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Eyptian pyramids for grains

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I have mentioned this in the past, I believe it was either 2013 or 2014, one one of my trips to Israel, thanks to the generosity of the Israeli Gov't, I did yet another tour of Israel,  the fascinating thing, is that I sat with the tour guides at the break, and they were talking about Wyatt, and how the gov't has given some credibility to at least some of his unusual findings.  I was really surprised to here is name being brought up. Our driver, who was a closet Messianic Jew, has done a tour with people from Germany on the Wyatt findings.


For those who go to Israel, it was at the Dinning room close to the dead sea that has that HUGE gift shop.

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I cannot claim that Ron Wyatt was wrong about everything.  I do not know enough about some of the subjects involved to make that claim.

But, a major problem with him is that he often failed to provide the documentation for his discoveries.  He would acknowledge such and tell us why he would not provide documention. 

He certainly had that right.   I often in posts here in CA do not provide documentation of what I say.

But, when documentation is not provided, people have a right to reject the thesis.  That applies to both Ron Wyatt and to me.

That is one of the reasons why I consider him not to be a reliable witness.






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The blood sample that Ron said he found was always reported to be something that would be verified at a later date when GOD says it's time to show the AofC and 10 Commandments to the world when there is a National Sunday Law -- which is not yet here.

I remember that Richard Rives (the current president of Ron's organization) posted a microscopic video of the blood with things "moving" -- RON WYATT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT -- Ron was dead at that time, so it was NOT Ron Wyatt who misunderstood the Browning Movement!  LOTS of things about the AofC discovery have been taken down, many because people continue to IGNORE what we have said about how they must wait until the LORD says it's time to verify the discovery -- back when Ron first tested the blood sample and said it was still "alive," it's my understanding that he meant that IT HAD NOT DETERIORATED or become un-testable.  The chromosomes could still be counted.  And let's remember, Ron worked in a hospital as a nurse anesthetist -- he was around all sorts of professional people who dealt with BLOOD!

Ron Wyatt's work dealt with 7 major discoveries, and if you choose to focus one just one aspect of just one discovery and think that Ron was a "fraud" because of it, then I feel very sorry for you, Gregory -- you're really missing several blessings relating to Ron's OTHER discoveries!


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It goes to Wyatt' credibility and reliability.  You opened that door...

"Absurdity reigns and confusion makes it look good."

"Sinless perfection is such a shallow goal."

"I love God only as much as the person I love the least."

*Forgiveness is always good news. And that is the gospel truth.

(And finally, the ideas expressed above are solely my person views and not that of any organization with which I am associated.)

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I do not understand who is hunting down this stuff, so he believed  for whatever  reason, about the pyramids,  my response is nothing more than either a silence or a SO WHAT?

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Proverbs 18:13 -- "He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is a folly and shame unto him"...

Did Gregory fully research this matter of Ron Wyatt's blood sample of Christ before deciding to say there was something wrong with Ron Wyatt's understanding of the Browning Movement?  As I said earlier, IT WAS NOT RON WYATT WHO POSTED THAT VIDEO OF THINGS MOVING IN THE BLOOD SAMPLE -- it was Richard Rives -- and Richard Rives is still there at Ron's museum in Cornersville, TN -- so did Gregory ever try to call the museum and talk with Richard??  If not, then Gregory has done a very un-professional thing -- in fact it's a grave discourtesy to not talk with the man whose work you are going to try to discount!  And it is also a discourtesy to blame someone's error on the person who did NOT commit that error... Gregory said he distrusts Ron Wyatt because of Ron Wyatt's lack of understanding about the Browning Movement, WHEN IT WAS RICHARD RIVES HE SHOULD BE CRITICIZING!

Gregory even reported the chromosome count incorrectly -- he said that Ron said the blood had "a total of 23 chromosomes," with one added by GOD to make it 24...

Anybody notice the problem there with that statement?

We have always reported that the blood had a total of 24 chromosomes -- (that's what the word "total" means, it's the TOTAL) -- because 23 came from Mary, and the one Y sex-determinant chromosome came from GOD -- without that one Y chromosome Jesus could never be born as a male, so it HAD to come from somewhere!  So the TOTAL was 24, not 23 like Gregory confusingly wrote!

