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Furious Roseburg Residents to Obama: ‘The President is Not Welcome Here’

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Furious Roseburg Residents to Obama: ‘The President is Not Welcome Here’

 The publisher of a conservative newspaper in Roseburg, Oregon, aptly entitled the Roseburg Beacon, David Jaques, has some advice for Obama, who plans on visiting the Umpqua Community College where a murderous psychotic gunned down nine Christians last week… don’t bother. He’s not welcome there. And I’ll bet a whole bunch of people share that sentiment. Especially after Obama’s remarks politicizing the shooting. No one there wants Obama using a tragedy to score political points. It’s disgusting and evil. All to push gun control. Jacques said in an interview that any visit by the President would be “a campaign stop for an agenda to take away American citizen’s right to own firearms.” Jaques said the area is proud of Sheriff John Hanlin, who he said “put the administration on notice that if you pass any laws, edicts or executive actions that are either unconstitutional or extra-constitutional, they will not be enforced in Douglas County.” Hanlin has been savaged by the liberal national press after his letter to Vice President Joe Biden opposing gun control came to light. Figures. Obama should do everyone a favor and cancel his trip to sponge off the grief of those families Friday.


From the Daily Mail:

President Barack Obama will travel to Oregon this week to visit privately with families of the victims of last week’s shooting at a community college.

However the trip has angered locals in Roseburg who say Obama is ‘not welcome’ in the town because the visit will be nothing but a ‘grandstand for political purposes’.

Leading the chorus is David Jaques, the publisher of conservative newspaper the Roseburg Beacon.

‘I think that’s very inappropriate, and I think it’s disrespectful to the families,’ Jaques told Breitbart News.

Jaques believes Obama held a press conference straight after the shooting, in which nine people were killed, with another nine injures.

In Jaques’ opinion, the press conference was too soon.

‘We haven’t even identified bodies, we’ve still got incident command trying to contain the scene, and he’s holding a press conference 3,000 miles away from here, telling — almost implying that he could have single-handedly prevented this if the Congress would have listened to him.’

‘I think he admitted it himself.

‘His visit here isn’t a re-election campaign stop, but it is a campaign stop for an agenda that he and his associates believe is important.

‘And that is to take away Americans right to own firearms.’

‘It shows not only a total disdain, a disregard for Constitution, but our very citizens, especially those of us right here in Douglas County.

‘We believe in the Second Amendment. We believe in the whole Constitution.’

In a separate interview with Mediaite, Jaques accused Obama of wanting to ‘stand on the corpses of our loved ones and make some kind of political point’.

Obama will visit Roseburg on Friday as he opens a four-day trip to the West Coast.

No additional details about his visit were immediately available.

Obama has renewed his call for stricter gun laws following the shooting and has expressed exasperation at the frequency of mass shootings in the U.S.

The gunman, Christopher Harper-Mercer, executed nine people inside a classroom last Thursday and wounded nine others. He killed himself after a shootout with police.

Some faculty, staff and students have been bringing flowers to a makeshift memorial as they return to the campus for the first time since the shooting.

The president of the community college says at least one injured student has visited the campus on the day it reopened.

Faculty, staff and students began returning to Umpqua Community College on Monday, although classes don’t resume until next week.

College President Rita Cavin didn’t identify the injured student who came to campus.

She said professional groups are available to counsel faculty, students and staff as well as ‘comfort dogs’ that can help relieve stress.


Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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