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Bush Was Misled - Not A Liar

Dr. Shane

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Understandably the Gore supporters were disappointed when he won the popular vote and lost the electoral vote. That is completely understandable. It was the third time it had happened in US history.

Yet with time, most that voted for Gore, understanding that the electoral college elects the president and not the people directly, got over it. They accepted it as our Constitutional form of government. It is only a small handful that can't accept it.

We are the United States of America. That is 50 individual states that unite together to form one country but 50 individual states nontheless. Each state gets to elect two senators and each state gets to elect a certain number of representatives depending on thier population. Congress is thus elected state by state. The president is also elected in simular fashion. There is no national election where the winner takes all. The presidencial election is one of 50 individual state elections. Each state elects their own electoral college. Only those elected to the electoral college actually get to vote directly for the president. If it were not done this way small states like Iowa, Nevada, West Virgina and others would have virtually no voice in the presidencial election.

Both Gore and Bush understood it was a contest for the electoral college. Their entire campaigns were geared toward winning states, not individual votes. Bush won the constest. It was not a bad thing. For students of history, like myself, it was an awesome event to witness. Only twice before in American history had it ever happened. Bush's re-election was equally awesome as the first two were not re-elected.

Presidential election of 1876 Samual Tilden recieved 51% of the popular vote and Rutherford Hayes recieved 47%. Hayes won by 1 electoral vote. He did not seek re-election.

Presidencial election of 1888 Grover Cleveland won the popular vote by 100,000 but Benjamin Harrison won the elctoral college 233 to 168. He ran again against Grover Cleveland in 1892 but lost - two weeks after his wife died.

These two election happen 12 years apart from each other. It would take that plus 100 more years before it would happen again. And we were alive to witness it. From a historical prespective, that is awesome.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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Republican leaders were found guilty only a couple of month's ago of illegal activities in the NH elections

Perhap's NH should just have "gotten over" their illegal activities?

The modern Republican party is now being found guilty in court of a whole series of illegal activities. It takes a few years to work through their defenses and prove that they are engaged in a whole series of illegal and unethical actions.

It is sad, because I used to prefer the Republicans over the Democrats, but about 5-10 years ago the Republican's lost their direction. GWB is presiding over one of the most corrupt administrations in US history. What a place for a self-professed Christian to be.

Bush is in charge, let the lying, cheating, looting, and cover-ups continue.




Three men have been convicted of federal crimes for their involvement as of 2005. However, investigators and those who have followed the scandal closely believe that there were more people involved at the national level. It has been suggested that some high-ranking Republican Senate leaders were aware.

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There is voter fraud in every election - on both sides. This has always been the case. Richard Nixion very likely lost to John Kennedy in 1960 due to voter fraud. He didn't push the issue for the good of the nation. He didn't want to divide the nation like it has been since the 2000 election. The election of 1876 was even worse than 1960. Requiring picture ID for voting would do a lot at reducing voter fraud.

Power corrupts. If we go back to the 1980s we can see all the corrupt Democrats and the corrupt way they ran Congress. Tom Delay was following in their path and I am glad he has stepped down. Newt Gingrich was a reformer and it is too bad the media attacks on him were so successful.

There will be a shift in power again. There always is. I just hope the Democrat party is more moderate when they gain power again. However that may not be the case.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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I wasn't talking about the electoral college, Shane: I understand that system well, and would accept its verdict. I'm talking about Kathleen Baker's actions in Florida and the corrupt actions of the Supreme Court in stopping the recounts.

Truth is important

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Actually there was an offical recount but the Gore campaign wanted another and another. The Gore campaign wanted to keep recounting until he got enough votes to win. Let's not forget that fraud enters into the equation in the recounting process too. Gore first only requested that a handful of Democrat-controlled counties be recounted. After that failed to net him enough votes he requested that the whole state be recounted.

However what is most important to the discussion is that the media was able to obtain all ballots as a matter of public record and do their own recount. Of course they were hoping to discover that Gore actually won Florida which would have made such a great story after the Supreme Court had stopped the second or third recount. What they discovered was that George W. Bush actually won Florida. No matter how many times they were counted, George W. Bush won.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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It is only a small handful that can't accept it.

I don't think that is true, Shane...I think that a lot of people see the post polls projecting someone else than what actually gets elected, they suspect that there is some fraud going on...When they see whole neighborhoods,citys and counties known to be favoring one canidate eliminated from the voting process, I tend to think that the majority of Americans would jump on voting practices that eliminate the will of the American people...


Understandably the Gore supporters were disappointed when he won the popular vote and lost the electoral vote.

That has happened nearly 8 years ago...You need to focus on the present and what to do NOW, to prevent tragidies like this from happening again. IOWs, it's time to move on...What can be done NOW....?

Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve.


George Bernard Shaw


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Here is what your favorite source has to say...

U.S. presidential election, 2000


Following the election, recounts conducted by various U.S. news media organizations indicated that Bush would have won the most probable recount methods (including the one favored by Gore at the time of the Supreme Court decision) but that Gore might have won if other methods were adopted.

Pastoral Family Counselor... Find me at www.PostumCafe.com

Author of  Peculiar Christianity

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