Before this thread ends I'm going to get all of you guys to look at those GRAIN BINS and post your responses to the GRAIN BINS...

....and for you all to understand that Ron Wyatt does not deserve the criticisms you are placing upon him.

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Gregory, I have an even better Bible verse for you:

"Thou shalt not bear false witness"!

The 9th Commandment!

Holding something against Ron Wyatt when it was Richard Rives who did it, is bearing a false witness against Ron!

How about an apology? 

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5 minutes ago, JimTN said:

The story of how Ron found the blood is on a number of websites, like www.ArkDiscovery.com 

Can you please give a 2 sentence summary?  please.

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Ron found the blood in two main places as he was digging in the Garden Tomb area where GOD supernaturally impressed him to dig in 1980-1981 to find the Ark of the Covenant -- the blood was in a split in the rocks underground, and later when Ron finally got into the cave (where Sister White wrote that the Ark was hidden), the blood was on the ceiling crack in the roof of the cave, and also on the stone lid of the case that contained the Ark of the Covenant.  There were 4 angels guarding the Ark (as Sister White also wrote) and one of them told Ron to take the blood to a lab and test for chromosomes -- Ron had a lab in Israel test it, and a lab in the U.S. -- and the people at both labs were amazed at seeing the very unique blood of Jesus that is unlike any other human blood with the 24 chromosomes!

I have to add another sentence:

The Bible says that Jesus was crucified near the tomb (the Garden Tomb), and Ron identified the crucifixion site as being between the Garden Tomb and the skull face at Golgotha -- the crucifixion site was directly above the cave containing the Ark of the Covenant, which is how Ron connected the blood to being Jesus' blood.

Edited by JimTN
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1 hour ago, Stan said:

JimTN  making an error is not beige false witness...

Then it is doing a really sloppy job of saying something about someone, when GOD wants us to be diligent about our words -- we will all be judged by our words, both spoken and written -- If we ever say something negative about someone, we had better be 100% sure we have our facts straight.

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On 11/5/2015, 1:09:22, whbae said:

Ben Carson said that Egyptian pyramids are not for the graves but to store grains by Joseph during 7 years of abundant.

in recent news Politico was caught fabricating a story about Ben Carson and Westpoint in one of it hit pieces against the Carson campaign -- so it would be nice to have an actual quote to start off with - for those who have "learned the lesson"  :)


But since we are on this subject however - lets get to actual details.


1. What years do you think the pyramids were built?

2. What year do think the world wide flood happened?

3. How much time after the flood - did it take to start building the pyramids in your view?

4. What years do you think Joseph was ruling in Egypt?

I am pretty certain that Ben Carson has his ideas on those details - what are your thoughts?

John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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13 hours ago, Stan said:

I have mentioned this in the past, I believe it was either 2013 or 2014, one one of my trips to Israel, thanks to the generosity of the Israeli Gov't, I did yet another tour of Israel,  the fascinating thing, is that I sat with the tour guides at the break, and they were talking about Wyatt, and how the gov't has given some credibility to at least some of his unusual findings.  I was really surprised to here is name being brought up. Our driver, who was a closet Messianic Jew, has done a tour with people from Germany on the Wyatt findings.


For those who go to Israel, it was at the Dinning room close to the dead sea that has that HUGE gift shop.

Interesting. I attended one of Wytatt's meetings and I am not at all convinced he was out to lie to anyone. Everything he was doing was at great expense to himself and was unpopular with many people.

John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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On 11/5/2015, 11:47:08, Bravus said:

Mind you, when asked about it this week, Dr Carson doubled down.

Two relevant facts:

1. The pyramids are 98% solid rock with a few small and awkward chambers. They're *terrible* grain stores.

2. There are actual hieroglyphic inscriptions on the pyramids themselves telling us what they were for... and it's not grain.

another examples of "Quote-less" claims..


So looking for the quote


“My own personal theory is that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain,” Carson said in a 1998 commencement speech at Andrews University, unearthed by BuzzFeed. “Now all the archaeologists think that they were made for the pharaohs’ graves. But, you know, it would have to be something awfully big — when you stop and think about it, and I don’t think it’d just disappear over the course of time — to store that much grain.”


watch him say it -


John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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Can't edit the quote above - so here is the edit.


