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One State Just Gave Illegal Aliens Some Bad News

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BREAKING: One State Just Gave Illegal Aliens Some Bad News


Liberals will be sobbing poor, pitiful progressive tears into their Cheerios today. And it’s all because North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory just signed into law a bill that equals some very bad news for illegal aliens.




The Governor of North Carolina today signed one of the toughest law in the nation to crack down on illegal aliens in the state, stunning advocates for illegals and Democrat officials.

Governor Pat McCrory signed the Protect North Carolina Workers Act (HB 318) into law today, enacting provisions to help defend a state that has hard hit by illegal alien crime and job loss.

The main provisions of H318 include:

  • A total ban on ‘Sanctuary City’ policies, prohibiting any city or county from having in effect any policy, ordinance, or procedure that would restrict the enforcement of federal immigration law.

    This section, which many are calling the “Trump Clause,” was inspired by the horrific death of San Francisco native Kate Steinle, who was gunned down by a Mexican illegal alien in July, after he had been released under that city’s shameful sanctuary policies.

  • A ban on the use of the notorious Mexican “Matricula Consular” or other foreign consulate documents to determine a person’s identity or residency for government and law enforcement purposes.


    As the FBI has warned, consulate documents are vulnerable to fraud or forgery, and are frequently used to facilitate identity theft by illegal aliens. Yet Democrat-controlled sanctuary cities across the nation routinely accept them.

  • Mandatory E-Verify use to screen out illegal aliens for any employer with five employees or more — one of the toughest provisions in the nation

    The governor hailed the bill’s enactment:

    “Today, North Carolina is standing up for the rule of law, which is central to North Carolina values and our country’s values,” said Governor McCrory. “Public safety officials must have the flexibility and tools to investigate crimes and sanctuary city policies deprive law enforcement of those tools.”

    McCrory used the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office as a backdrop to sign the measure Wednesday. He was flanked by Sheriff BJ Barnes and other local law enforcement and political leaders.

    The governor said law enforcement must have the flexibility and tools to investigate crimes, and sanctuary city policies deprive officers of those tools.

Illegal immigrants and their liberal defenders are already doing lots of hand-wringing about this bill, complaining that it’s a sign of “hate” and promising that now, mothers won’t be able to pick up their kids from school and other such nonsense. But they seem to forget that illegal aliens have no right to be here; that they’re criminals who broke our laws and for some reason, think we should just smile, say thank you, and hand them wads of cash for being criminals. Sorry, people — in North Carolina, at least, that’s not going to happen.

Everything you do is based on the choices you make. It's not your parents, your past relationships, your job, the economy, the weather, an argument, or your age that is to blame. You and only you are responsible for every decision and choice you make, period ... ... Wish more people would realize this.

Quotes by Susan Gottesman

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