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Muslim refugees


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I have believed for a long time that God would have to do something big to help His people who are in lands of Islam.

Could the exodus of refugees be the start of a help that will save those people for Him? They are fleeing to lands where freedom to convert will be given them.

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Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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Or maybe there will be bloody clashes in the future as the number of Islamic immigrants overwhelms and transforms European culture. Perhaps all of the countries of Europe will ultimately become Muslim nations, creating millions of refugees who refuse to convert or die.

Could the exodus of refugees be the start of a help that will save those people for Him?

That's the big question, What will the slaves of hardline religion do when they are set free? 

The Parable of the Lamb and the Pigpen https://www.createspace.com/3401451

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In our local Christian book store one of the staff member is an ex muslim migrant to Australia, their daughter was born again in a Christian church and she and her husband gave their lives to Jesus soon after. They are not on their own, I have heard several testimonies of people that have come to Christianity after migrating away from an islamic nation, so you could very well be right Gail! 

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Could this be the equivalent of the Berlin Wall falling for the Middle East?

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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Could this be the equivalent of the Berlin Wall falling for the Middle East?

Yes, my thought, too. After the Soviet Union collapsed and opened up I was convinced that God's hand could and would do big things for His people still.

I thought that not all Muslims are terrorists, that many in their hearts desire peace just as we do. 

Edited by Gail
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Isaiah 32:17 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

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I thought that not all Muslims are terrorists, that many in their hearts desire peace just as we do. 

What if they are? God still desires to win terrorists. IMHO, the grace and providence of God extends far beyond our cultural, political and social limits. I just had a thought......if the Christians can't/won't go to Middle East to evangelize then God will bring the Muslims to the Christians.

Edited by lazarus

Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.


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...which just reveals that you know only the lies you have been told by Western media.

That is *nothing* like what Islam is actually about. Some unbiased study and reading, and some conversations with some actual Muslims, would transform your perspective, if you let it.

Frankly, Gail, in response to the question in the OP, based on what people *do* in the world - which, Jesus says in Matthew 25, is what distinguishes between the sheep and the goats - converting from Islam to Christianity is likely not a forward step. Count either lives snuffed out or 'persons helped', and Christianity and Islam are difficult to distinguish from one another (once you realise that bombed and droned and sniped people are just as dead as IEDed and beheaded people).

I know the intentions are good, but the level of xenophobia and ignorance is frankly horrifying. Human beings are human beings. Religions need to be judged by the *net* impact of their believers on the world: and with open eyes, not massive in-group/out-group prejudice that makes people like us the 'good guys' by default.

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Are any European countries in a position to evangelize incoming Muslim refugees considering the level of irrelevance of religion there?

Some unbiased study and reading, and some conversations with some actual Muslims, would transform your perspective, if you let it.

 Are you speaking of Muslims from totalitarian Middle Eastern nations extremely hostile to Christianity and Bibles, or those already living in more liberal and tolerant nations?

The Parable of the Lamb and the Pigpen https://www.createspace.com/3401451

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I am amazed that you would want to come to this forum and  acknowledge to the world at large the depth of your ignorance as to both the religion of Islam and of its members.


As far as I know all Muslims believe in same ONE thing.  Conquer the world and convert all to Muslims otherwise execute them, Jihad!


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I am amazed that you would want to come to this forum and  acknowledge to the world at large the depth of your ignorance as to both the religion of Islam and of its members.

A good primer can be read at prophetofdoom.net. 

To be an agent of creation is to serve the Creator.


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So, the following is a good primer?

I question that.

Prophet of Doom

is the best-documented, most comprehensive, presentation of Islam's five oldest and most reliable scriptural sources. Ishaq's Biography of Muhammad, Tabari's History of Islam, and Bukhari's and Muslim's Hadith, were used to reorder the Qur'an chronologically and to set its surahs into the context of Muhammad's life. When this evidence is evaluated systematically, the only rational conclusion is that Islam's lone prophet was a ruthless terrorist, a mass-murderer, a thief, slave trader, rapist and pedophile. [/quote]


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