and the whole situation. I've called home several times today, and his PCA says he appears to be sleeping comfortably and normally. Rather than the restless tossing, turning, moving from room to room, floor to couch to bed in search of rest.

We also cut the clonidine does in half last night. And while he was uncomfortable, he also wasn't vomiting or having angina. That's an improvement. Two weeks ago, fully addicted, we were in the ER for not having a patch on him for 4 hours. We have just reached 96 hours or 4 complete days.

We need to have him at the lowest possible dose of clonidine in lock step with the subsiding levels of withdrawal symptoms because getting off that drug can be dangerous and it has to be stepped down gradually. And while it seems to alleviate some of the symptoms, he hates how it makes him feel. He says it feels like all his get up and go got up and went. Only worse.

The doc guesstimated a week, but said it could take as long as two for all this to work it's way out.

Thanks for keeping us in your prayers.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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That's really good news. Thanks for updating us.

Shall continue to pray


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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Keep praying.

Last night appears to have been a withdrawal crisis. He had the worst night he's had since we took him off the fentanyl.

I got a cat-nap around 2 am for around an hour and a half. I've sedated him, and he's sleeping, so I'm going to go try and sleep for a while myself.

This is getting old... I hope we don't have too many more of these crises before this nasty drug gets it's claws out of him.

Thanks for all your prayers. I tell you what, it's a good story to tell anyone who thinks drugs are "recreational". Addiction is a horrible thing, even when it was medically necessary. icon_smile_sick.gif

A heart where He alone has first place.

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I'd like to thank everyone who's been praying for Mike and I as we have gone through this nightmare week.

The last two nights have been horrible, but at the doctor's this morning we got some good news.

After describing to his doc what has been happening at night, and of course during the day, she told us that she thinks he's over the addiction withdrawal hump, and what we are experiencing is something that was being masked by the narcotic fentanyl.

She also was able to give us something else, non-addictive, to try and see if it helps with what Mike is experiencing. She's thrilled we were able to take him off the fentanyl last Sabbath, and through the combination of drugs (and we know prayer too!) were able to completely get him off the narcotic so quickly. And without having to go to the emergency room or use the full amount of ancillary pain meds she gave him to have on hand this week.

Folks, this is major healing miracle time. Less than 10 days prior to taking Mike off the fentanyl deliberately, we were in the ER, because we had gotten a bad patch that didn't deliver the dosage, and it took 10 nitro pills, two shots of something else I can't recall, and 10 hours to stabilize him enough to come home.

With prayer, some supportive drugs, and lots more prayer, we removed the fentanyl patches, and he made it through the withdrawals using less of all the different drugs she had prescribed, than she expected.

That means that not only did Jesus intervene in the withdrawal symptoms, but the duodenal ulcer has healed (man... he was hurting with that!), the pancreatitis has resolved and the labs today confirmed that, the diverticuli are no longer inflamed (yay!), and the nausea that has been unexplained and plaguing him for 15 months is gone.

So... since the day Jesus broke the fausten'ke off Mike and promised healing, this is what has been healed as of today:

His emphysema, fully documented in March of 04 is GONE, fully documented in September of 05.

His diabetes, fully documented in March of 04 is GONE, fully documented consistently for 10 months now.

His gall-bladder disease and associated infections is healed.

His Chronic Pancreatitis is gone. Labs and no more pain reflect that.

His diverticuli are no longer inflamed. Labs and no more pain reflect that as well.

His duodenal ulcer is either drastically better or gone, pain is gone.

He's off the narcotics, without a trip to ER (YAY!)

His H. Pyllori infection responded to treatment and is also gone.

Soooo.... there is every chance that next week, when we see the doc again, we may be able to reduce the number of meds he's taking by an additional 5 drugs. We're stopping one of them today. And then we'll confirm with her next week to stop the other for, or just move them to an as needed basis.

Thank YOU Jesus, for Your care, for hearing all our prayers, and for giving me back my beloved.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Hi Clio this is great news! I am happy for you and Mike. I look forward to the day when you'll post I message saying that Mike is doing weights and jogging and in great health.

I don't know Mike's full condtition but my dad had to have tripple bypass heart surgery about 10 years ago and now he's 75 and probably in better shape than me. He exercises everyday and watches what he eats. I hope Mike gets better and better both physically and spiritually.


The unconditional pardon of sin never has been, and never will be. PP 522

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I am so THRILLED to read this good news!! thumbsup.gif Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! Have a wonderful Sabbath,

Morning Glory DOVE.gif

Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life.

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Thank you Norman, Stan, Morning Glory, and Everyone who's been praying for him.

For the first time since... Christmas, I think, he was able to eat dinner at the table with us. It was wonderful.

Hopefully, tonight he will sleep well, and gain the extra measure of healing that only healthy sleep can bring.

Thank you so much for your prayers.


A heart where He alone has first place.

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Oh, Clio, that is such good news! PTL


If your dreams are not big enough to scare you, they are not big enough for God

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