So looking for the quote


My own personal theory is that Joseph built the pyramids to store grain,” Carson said in a 1998 commencement speech at Andrews University, unearthed by BuzzFeed. “Now all the archaeologists think that they were made for the pharaohs’ graves. But, you know, it would have to be something awfully big — when you stop and think about it, and I don’t think it’d just disappear over the course of time — to store that much grain. And when you look at the way that the pyramids were made with many chambers that were hermetically sealed they would have to be that way for a reason. And you know various scientists have said ' well you know there were alien beings that came down and they had special knowledge.'    You know it does not require an alien being when God is with you. ”


His argument was of the form "if you build storage units large enough to store grain for 7 years and feed not only Egypt but nations around you - then whatever you built may still be around today". One is free to differ with him - obviously that view plays no part in being President or being neurosurgeon.


Liberal media today - in the roll of thought police - would insist that Carson cannot have a "personal theory" on the pyramids or how long the storage units in Egypt would have to have lasted - because if he did - all he could be is  --- a brilliant neurosurgeon - but not a serious politcal successor to Obama.


But since we are on this subject however - lets get to actual details.


1. What years do you think the pyramids were built?

2. What year do think the world wide flood happened?

3. How much time after the flood - did it take to start building the pyramids in your view?

4. What years do you think Joseph was ruling in Egypt?

I am pretty certain that Ben Carson has his own personal ideas on those details - ideas that don't stop him from being a neurosurgeon.

- what are your thoughts?

John 8:32 - The Truth will make you free

“The righteousness of Christ will not cover one cherished sin." COL 316.

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They didn't store grain!

They are still being 'explored', read the latest in archaeology news.

Just because someone isn't setting out to lie, does not make what they say truth, ie Ron Wyatt.

For BC to think he is unfairly being picked one, wake up to the world of media! Politicos want the and need the media, they would just like to control it, ie the 'debates'.

And, yes, they did do their best to 'nit pick' Obama as well, BC seems to forget the years of 'birthers' and the media.


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Exactly a core reason why I  have a problem with Ron Wyatt, and which is the reason why many others have a problem with him.




Then it is doing a

really sloppy job of saying something about someone, when GOD wants us to be diligent about our words -- we will all be judged by our words, both spoken and written-- . . . .




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In a previous post, a statement was made to the effect that I had suggested that Ron Wyatt was a fraud.  Let me be clear as to  where I am about Ron Wyatt.

In my opinion:

1) Ron Wyatt was often wrong.

2) Being wrong does not make a persona liar.

3) Ron Wyatt was an unreliable witness.

4) Ron Wyatt made statements on subjects about which I do not have enough knowledge to evaluate.


Never have I said he was a fraud.




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JimTN, thank you for your posts on this subject.  What you have done substantiates in a major way what I have said and the places where you argue with me those issues are minor.

I believe that when the video of he blood slide was first placed on the website, Ron was still alive.   As the website was essentially Ron's I hold  him responsible.

Perhaps, it was first placed there after Ron's death.  If so, I have to assume that what  was placed was what was believed to be evidence produced by Ron Wyatt himself.   To believe anything else would suggest deliberate attempt by some unknown person to deceive and I would not attribute that to  anyone associated with Ron Wyatt.

Regardless, you have helped my case by essentially saying that I was correct in the major parts.  Thank you for your honesty, which is exactly what I expected from you--honesty, even if you were wrong on some part.



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I just quoted that what Ben Carson said.  To me this archeology does not mean any thing to me.  A lot of so call facts are mere

intelligent guessing.  I read somewhere the first pyramid was built to store grains which make a good sense to me.  Even if

this is not true it does not make any difference to me.

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Ben Carson is and was not a theologian, and he is just opinionating on pyramids.

he is not an archaeologist either.

and is experiencing that force of media focus, criticism, and ridicule... and this is a learning experience.

his ideas of sealed structures to preserve grain for seven years and correlating it with the known properties of the technology in the structure of pyramids is is a novel thought.... interesting.

the media is munching on this with critical thinking and chewing hard.  Let Ben learn...

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Love awakens love.

Let God be true and every man a liar.

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